genuineoriginal said:
What is there to understand? You wrote the most absurd thing I have ever read on TOL
you have yet to demonstrate an understanding of "survival is not a moral dilemma" and you have yet to demonstrate what is so absurd about it.
Survival is not paramount among priorities. Yours is the belief of the unenlightened in just about every religion, whether a false one or the true one. You are basing your entire argument on this thought. That is why it is so funny. You have just shown that your arguments are not worth listening to. :rotfl:
baseless assertion. please demonstrate that survival is not paramount.
So, what is your point in this? Sun Tzu is smarter than God? :rotfl: What a joke.
no, Sun Tzu is smarter than many of the people who penned the fictitious atrocities of the Old Testament.
A non-violent resolution is not beyond the competence of my God. He has shown that he is capable of this in other passages.
but we're not talking about those passages genuineoriginal, we're talking about the Jericho Genocide and in relation the destruction of Og, Sihon and Arad.
It does appear that violence as a means of resolving an issue is beyond your comprehension. Sometimes it is the best way of solving a problem. Just look at the death penalty. It is violent, and is the best way of solving a problem. Jericho is an example of a death penalty upon an entire city instead of a single person.
if you truly understood my position then you wouldn't have written a word of this inane paragraph. survival on the battlefield entails killing before one is killed. survival is not a factor when destroying defenseless non-combatants.
please demonstrate how survival is threatened by non-combatants, please demonstrate how survival is preserved by destroying defenseless non-combatants. please demonstrate how an already acheived victory improves with the slaughter of non-combatants.
Calling war immoral is calling the God of the Bible immoral, which is what you have been doing all along.
no, i've been calling the authors of the myth immoral. that you cannot understand this is not my problem... what increasingly does become my problem is when you mischaracterize and misrepresent my argument and condemn me based on your failure to comprehend.
Calling God immoral can never change the fact that you are immoral (as are all of us humans).
you'll never hear me claim a special moral status, just as you'll never hear me claim that your god is immoral as he does not exist. the writers of the Old Testament were immoral, there's a world of difference.
Do you wear that blindfold while you are driving also? I refer to the record of history which refutes your beliefs. There have been people who have said that there are ways of winning wars without bloodshed, and that civilians are to be treated as non-combatants.
which record of history is that? you didn't cite any sources, you didn't quote scholars or literature or books on military combat. what's this innocuous record of history you speak of? i see nothing.
Sun Tzu, a master of the art of war, a man whose word has been revered and followed for longer than that of your spiritual leader's says that to defeat an enemy with little to no blood shed is the "acme of skill".
generals and tacticians have venerated him for this for thousands of years.
in your great wisdom, perhaps you could give us an example of how Sun Tzu is wrong? so far you've said he is wrong, but you have failed to demonstrate how. just as you are continually failing to address "survival is not a moral dilemma" and just as you failed to address the mythical christ argument.
There is a word for those people. :loser:
Sun Tzu is a loser? please elaborate. perhaps your words of wisdom will influence nations and armies and battles for the next two millenia as his have.
History has shown that civilians are also combatants.
history has shown that civilians become combatants when left no choice. if one follows the Art of War this tragedy is easily avoided. Sun Tzu wrote of this over 2000 years ago and his wisdom still rings true today, as i amply demonstrated with his own words.
History has shown that the people who try to win wars without shedding blood have to give up their lives to avoid hurting someone else.
if you had paid attention to my post... nay, had you any knowledge of Sun Tzu at all you would not have written such an ignorant sentence.
the words of Sun Tzu that i quoted were directions for conduct
during war, not before in an effort to prevent war :nono: Sun Tzu was speaking of winning
battles, of obtaining victory in
battle. he was not speaking of avoiding war altogether.
History shows that an initial display of extreme force is more effective in preventing future bloodshed than any other method.
really? once again you mention history and what it "shows" but you have yet to reference a single event, general, quotation, record, document, book, annal or legend that backs up your claim.
you're grasping for straws and it's obvious to everyone.
Please read "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card for a better explanation of this.
i already read a book for you genuineoriginal and i proved my point quite well

you on the otherhand are completely unprepared for a discussion of this depth. had the results of my study not turned out so well i would rue the moment we began speaking and would consider this entire effort as a collosal waste of time.
as it stands i've disembowled you and am currently dancing in your mutilated remains.
cue the devil dance.
ahem... now that we've got that out of the way...
You are arguing from the standpoint of a defensive battle, not an offensive one. In an offensive battle, we kill the enemy in order to take what the enemy possesses. This is often land, but can apply to goods as well. If the purpose is to take land, then the enemy must be defeated in such a way that the enemy will not rise up to take back the land.
and Sun Tzu is quite explicit that there are many ways to weaken the enemy so as to minimize casualties. he also demonstrates that a key to victory is to win the hearts of the people. he is clear that the limit of plunder never extends to the point you suggest is morally acceptable, that being the slaughter of defenseless women and children.
You have yet to counter this assertion, or even acknowledge that you are willing to consider it.
in any battle you destroy the enemies that need to be destroyed in order to acheive victory, no more, no less. this strategy has been honored and revered and followed for longer than the ethical teachings of your mythical lord and savior. your definition of the enemy includes those who do not threaten the survival of the army or the acheivement of victory.
consider your assertion countered.
now please, if you're going to continue blathering in this thread there is still time to undo the damage you have done to yourself.
you can start by answering the entirety of my posts.
you can follow up by acknowledging my position and demonstrating a working knowledge of my position.
you can continue to undo the damage you have wrought on yourself by actually challenging "survival is not a moral dilemma".
any attempt to avoid these demands will be equivocation on your part and
i promise you, everyone will see it and everyone will know it.
don't do this for me, do it for yourself.
have some shame man and here your pants back.