Flat earth proven false

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Flat-earthers claim that they are only following what their senses tell them when they say that the earth is flat. But flat-earthers aren't looking at the whole picture and they are ignoring all evidence to the contrary; for example...

These are the phases of the moon as seen in the Northern Hemisphere:

These are the same phases of the moon as seen in the Southern Hemisphere:
Notice two things about the images above:

1) The moon appears upside down in one hemisphere as compared with the other.
2) In the Northern Hemisphere the sunlit part of the moon appears to move from right to left. In the Southern Hemisphere the sunlit part appears to move from the left to the right.

Once again, in the Northern Hemisphere the sunlit part of the moon moves from right to left, as demonstrated in this graphic:


But in the Southern Hemisphere the sunlit part moves from the left to the right, like so:


If Earth is flat, how is this possible? Flat-earthers have no answer.

If Earth is spherical, how is it possible for the moon to appear upside down in one hemisphere as compared with the other? Mainstream science has an answer. Here's a hint:


But wait! There's more! In the Northern Hemisphere, the stars appear to rotate counter-clockwise around the North Star, Polaris, as shown in this video:


But in the Southern Hemisphere, the stars appear to rotate clockwise:

In fact, you can stand near the equator in some location such as in the Central American nation of Ecuador, and look north to view the stars rotating counter-clockwise, and then you can turn around and look south to view the stars rotating clockwise. There is a website dedicated to this phenomenon. Here is the address: http://sguisard.astrosurf.com/Pagim/From_pole_to_pole.html Check it out yourself!

In summary:

1) The moon appears upside down in one hemisphere as compared with the other.
2) In the Northern Hemisphere the sunlit part of the moon appears to move from right to left. In the Southern Hemisphere the sunlit part appears to move from the left to the right.
3) In the Northern Hemisphere, the stars appear to rotate counter-clockwise around the area of the North Star, Polaris.
4) In the Southern Hemisphere, the stars appear to rotate clockwise.

NOTE: LIST OF PROOFS IS BEING CONTINUALLY UPDATED. Here are some additional proofs not included above:

5) In the northern hemisphere, the moon rises and sets from left to right. But in the southern hemisphere, the moon rises and sets from right to left.

None of this is explainable on a flat earth, but if the earth is a globe, it all makes perfect sense.

But wait, there's more! More questions flatties avoid answering, such as: If the earth is flat, what is the approximate length of the Arctic Circle and what is the approximate length of the Antarctic Circle?

Watch Dave avoid this like the plague.
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Well-known member
That's beautiful to look at and I am a Globular Earther but some FE'ers say the moon is like TV image on the dome firmament as are the stars. So...

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My purpose in starting this separate thread was to put all of the proof for a globe in the opening post, so everyone can read it when they click on the thread. If you have any other proofs you want to add, post them here!

patrick jane

My purpose in starting this separate thread was to put all of the proof for a globe in the opening post, so everyone can read it when they click on the thread. If you have any other proofs you want to add, post them here!
Here's the first proof that you can't answer. I know that nobody has ever circumnavigated the globe going south. Using the globe model, If you start at the north pole and go south to the alleged south pole, once you pass the fake pole you will not start going north again. You can't go from the top of the globe to the bottom of the globe and then back up the OTHER SIDE.

A true circumnavigation, a complete circle around the ball. Nobody can do it no matter what transportation mode they use. Not a plane, a jet, a rocket, a nuclear submarine with endless fuel nor a balloon etc. I propose that if you start going south from any point on the globe/ball you will never come back up the other side because we're not on a globe. Instead, what will happen is that you never find the end and/or the "southernmost" point. The fake south pole is simply halfway around the fake globe according to the fake measurements of earth.
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Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Isaiah 40:22 New International Version (NIV)

22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,
and its people are like grasshoppers.
He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,
and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

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Here's the first proof that you can't answer. I know that nobody has ever circumnavigated the globe going south.

How do you know that? Have you ever tried it? You could try but you won't because you are part of the Illuminaty plan to hide the biblical truth of an oblate spheroidal earth, all for the sake of mammon.

patrick jane

Isaiah 40:22 New International Version (NIV)

22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,
and its people are like grasshoppers.
He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,
and spreads them out like a tent to live in.
Yes, that's a good scripture, among many from Genesis, Isaiah, Job and many other books and verses that describe the enclosed flat earth and firmament. Some folks see a globe when the read Isaiah 40:22 KJV - [FONT=&quot]It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

I see the enclosed earth and cosmos as we know the earth is His footstool. Then we also know that God separated the waters from the waters. The waters. Genesis 1:7 KJV - [FONT=&quot]It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

What are you saying BR, do you think the God describes a moving, flying, spinning ball streaking through the firmament at hundreds of millions of mph?
Or are you offering scripture to disprove the globe concept? I have a thread called Biblical Enclosed Flat Earth and Firmament specifically for scriptures. Check it out sometime.

patrick jane

You can prove it yourself. So far, you seem unwilling to do so.
I am going to. If I can do it I'm going to address every example in the OP point by point and destroy them. When I have the time. It's not my top priority right now. We already had 3 threads dealing with flat earth to begin with, now four. Keep in mind I'm the only guy here most times defending the flat earth possibility. It's 10 against 2. Have some mercy on us. :chuckle:

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I am going to. If I can do it I'm going to address every example in the OP point by point and destroy them.

You can add another proof to those already in the OP:

"In the summer time at Scott Base in Antarctica, there are 4 months in which the Sun never sets. From the latter part of October through the latter part of February, the Sun stays above the horizon line, giving each day 24 hours of sunlight." -- https://petapixel.com/2015/08/18/a-time-lapse-of-24-hours-of-sunlight-in-antarctica/

Now, if the earth is as flat as a pizza and the South Pole is its outer crust, how can the sun shine on it 24-7 for 4 months straight?

patrick jane

You can add another proof to those already in the OP:

"In the summer time at Scott Base in Antarctica, there are 4 months in which the Sun never sets. From the latter part of October through the latter part of February, the Sun stays above the horizon line, giving each day 24 hours of sunlight." -- https://petapixel.com/2015/08/18/a-time-lapse-of-24-hours-of-sunlight-in-antarctica/

Now, if the earth is as flat as a pizza and the South Pole is its outer crust, how can the sun shine on it 24-7 for 4 months straight?
I just watched a video explaining that on a flat earth and posted it in Dave's thread. Also, I'll see if I can find an accurate summary of the circuits or paths the sun and moon make on a flat earth and why it works exactly the way it should on a flat earth but NOT on a globe.

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I just watched a video explaining that on a flat earth and posted it in Dave's thread. Also, I'll see if I can find an accurate summary of the circuits or paths the sun and moon make on a flat earth and why it works exactly the way it should on a flat earth but NOT on a globe.

None of which disproves anything I said. Have a look at this:


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In the northern hemisphere, the moon rises and sets from left to right...

But in the southern hemisphere, the moon rises and sets from right to left...

Makes perfect sense if the Earth is a globe but no sense at all if Earth is flat.

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Dwayne Kellum sent up a high altitude balloon with a camera attached--WITH NO FISHEYE LENS. This video is the complete footage. At around the 2:11:30 mark, the camera is above 100,000 feet and you can see some curvature:
