firing squads (say libs) are a return to the barbaric past

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
That's all I was saying, dude.

Millennials struggle with basic communications and have no jobs skills. So no surprise your "point" was actually dull, stupid, and not worth discussing.

Back to the topic of executing murderers. In our neighborhood 22 years ago a hitman knocked off a woman whose husband hired him. The hitman was executed. Yet the husband gets "life". How is that possible? How is that just that she gets death and he gets life? That is the very definition of injustice.
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  • The death penalty is barbaric; firing squads are a return to the past

so say libs... in response to Utah considering (I think they have accepted at this point) firing squads as a method of death for murderers (since Utah can't get the lethal drugs from Europe)

[The death penalty for babies in the womb is totally acceptable, however]

Which TOLers would volunteer to send the villain to his maker?

Welcome Back, Kotter Arnold Horshack Raising Hand


I have a hard time believing that the US can't figure out something to inject in veins that will kill somebody.

Air works. :idunno:



The punishment cannot be cruel and unusual. The death penalty is not unusual, therefore constitutional. The most liberal American hating poli-sci professor I had in college fully admitted it. And last time I checked, lethal injection is quite common for capital punishment...

Unfortunately it's more unusual as we progress :freak: beyond God.

The death penalty shall not be remitted (Num. 35:31).


New member
My only problem with the death penalty is that our justice system is imperfect. Many inmates have been exonerated with either new evidence or new technology.