Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"


like marbles on glass
The politicians who tried to overturn an election — and the local news team that won’t let anyone forget it

The journalists at WITF, an all-news public radio station in Harrisburg, Pa., made a perfectly reasonable decision a few months ago.​
They decided they wouldn’t shrug off the damaging lies of election denialism.​
They wouldn’t do what too many in Big Journalism have done in recent months: shove into the memory hole the undemocratic efforts by some Republican elected officials to delegitimize or overturn the 2020 presidential election.​
Too many Sunday news shows repeatedly book the likes of Kevin McCarthy, Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson without reminding viewers how these members of Congress tried to undo the results of the election — and encouraged the Trumpian lies about election fraud that led to the violent assault on the U.S. Capitol less than four months ago. A rare exception is CNN’s “State of the Union,” which hasn’t booked a single member of the so-called Sedition Caucus since January. . . .​
Months before the election, the station’s reporters and editors were already deeply alarmed by what they saw unfolding. “We could see the disinformation really taking hold, this idea that the only way President Trump could lose is if the election were rigged,” Tim Lambert, the station’s news director, told me last week.​
The deadly culmination of that anti-democratic lie, the Capitol insurrection on Jan. 6, solidified their thinking. In late January, the station — whose newsroom includes six reporters and two editors — posted an explanatory story stating that they would be regularly reminding their audience that some state legislators signed a letter urging Congress to vote against certifying the Pennsylvania election results, and that some members of Congress had voted against certifying the state’s election results for President Biden, despite no evidence to support their election-fraud claims.​
These elected officials, WITF reminded its audience, either knowingly spread disinformation or flat-out lied in an effort to keep Trump in office.​
“This was an unprecedented assault on the fabric of American democracy,” the statement said.​
The station has stuck to its pledge in its day-to-day coverage ever since, by simply and without fanfare including boilerplate language about how lawmakers conducted themselves during the attempts to overturn the election whenever they are mentioned in the course of regular news coverage.​

Never forget.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
How dramatic, how brave... 🙄 Where are my pearls that I may clutch them!?!?

Here is one question that this pathological liar annab will never answer, which I brought up in this thread:

When the masses and hoards of seething angry mobs descended upon the capitol in Wisconsin, Republican Governor Walker actually let the mobs inside the capitol for their protests..

Why did Democrats in DC decide to shoot American protestors like Chinese Communists, instead of letting them in to hear them the way a Republican would?

You'll never hear anna even attempt to answer that.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum


Well-known member
Temp Banned
“The president was trying to stage a coup. There was little chance of it happening, but there was enough chance that the former defense secretaries had to put out that letter, which was the final nail through that effort. They prevented the military from being involved in any coup attempt. But instead, Trump tried to incite it himself,” said Fiona Hill, Trump’s former top Russia adviser. “This could have turned into a full-blown coup had he had any of those key institutions following him. Just because it failed or didn’t succeed doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.”

Trump Officials Rush to Keep Him From Sparking Another Conflict—at Home or Abroad

High-ranking national-security officials have spent the last 24 hours scrambling to figure out how to keep their commander-in-chief, Donald Trump, from inciting further violence at home, spilling national secrets, or sparking last-minute confrontations with international foes.

The concerns in the upper echelons of the administration’s national-security community range from fears inside the Pentagon that the president will do or say something that effectively throws the U.S. into a military confrontation with another country to anxieties in the intelligence apparatus that Trump will divulge classified intelligence on his way out, according to four officials who spoke with The Daily Beast about the matter. All requested to remain anonymous in order to speak more openly about the discussions.

“This isn’t a hypothetical anymore,” said one senior administration official. “This is real. What happened yesterday changed the calculus. People are concerned about [the president’s] state of mind.”

Much more at the link.

“Yesterday was the worst day for the Republican Party since Lincoln’s assassination.”
— Joe Grogan, Trump’s former top domestic policy adviser
The President was trying to stop the fraud and theft of a Presidential election, but sadly he failed. You don’t have one clue what a coup is.