Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"


Well-known member
Select portions of her hearsay evidence is accepted by the dumbacraps as irrefutable truth? If she was telling the truth then why are the democrats refusing to release the full transcripts of her multiple interrogations like Rep. Gohmert has asked for the American people? At the very least she should be cross-examined by defense witnesses instead of continuing this partisan democrat pretense of a just trial charade?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Poll: Entire World ‘Unhappier, More Stressed’ Since Joe Biden Took Over – Especially Afghanistan​

A poll released by Gallup on Tuesday found the world “sadder, more worried, and more stressed-out” in 2021 than the year before, pushing its “negative experience index” to a record high of 33 points in the first year of U.S. President Joe Biden’s term.


like marbles on glass
Hutchinson's bombshell Jan. 6 testimony sways legal experts and conservative media

David French, an editor with the conservative publication The Dispatch, praised Hutchinson for "the most extraordinary congressional testimony I've ever seen," and said her appearance before the committee shifted his skepticism about it producing evidence that Trump was criminally responsible for the Capitol attack.

"Hutchinson's sworn testimony closes a gap in the criminal case against Trump, and Trump is closer to a credible prosecution than ever before," he wrote.

The right-leaning Washington Examiner said Hutchinson's testimony "ought to ring the death knell for former President Donald Trump's political career" and that "Trump is unfit to be anywhere near power ever again."

The hearings, which have been extended due to new evidence, are likely to include additional testimony from Hutchinson.

Elie Honig, a former federal prosecutor, told NPR's Rachel Martin that Hutchinson's testimony about Trump requesting the magnetometers be removed builds a "prosecutable case against Donald Trump."

Honig told NPR the reports that question the anecdote about what took place in Trump's vehicle are potentially damaging.

"This is what we call a credibility contest, and people would have to decide who they believe," Honig said.

"I think it's really important to note that another White House staffer Alyssa Farah...has said publicly that she testified to the committee about something that Tony Ornato said to her that was damning to the president and Ornato, she said, falsely denied that as well," Honig said. "If I have to decide between Cassidy Hutchinson and Alyssa Farah...and Tony Ornato, I'm coming out on Hutchinson and Farah's side."

"She came across to me, using my former prosecutor lens, as very credible," Honig added. "She was careful, she's corroborated, she's backed up by other evidence. And she has nothing to gain by doing this."


Well-known member
Psst.... this is not a trial.
Exactly. Hearsay evidence, conviction by accusation, anonymous witnesses whose identity must remain secret and who cannot be cross-examined, unsupported opinions, suspension of civil and human rights of defendants, strange conspiracy theories without substance or evidence, tainted juries, corrupt biased jurors, and so forth.


like marbles on glass
Exactly. Hearsay evidence, conviction by accusation, anonymous witnesses whose identity must remain secret and who cannot be cross-examined, unsupported opinions, suspension of civil and human rights of defendants, strange conspiracy theories without substance or evidence, tainted juries, corrupt biased jurors, and so forth.

What did you think of the ten Benghazi hearings, and so forth?


like marbles on glass
Conservative outlets such as the Washington Examiner and National Review have certainly been convinced by it.

I've been thinking about the fact that the committee already has Engel's testimony, and highly doubt Liz Cheney would send Hutchinson in that direction if she wasn't already aware where she would end up.


Well-known member
Let the record show that although the GOP tried super-hard, they couldn't find anything to charge Hillary with.
Even Comey admitted she, like Bill Ayers admitted about himself 40 years ago, "was guilty as hell but free as a bird."
I resubmit this montage of Hillary's record for the record:

Here is one for the records. Check out especially what Hillary's campaign manager said about Benghazi.
Hillary Clinton Memes, Cartoons and Funny Videos | James Perloff

Comey was not authorized to forgive Hillary of her sins but he did anyway, after admitting she was guilty as sin. Comey's excuse for forgiving her was he thought she meant no harm with her multiple violations of federal laws. In truth, Comey was probably more worried about what might happen to him like happened to Seth Rich, Vince Foster and possibly 2 dozen other hapless Clinton former acquaintances who died mysteriously after crossing the Clintons.


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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

Literally nothing's changed because of "J6"

Same number of people who wanted former President Trump in jail all throughout his administration, still want him in jail now

Net effect of "J6" dog and pony show on public opinion: zero


like marbles on glass

Literally nothing's changed because of "J6"

Same number of people who wanted former President Trump in jail all throughout his administration, still want him in jail now

Net effect of "J6" dog and pony show on public opinion: zero

Zero is an overstatement which can't be supported.