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I reckon you'll find that Rusha is against any sort of abuse, including that of women towards men, but hey, don't let those presumptions of yours get in the way of your little crusade...

The last time I checked, I'm a 'drama queen' for bringing up what women do, and yet the devil for not pertaining to men's faults.

But as per usual, advocate your demigoddesses. Even when they are wrong, they are right, remember? :chuckle:


Hall of Fame
The last time I checked, I'm a 'drama queen' for bringing up what women do,

You forgot neanderthal ... and you didn't bring up *what women do*, you just whined nonstop about men getting the short end of the stick regardless of their behavior.

Men and/or women who cheat, abuse, etc. do not deserve my sympathy. That is reserved for the other person who is on the receiving end of their abuse.


Well, you don't exactly consider rape to be anything of a big deal

With you all, considering rape anything less then murder will have one claiming I don't think it's a big deal.

That's called being insufferable feminists, not people of reason, and why should I reason with the unreasonable?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It's funny how Rusha finds it necessary to tell me that 'there is no humor in domestic abuse'...
You have an interesting idea of humor.

but has nothing but mockery in the way of women running off with the man's house, money, and kids via her making a false accusation of actual, threatening assault.
I'm sure it happens, but it's exceptional. Because you still have to have a hearing, evidence and adjudication on the complaint.

This is where I bring up accountability and how women have none where men are force fed it, but what's the point :rolleyes:
There's no point in trying to foist your bitter (for whatever reason) posit off on people as though it was empirically true when it isn't.

Unless women shoot their husband, they'll never experience it
I've represented men who have their kids, the home, etc. now as well as a divorce, but mostly that doesn't happen because mostly it's still men doing the vast majority of the cheating and beating that ends marriages.

and since women are so self-centered, it's basically hopeless that they ever will concede that they are abysmally immoral.
That's the least objective and saddest assessment I've read around here in a while.


I'm sure it happens, but it's exceptional. Because you still have to have a hearing, evidence and adjudication on the complaint.

I've known three cases personally in my own experience alone.

The judicial system is a joke. It will literally come down to someone stubbing their toe on a door jam in a heated argument that decides the fate of the whole thing.

That, I've actually seen with my own eyes at a trial, where I was called in as a witness to say nobody was assaulted.

It's a complete disgrace of our society.

mostly it's still men doing the vast majority of the cheating and beating that ends marriages.

What ends marriages most typically, is the routine act of women being generally dissatisfied with their marriage and yet selling it as being something else to vindicate their selfishness.

I'll tell you this: The divorce rate being nearly 50/50 is not due largely to abuse and adultery on the men's side.

If that's true, then men in general are just plain evil. But it's not, it's a lie that feminism has put into your mind.


Men controlled the legislative agendas when no fault divorce laws were passed. And men wrote the rules that protected minor children in divorce cases. Men built the whole system you are upset with.


Men controlled the legislative agendas when no fault divorce laws were passed. And men wrote the rules that protected minor children in divorce cases. Men built the whole system you are upset with.

They didn't intend for people to go to jail for swatting a fly, just like they didn't intend on probable cause (protection from police harassment) to be rendered practically inept.

They assumed people would fear some higher power and have some sense with these laws, but liberalism/feminism made it a complete joke. The whole judicial system is without honor, and should be ashamed of itself.


They didn't intend for people to go to jail for swatting a fly, just like they didn't intend on probable cause (protection from police harassment) to be rendered practically inept.

They assumed people would fear some higher power and have some sense with these laws, but liberalism/feminism made it a complete joke. The whole judicial system is without honor, and should be ashamed of itself.
Are you married? Have you personally suffered any injustice from the judicial system? Are you expecting to suffer?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I've known three cases personally in my own experience alone.
I could give you a number of questionable calls. But if we're going to compare personal experience, I handled VAWA cases exclusively for a few years, tried God knows how many cases and had a lot of CLE hours in conferences on the subject, helped raise the standards and awareness in applying VAWA among police and judiciary. And I can tell you that with rare exception the rule remained that those adjudicate guilty were actual abusers being penalized on the strength of evidence that was more than singular personal testimony.

The judicial system is a joke. It will literally come down to someone stubbing their toe on a door jam in a heated argument that decides the fate of the whole thing.
Simply not true. If you or someone you love had a bad experience I'd suggest that either it was the rare exception or someone isn't being entirely honest with you.

That, I've actually seen with my own eyes at a trial, where I was called in as a witness to say nobody was assaulted.
I'd have to have more than your narrowed representation of the evidence presented. If you were literally a witness to the reported incident and there was not outside conflicting testimony your friend should either win there or on appeal. But the chances are you were part of a larger hearing and, usually, when its something like this the prosecuting attorney will invoke "the rule" which precludes witnesses from hearing the testimony of others so as not to taint the recollection and witness of any. Which means you won't be privy to other and potentially damning testimony to say nothing of additional evidence, from police observation to medical records. Judges hate being overturned and/or remanded on hearings. And they tend to bring a great deal of experience to their observations and rulings.

It's a complete disgrace of our society.
It isn't unless you confuse/conflate the anecdotal with the rule, which is understandably what can happen with people who lack training in statistics, analytic approach and/or hold a personal stake in a perceived injustice.

What ends marriages most typically, is the routine act of women being generally dissatisfied with their marriage and yet selling it as being something else to vindicate their selfishness.
Not really. I think you have a habit of confusing your animosity and what it drives you to think with a sustainable fact. But it isn't.

I'll tell you this: The divorce rate being nearly 50/50 is not due largely to abuse and adultery on the men's side.
You tell me all sorts of things. What's your factual, statistically driven model? Or do you know a couple of people. Because if you lived in a really bad neighborhood you might extrapolate the country to be almost overwhelmed by criminals using your modus operandi, to illustrate.

But the whole half of marriages end in divorce is subject to debate. I've read research that had the number at closer to forty one percent, when you get into crunching.

"This highest rate of divorce in the 2001 survey [of the Fertility and Family Branch of the Census Bureau] was 41 percent for men who were then between the ages of 50 and 59, and 39 percent for women in the same age group."​

If that's true, then men in general are just plain evil.
Now we're back to analytic shortfalls. If all of those divorces were male faulted and dealt with violence and/or infidelity you could at best say men with serious impulse control issues comprise a frightening portion but weren't in the majority.

But no one is saying that. A great many marriages end over financial stress, age and unrealistic expectations. A not inconsiderable second is infidelity, where men are the majority but not exclusive offender. And violence runs third in, the last time I saw stats on it. So of that forty-ish percent a not inconsiderable but not overwhelming number are rooted in the sort of behavior that is mostly problematic for men. But that's a relatively small number on the whole. No blanket condemnation by any reasoned stretch.

But it's not, it's a lie that feminism has put into your mind.
Rather, your lack of particular education and information has put into your noggin a thing of no particular worth, that either created or sustains a wrong headed notion and hostility.

Lastly, the rate of divorce has been declining steadily since around 1980. And if you have a marriage that has lasted 35 years or so your chances of divorce are nominal. Most divorces occur fairly early and are disproportionately found among the young.


Men controlled the legislative agendas when no fault divorce laws were passed. And men wrote the rules that protected minor children in divorce cases. Men built the whole system you are upset with.

they were obviously puppets of their wives :duh:


meanwhile, in the uk:
More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals

Campaign group Parity claims assaults by wives and girlfriends are often ignored by police and media
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Assaults on men represent more than 40% of domestic violence in the UK.

About two in five of all victims of domestic violence are men, contradicting the widespread impression that it is almost always women who are left battered and bruised, a new report claims.

Men assaulted by their partners are often ignored by police, see their attacker go free and have far fewer refuges to flee to than women, says a study by the men's rights campaign group Parity.

The charity's analysis of statistics on domestic violence shows the number of men attacked by wives or girlfriends is much higher than thought. Its report, Domestic Violence: The Male Perspective, states: "Domestic violence is often seen as a female victim/male perpetrator problem, but the evidence demonstrates that this is a false picture."

Data from Home Office statistical bulletins and the British Crime Survey show that men made up about 40% of domestic violence victims each year between 2004-05 and 2008-09, the last year for which figures are available. In 2006-07 men made up 43.4% of all those who had suffered partner abuse in the previous year, which rose to 45.5% in 2007-08 but fell to 37.7% in 2008-09.

Similar or slightly larger numbers of men were subjected to severe force in an incident with their partner, according to the same documents. The figure stood at 48.6% in 2006-07, 48.3% the next year and 37.5% in 2008-09, Home Office statistics show.



The UK has the highest divorce rate in the world. The wives beat their husbands :chuckle:

That's feminism for you; in it's highest form, in the most liberal country there is.

Christ's Word

New member
I don't need feminism to promote hatred of men.

I don't need feminism to have the right to vote.

I don't need feminism to feel empowered.

I don't need feminism. Neither does anyone else.


ok now, this is just creepy:



New member
ok now, this is just creepy:


Glad there's a HIDE button.

The judicial system is a joke. It will literally come down to someone stubbing their toe on a door jam in a heated argument that decides the fate of the whole thing.
Town Heretic: Simply not true. If you or someone you love had a bad experience I'd suggest that either it was the rare exception or someone isn't being entirely honest with you.

I must disagree. In Canada at least the judicial system is so badly broken and so much injustice is occurring on such a grand scale by government and a whole mafia of lawyers, that injustice and bungled justice are the norm, not the exception.

Thats not just clinical experience, sans statistical support:

I wish you would weigh in on these threads here:

Canadian Govt now admits over 1,200 missing native girls, not 600

Nazi Scumbags in Canadian Govt. Hellbent on Killing Jews

These are just a few of the injustices being perpretrated by government
on a 'class action suit' scale in U.S. terms.
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