The 5 solas
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A young friend of mine shared this on Facebook. She is 18 (We know her and her family through Westernaires) and she agreed with the sentiments expressed. I very wise young woman.
Oh, I liked those very much!!
A young friend of mine shared this on Facebook. She is 18 (We know her and her family through Westernaires) and she agreed with the sentiments expressed. I very wise young woman.
How convenient for you.
I suspect the number of women you speak for is minute.
Why don't you refrain from voting if you don't believe women should have been given the right to vote?
Why not let your husband do the offsetting?
A woman should define HERSELF and her role rather than allowing a man or society to define it for her.
Where feminism comes into play for myself is understanding that I am not under the thumb
No respect given means no respect received.
I know the majority number of women you speak for, are devilish.
I think this statement has to bring into account my initial comments in this post.......feminism definitions vary hugely. I am not a feminist, but I do vote because I believe it to be my responsibility as a Canadian Citizen, etc. and I am legally able to vote. If I did not have the right to vote, I honestly would not be up in arms over it. I believe God is sovereign in all things, but that is another thread subject.
Translation: When a woman defines herself
This is how Rusha sees being under authority. Being under the thumb. Kind of like getting clubbed over the head with a baseball bat.
I work, I am under authority. I treat those above me with respect, and we all get along happy.
Are there conditions that must be meet before respect given in the Scriptures?
The voting argument is weak.
I pay into Social Security. It is evil. It needs to go away. When I reach the age to receive, I will most certainly will take.
If Nang has the right to vote she can. You guys can't count? Is 2 greater than 1?
The feminists have no moral grounds for their agenda, and because they cannot excuse or explain their devilish ways, they instead will bash Christians who point out the wickedness of their beliefs.
Every time she disagrees with a man on TOL, she is violating her supposed standards.
Feminism is
People seem to have varying definitions of what feminism is, in their minds and how they apply it to their lives. I would be interested to hear some of the various views by the men and women of this forum and how they live it out.
If her belief is that it's wrong and unbiblical for women to vote, why would that matter? Does exercising a wrong make it right? Should she "do evil that good may result?"
I never said healthy feminism, I said secular concept of feminism...which to me is one that is ungodly.
Agreed. However, many men have interpreted their Godly role as justifying abuse, which is even worse, since they use God as an excuse for doing evil.I do not think anyone should stay in an abusive relationship. This is not what God intended a marriage should be.
Not necessarily. I think that's a rather unfair generalization.The ideal is of course, a godly man married to a godly woman, who are putting Christ first in their lives. In this God is glorified and the woman is cherished, protected and honoured. If I said that to a secular feminist, I am sure she would have words for me.
It is not evil to use your own wicked means to oppose your wickedness.
Hate to tell you, but you cannot dismiss your enemies by insisting they have the right to vote, but should not vote against you.
I disagree with I disagree with many men on this board too. lol
Women, who are married, are to be under the authority of their husbands. All of us who are Christians are under the authority of their local church body and of the so far that they do not ask us to go against the Word of God. We answer to God before men.
Having discussion or debate with people, men or women on a board such as this is not defying authority in any manner. No one on this board has authority over me, except the owner of the forum and the moderators who have been given such authority by the forum long as I choose to participate here, they have that authority. Nang is in no way sinning by disagreeing with people on this board. There can be sinful attitudes, actions or words...but the act of disagreement itself, cannot be classed as sin.
My concern stems from a desire to see justice everywhere. I do not consider myself a feminist but I strive to protect the oppressed and weak, just as the Lord exhorts us all to do.
I know that some feminists seek independence of women from men and I believe that is wrong. They should be working together, each with the abilities, strengths and weaknesses God has given them.
But that is hardly a problem in our society. The real problem is the abuse and prejudice against women everywhere. And although, in terms of institutions, Islam ought to be labelled as the singlest greatest culprit of abuse against women today, the Christian church is certainly not without a great deal of blame itself and some of its attitudes still need to be redressed.
I'd hasten to add that the Bible has nothing to do with it, other than indirectly inasmuch as people distort the Bible for their own selfish ends. I'm actually doing a series of 'talks' on this subject at my church over the summer. I might post them later (which is convenient as all my 'talks' have to be written out word for word or else they don't get 'talked'!)