Fascinating new data : Sexual Orientation


New member
I had long theorized that due to teachings in public schools and Universities, more young people would become/identify as/act as bisexual (which theory goes back to Freud and Fleiss) but everyone always hooted me down.

I think much in this report supports that theory. (Young adults 3x more likely to "identify" as bisexual than middle-aged adults).

In any case it gives food for thought:

Fascinating data released from the Center for Disease Control about homosexuality.

Homosexuality is not becoming more common. Out of 300 million Americans, only 2 million are homosexual men. 98% of men are heterosexual. And the share of the young-adult (18-45) public which is homosexual (1.9%) is almost the same as that of the middle-aged (45-64) public (1.8%), despite AIDS having ravaged the gay population which is now largely middle-aged.

Bisexuality may well be another matter. Young adults are three times more likely than middle-aged adults to be bisexual, although that's still just over 1% of the total population. (Women are far more likely to be bisexual.)

It's hard to know from a single snapshot whether that's because the young-adult cohort is substantially different than the middle-aged cohort, or whether the cohort which is now middle-aged has changed substantially since they were younger. It's possible that vast numbers of people who once regarded themselves as bisexual have now chosen one gender or another. If they no longer regard themselves as bisexual, it's worth exploring studying whether they feel their sexuality has changed, or they feel they were mistaken in identifying themselves as bisexual. It seems unlikely that young adults are simply that much more likely to admit to a survey to being bisexual, since middle-agers certainly aren't less likely admit to being homosexual.


Here are some of the most interesting findings from the report:

•More women identify as bisexual than men. According to the survey, 0.9 percent of women identify as bisexual compared to 0.4 percent of men.

•Gay people smoke more than their straight counterparts. According to the results, more GLB persons (29.5%) are current smokers than straight persons (19.6%). The greatest disparity is in women smokers: 27.2 percent of gay or lesbian women and 29.4 percent of bisexual women smoke compared to 16.9 percent of straight women.

•Gay people binge drink more than their straight counterparts. A higher percentage of gay or lesbian (35.1 %) and bisexual (41.5 %) adults reported having consumed five or more drinks in one day over the past year than straight adults (26.0%).

•More gay people get flu shots than straight people. A higher percentage of gay men (46.1%) and women (42.9%) received an infulenza vaccine in the past year than straight men (30.9%) and women (35.0%).

•More straight men are obese than gay men. A higher percentage of straight men ages 20-64 (30.7%) are obese than gay men (23.2%).

•Bisexual persons experience significantly more psychological distress than their straight counterparts. According to the results, more bisexual adults (11.0%) experienced serious psychological distress in the past 30 days than straight adults (3.9%).


National Health Statistics Report (Sexual Orientation)

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New member
I had long theorized that due to teachings in public schools and Universities, more young people would become bisexual (which theory goes back to Freud and Fleiss) but everyone always hooted me down.
just like the introduction of black history month has led to an increase in the number of African Americans


New member
It is true, though, that what a society promotes, teaches, sanctions, embraces, it gets more of. Just a neutral fact.

It's true that since the civil rights era, there has been more imitation of black culture, black fashion, clothing, rap and hip hop lingo, etc. among whites than prior, and more inter-racial dating , children, and marriage. For some, this will be viewed as a good thing. For others, not.

And for example, in the UK even police cares are part of the promotion of LBGTQ :



New member
According to Americans for Truth President Peter LaBarbera, however, "while it's convenient for gay activists to blame homophobia or other outside sources for the ill health of homosexuals, the evidence shows that disease rates and other harms are represented disproportionately among homosexuals.”

“A good example is a study done 12 years after Denmark allowed same-sex domestic partnerships, which found that suicide among men in same-sex partnerships 'was nearly eight times greater than for men with positive histories of heterosexual marriage,’” he continued.
"Certainly," said LaBarbera, "nobody thinks of Denmark as a bastion of homophobia."
Likewise, Focus on the Family Issues Analyst Jeff Johnston told LifeSiteNews, "Many studies have shown that lesbian-, gay-, or bisexual-identified people have greater health problems in a wide variety of areas, including behaviors, mental health issues and physical conditions. It’s significant that the CDC study would find similar outcomes."



New member
Maybe if Christians switched to this same message of non-hate their numbers would grow too. :think:
It's likely, yes. They would be a different sort of Christian practicing a progressive Christianity, but in our current era you are right: Their numbers would likely increase.

Of course these LGBTQ church members are celibate:

"More and more churches are welcoming openly gay congregants. Church of the Pilgrims in Dupont Circle, Washington, D.C."



New member
And some of you wonder why I serial neg-rep certain people.

I don't wonder. It goes with the point I made in my post you just quoted. You are full of hate.

I would like to know if you think the point I made is wrong though. Do you not think preaching love rather than hate would draw more people?


New member
They aren't more likely to BE bisexual, anymore than they're more or less likely to be male or female.

They're more likely to IDENTIFY as bisexual.
Identity is the entire argument.


New member
They aren't more likely to BE bisexual, anymore than they're more or less likely to be male or female.

They're more likely to IDENTIFY as bisexual.
Identity is the entire argument.
OK, granted. They are more likely to identify as bisexual.

How does this make any difference? You mean they don't act on it? Or that they feel it's a fluid identity? Or that the middle aged persons felt bisexual but did not identify / act on those feelings? or that Bi is on a continuum with homosexuality?

Can someone "be" bisexual without identifying as bisexual?

I was basically quoting the FR article on that and will edit now; but still, in your opinion, how does this alter the meaning gleaned, if I say, "Young people are 3X as likely to identify as[act on/have feelings of] bisexual than middle-aged persons" ? When people identify as LGBTQ I thought that meant they acted on it. Maybe not.

Here is what one young person has to say:

With strangers/monosexuals, I get past the presumed binarism pretty easily, when people ask me what does bisexuality mean, I say that it means I like people of many genders. Or when people say: “Does bi mean you like men and women?” I say “Other genders, too”.
:confused: :nono:


And from actress Anna Paquin on Twitter:

Proud to be a happily married bisexual mother. Marriage is about love not gender. @eqca @NOH8Campaign @ItGetsBetter

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I had long theorized that due to teachings in public schools and Universities, more young people would become/identify as/act as bisexual (which theory goes back to Freud and Fleiss) but everyone always hooted me down.........

I think you are correct. But I also think there are authentic homosexuals, suffering from the disorder of same-sex attraction, who are born that way.


New member
I think you are correct. But I also think there are authentic homosexuals, suffering from the disorder of same-sex attraction, who are born that way.
I would agree with you. I have known some of both genders who strike me as not having had a choice in the matter (even by their looks, mannerisms , voice). In that area, I have always had compassion.

However, the promotion/celebration of homosexual identity in the media, in tv and film, in schools and colleges, leads to this kind of tweet from a young actress:

Proud to be a happily married bisexual mother. Marriage is about love not gender. @eqca @NOH8Campaign @ItGetsBetter

This is off-putting to me.


New member
And of course changes have to stem in large part from agendas such as this:

“Queering Elementary Education: Advancing the Dialogue about Sexualities and Schooling” by William J. Letts IV and James T. Sears.

Queering Elementary Education is an important contribution to nourishing the ethical heart of teaching, reminding us how anemic and cold and partial our embrace of our students has too often been. For some readers this collection will be an affirmation, for others a surprise and challenge. But it is a book for all teachers and parents, indeed for anyone concerned with the healthy development of children and schools. And, yes, it has an agenda: it stands straight and strong for fairness, for respect, for humanity, for simple decency. …



New member
It is true, though, that what a society promotes, teaches, sanctions, embraces, it gets more of. Just a neutral fact.

It's true that since the civil rights era, there has been more imitation of black culture, black fashion, clothing, rap and hip hop lingo, etc. among whites than prior, and more inter-racial dating , children, and marriage. For some, this will be viewed as a good thing. For others, not.

And for example, in the UK even police cares are part of the promotion of LBGTQ :


and this is bad how?


New member
the introduction of stupid ideas like the OP? I don't see how planned parenthood could help things like that at all
The OP is not stupid :madmad: This has got to be the rudest forum I have ever been on. aCW went absolutely psychotic on me, you are rude, and .....a theology forum? :nono: