So, I just read that article and it made my head nearly explode. All I see throughout the piece is talk that only makes sense from the perspective of Free Will theism if not outright Open Theism. He talks in the article as though we do whatever it is that he thinks faith entails but in the article I posted a link to this morning quotes the following from his church's Elder's Affirmation of Faith...
3.1 We believe that God, from all eternity, in order to display the full extent of his glory for the eternal and ever-increasing enjoyment of all who love him, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of his will, freely and unchangeably ordain and foreknow whatever comes to pass.
3.2 We believe that God upholds and governs all things — from galaxies to subatomic particles, from the forces of nature to the movements of nations, and from the public plans of politicians to the secret acts of solitary persons...
So then, is an act of faith somehow excepted from the "acts of solitary persons" or is this yet another example of the Calvinist psychosis that I've chirping about in the last several posts on this thread where a Calvinist seems both unaware of and incapable of preventing himself from contradicting one doctrine in order to state another. Actually, in the case of Piper, I don't think he's unaware of the contradiction because the very next sentence in that Elder's Affirmation reads....
"...all in accord with his eternal, all-wise purposes to glorify himself, yet in such a way that he never sins, nor ever condemns a person unjustly; but that his ordaining and governing all things is compatible with the moral accountability of all persons created in his image."
Notice that there is NEVER any explanation HOW it's "compatible with the moral accountability of all persons created in His image" but it's simply stated as an a-priori fact with no substantiation whatsoever. They simply declare that there is no contradiction and then move on as though their declaration is sufficient and that the issue has been dealt with.
People who sit in a pew on Sunday morning and simply and almost mindlessly absorb whatever the preacher happens to say might could be excused for believing such things because they trust their pastor but people like Piper (and b57) are utterly without excuse and will be held accountable on Judgment Day for such a gross dereliction of duty. How many millions have rejected Christianity as pure, weak-minded silliness on the basis of exactly this issue and the seemingly countless others like it throughout all of Augustinian doctrine whether protestant or otherwise. I know for a fact that this is the sort of thing that made Ayn Rand certain that Christianity was false. That's not to say that she would have been a Christian if not for Augustinian doctrine but it certainly gave her an easy out and handed her a very powerful weapon to wield against religion in general and Christianity in particular.