Facebook Muslims react to London terror with joy


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Show terror attacks by Christians, committing those acts in the name of Christ, thanks.

See, that last caveat is a cheat. It's not a fair comparison. When there's an attack committed by a Muslim, you don't ask yourself if they did it because of some specific facet of their religion.

This century too.

Every example I've posted here has been this century. One of them was yesterday.

Ill answer that as soon as you back your claim about "Christian" terrorists. We are waiting to see them.

I've posted a couple.


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See, that last caveat is a cheat. It's not a fair comparison. When there's an attack committed by a Muslim, you don't ask yourself if they did it because of some specific facet of their religion.

Every example I've posted here has been this century. One of them was yesterday.

I've posted a couple.

Weird, i havent seen one yet, link to them. Lets establish that they are indeed christan and killing in the name of God. Also please provide the "christian" scriptures that call for believers in Jesus Christ to kill someone in His name, we can provide those things on the muslim terror acts from the koran, in fact they always scream about allah.


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The kkk is not a christian organization

You have exactly as much right to declare the KKK non-Christian as Muslims have to declare DAESH non-Muslim.

... and you will find no christian scriptures backing what they do.

Ah...is that the standard now?

Here's another one for you:

He's apparently got a manifesto, not publicly released. What do you want to bet he talks about some form of Christianity?

Or this guy:

Does he get a pass because you've decided he isn't really a Christian?


New member

Must be why they are being blown up and butchered in large numbers by the radical ones in their own countries.

You Trumpers are heartless bigots.

"Christians" my foot - you're a bunch of extremist hypocrites.

Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.


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You have exactly as much right to declare the KKK non-Christian as Muslims have to declare DAESH non-Muslim.

Ah...is that the standard now?

Here's another one for you:

He's apparently got a manifesto, not publicly released. What do you want to bet he talks about some form of Christianity?

Or this guy:

Does he get a pass because you've decided he isn't really a Christian?

I can go sit in my garage, does that make me a car?

You know good and well the scriptures teach no christian to go murder others, however the koran teaches exactly that.

Keep lying to yourself while you post an odd wolf (strain at a knat, and swallow a camel) to compare to entire cultures, one only need look at countries where islam is predominant to know what it actually teaches.