The Fabians have a long history of being one of the most radical socialist entities in the world and it is well-known that they have been a major influence in British politics. George Webb, of George and Beatrice Webb, who supported Stalin during his murdering of millions of Ukrainians in the Holodomor, wrote the constitution for the Labour party, and both he and his wife were very fanatical Fabians. Beatrice said, when a group of British people visiting the Ukraine were allowed to see a cattle truck full of starving Ukrainians, that it was very "bad stage management". Really? Just bad stage management? These two were part of the founding members of the Labour party.
And if the claim is made that such activities and racism are ancient history for socialists, what about Jeremy Corbin and his blatant racism? Or the following:
Hmmmm..... Socialism and racism tied directly together. The party of socialism in the UK is highly racist. They are walking the path other socialists before them have walked with their racism, including Hitler.
And if the claim is made that such activities and racism are ancient history for socialists, what about Jeremy Corbin and his blatant racism? Or the following:
Hmmmm..... Socialism and racism tied directly together. The party of socialism in the UK is highly racist. They are walking the path other socialists before them have walked with their racism, including Hitler.