Eyewitness videos to weirdness


like marbles on glass
Actually, Alex Jones has at least once admitted that one of his fantasies was wrong. So far as I've been able to check, Musty has never abandoned a fixation, no matter how much evidence shows it's wrong.

No, I don't think musterion ever has. Even when the fake photos musterion posted here were proven to be photoshopped, as far as I've seen, he's never retracted them.

Regarding the conspiracy-monger Alex Jones: predictably, he's already called Charlottesville a false flag designed to "bring in martial law and ban conservative gatherings." Calling these terror attacks false flags - that use actors - causes the victims' families real anguish.

Scott Baio then showed poor judgment (again) by retweeting (and later deleting) a meme claiming that Charlottesville used the "crisis actors used in Newtown," causing the sister of one of the Newtown victims to post in reply:


patrick jane

Mueller's been busy while Trump's been working on diversionary tactics.

Mueller Seeks Grand Jury Testimony from PR Execs Who Worked With Manafort
WASHINGTON — Special Counsel Robert Mueller issued grand jury subpoenas in recent days seeking testimony from public relations executives who worked on an international campaign organized by Paul Manafort, people directly familiar with the matter told NBC News.
This is the first public indication that Mueller's investigation is beginning to compel witness testimony before the grand jury — a significant milestone in an inquiry that is examining the conduct of President Donald Trump and his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, among others.
It is also further indication that Manafort, Trump's onetime campaign chairman, could be in serious legal jeopardy.

7 times Trump tried to call off the dogs on Russia
1) Trying to get Tillis to back off
2) Venting to Corker about sanctions bill
3) Complaining to McConnell about not getting protection
4) Asking Comey for loyalty
5) Suggesting Comey be lenient on Michael Flynn
6) Asking Comey to say Trump wasn't under investigation
7) Asking Coats and Rogers to deny evidence of collusion​
Wow !!! They finally got him !!!! :rotfl:


Well-known member
So far they've pinned zip on Trump. The more they try, the more his base believes NOTHING the media says and the tighter they hang with him.

Safety tip: that is how you'll get more Trump.

Must be frustrating for y'all to be too stupid to figure that out by this point.

You want to win? It's simple. Just raise up a national level candidate who appeals to the most voters but who isn't a corrupt career DC rat, a tax-raping socialist, or horribly ill.

Heh. Good luck because that covers every conceivable Democrat you could run.


So far they've pinned zip on Trump. The more they try, the more his base believes NOTHING the media says and the tighter they hang with him.

Safety tip: that is how you'll get more Trump.

Must be frustrating for y'all to be too stupid to figure that out by this point.

You want to win? It's simple. Just raise up a national level candidate who appeals to the most voters but who isn't a corrupt career DC rat, a tax-raping socialist, or horribly ill.

Heh. Good luck because that covers every conceivable Democrat you could run.

But you won with the corrupt business man, sociopath, serial aldulterer, who is both mentally deficient and mentally ill. There's home for the Democrats yet.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
But you won with the corrupt business man, sociopath, serial aldulterer, who is both mentally deficient and mentally ill. There's home for the Democrats yet.
The corrupt business man, sociopath, serial adulterer, who is both mentally deficient and mentally ill got elected twice by the left ----- Clinton.
None of those things stopped the left from thinking he could be a good President.