Answer the question and stop deflecting. Would you consider such cruel or not?
I'm not answering because it is irrelevant as I am not advocating torture, and you haven't demonstrated otherwise.
Up to you. If you want to debate like an adult you will, if not then ho hum.
You clearly don't want to since your main arguments are all based on straw men.
For instance, you brought torture into the conversation. I didn't. You assumed I was advocating it without doing any investigation, such as asking me if that was what I was advocating.
And in the specific instance referred to in my comment you were assuming my reasons for changing my mind on the subject were due to poor reasoning and lack of humanity. Neither of which are true of myself.
One of the purposes of my thread is to point out that there is no Biblical basis for repealing said law. That was what began me on my journey: God commanded it and never repealed it. So why? Why did God command it in the first place and why did He never repeal it? Was it simply because it was an affront to Him in its rejection of His design for creation? Or was it something more, something that ran deeper into the heart of man that was harmful to those engaged and those around them?
The Homosexual Lifestyle
That isn't a rephrasing of anything. It's simply a deflection away from your own erroneous presumption based on your own faulty reading. Your mistake along with your failure to take ownership of it.
Voting isn't relevant because though I made no specific mention of it my words were clear that I don't think it would pass, when I stated that I do not believe the majority could be convinced of its necessity.
Completely naive and simplistic rubbish to think otherwise you silly little child. (Oh, isn't this insult crap just so much fun LH?) What you advocate would lead to an absolute nightmare...
Your insult is so tired I forgot to yawn.
Now, demonstrate exactly how it would lead to said nightmare.
Oh grief, what the heck else would a society that infringes upon people's private lives and intimate relationships amount to? 'Effectively' that's what we'd have if folk like you had their way. :freak:
So it is your opinion that Israel had a police state then?
FYI: They didn't have police. Can you reason out what that means in regard to what I advocate?
Are you planning to execute all those who lust after a woman in their heart or who hate their brother, as well?
No. For at least two reasons.
- While those two actions are sin they were never a crime, as no physical criminal action took place.
- These are even harder to prove than physical sexual misconduct in private.
Which of the other offenses in the Torah do you still support capital punishment for?
The preposition goes at the beginning of the sentence, not at the end.

OK, in all seriousness: Murder and rape are the obvious ones, and most who believe in the death penalty, at least around here, believe in it for those two. Child molestation falls under the category of rape, IMO. Even if it does not in the opinion of some others. Then kidnapping and adultery. The former of which is actually still a capital crime in federal law, last I heard.
It is not irrelevant ... crimes should have actual victims who are HARMED *against* their will. Homosexuality is a SIN (religious transgression), not a crime.
It is irrelevant to the point being argued which is that homosexual sex in private does not leave behind public evidence that could even lead to the suspicion of a crime, let alone definitive evidence that one did.
Whatever ... just how realistic do you believe it is that homosexuality would ever be made a crime worthy of a DP offense? You are unable to convince the majority of citizens. It's a dream ... fantasy ... whatever you wish to call it. However, it isn't reality.
Did you not already see my answer to this question? It's on the first or second page of this thread.
I do not believe it would ever be possible to do so under the government of the USA.
Are you getting your homosexual threads mixed up?
I think he was.
Not to promote LHs idea but it is correct to say that murder leaves behind evidence; homosexual acts do not. You can have suspicion where two men live together but you must catch them in the act if you wish to prosecute them. Police states follow the letter of the law even though the law is awful. Crooked cops with an anti homosexual agenda would be the only way private acts could be punished.
Thank you.
What part of "a criminal act worthy of the DP is STILL a criminal act worthy of the DP regardless of where it happens" do you not understand?
What part of that being irrelevant to the idea of prosecution do you not understand? If there is not enough evidence to lead to reasonable suspicion that a crime took place, i.e. there is no probable cause.
Why DP penalty crimes are not investigated in the real world? Seriously? They are.
He was referring solely to cases of homosexual sex in places wherein it is a capital offense. Why are most of those cases not investigated? It is because there is no probable cause.
. . . so is children disrespecting their parents. Should they be executed?
If you can quote that specific law, and link to it on a Bible search site, like, then we can talk about it.