Executing homosexuals


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Sex Ed and birth control have had 60 years to slow the 1.2 million ANNUAL abortions without making even a dent:


Dead wrong. People like you oppose ready access, or refuse to fill certain scrips, or demand that birth control isn't available in schools, and on. And on. And on. Keep people in the dark and without protection and you'll get unwanted pregnancies.

You guys are less interested in reducing pregnancies or abortion and more interested in reducing the amount of sex folks are having.


Hall of Fame
Yes, fornication and promiscuity is the cause.

Always? Who fornicates?

You excuse this by looking for who is to Blame.

Nope ... wrong again. I excuse nothing and have always been 100% anti-abortion. Regardless of who is an angel, who is a devil or whatnot, the child's needs should come first. It is not possible if only one of the parents is willing to be responsible.

Stop the wide open sexual culture which is expanded by Gays and Sluts every where, in the media, on Gay Marriage debates, in movies, Hollywood, every talk show and TV program, etc.

So to get this straight ... the only immoral people are the gays and sluts. Wait ... just the female sluts or does that include the males sluts also? Also, either you are for freedom or for CENSORSHIP. Since when is it not the parent's responsibility and right to decide what their child does or doesn't read, learn or view?

Rise up and return to a culture that shames such people, and refuses to spend money on any business, comedian actor, etc., that promotes any sexual discussion amongst or in front of the children.

Have you never heard of *parental controls*? Or is it not enough for to just control your own family?


Well-known member

Probably when people ignore the truth that he presents and maintain the on going attack of sexual prudence as the main social solution for all our problems he smells that other side who just doesn't care about truth and wants what they want whether it harms others or not.

The Red Necks during the Martin Luther King days of Truth on Civil Rights did the same thing.

I, myself, have posted IRREFUTABLE statistic evidence that the present sexual license granted to Gays and harlots, (sluts), have hurt kids and America, but you guys keep arguing as if the evidence doesn't matter.

That can make other uncivil when I=such uncivil discourse occurs.

So what's your plan? All you're doing is quacking more about the same old crap. This thread is beyond that. I don't care. One more time:

This thread is not about the IF or WHY homosexuals should be executed. It's about WHAT THE PLAN IS TO DO THAT.

Are you people brain dead?

What's your plan to execute the homosexuals? Are you going to any execute the queers rallies this weekend? Do you hit the streets with petitions? What's the plan?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I think the whole topic of "killing homosexuals" is deeply flawed and a profoundly stupid approach by Christians. The simple reason is that it virtually guarantee that homosexuals will never hear the gospel. How? Simple.

Christian 1 to a homosexual - God wants you dead you filthy pervert!

Some number of months later.

Christian 2 to a homosexual: Would you like to talk about God's plan for salvation?

Homosexual: You mean the same God who wants me dead? No.

Christian 1 has completely closed the heart of a human off to ever hearing the gospel. Not a very good thing for a person to do when they should be focused on spreading the gospel.


Well-known member
I think the whole topic of "killing homosexuals" is deeply flawed and a profoundly stupid approach by Christians. The simple reason is that it virtually guarantee that homosexuals will never hear the gospel. How? Simple.

Christian 1 to a homosexual - God wants you dead you filthy pervert!

Some number of months later.

Christian 2 to a homosexual: Would you like to talk about God's plan for salvation?

Homosexual: You mean the same God who wants me dead? No.

Christian 1 has completely closed the heart of a human off to ever hearing the gospel. Not a very good thing for a person to do when they should be focused on spreading the gospel.

But that's not what this is about. People advocate that homosexuals are executed. I'm asking what the plan for that is. I can't imagine that all of these people like Lighthouse would just be spinelessly talking empty crap anonymously over the internet about executing the homosexuals. There must be some plans. Right? So what are the plans? Let's go. What's happening? I've seen pictures about the anti-abortion rallies, see the headlines on the front page of TOL about the progress of the personhood campaigns... Where's the same about executing the homosexuals?


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Even the crazies know when and where to draw a line. Anything in print could come back to haunt them.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
But that's not what this is about. People advocate that homosexuals are executed. I'm asking what the plan for that is. I can't imagine that all of these people like Lighthouse would just be spinelessly talking empty crap anonymously over the internet about executing the homosexuals. There must be some plans. Right? So what are the plans? Let's go. What's happening? I've seen pictures about the anti-abortion rallies, see tyne headlines on the front page of TOL about the progress... Where's the same about executing the homosexuals?
I know. Sorry. It is a topic that I hae strong opinions about and I just want to go on record as such.

I think it actually puts the pro death camp in a bit of an awkward position. To be consistent they need to advocate the death penalty for adultery as well. Remember that Jesus said that just looking at a woman with lust in your heart makes you guilty of adultery. Who among us has at one point or another looked at another and felt a touch of lust?

So not only do they need to round up homosexuals, they need to round up about every living person and execute them.


Well-known member
The First Five Days

And here's the shirt:

A link to buy a Bob Enyart book and picture of a fake "Execute the queers" shirt?

That's the plan?

Does the book have Bob Enyart's plan to execute homosexuals? From the description, it seems like it's a novel about the first 5 days of a fictional Biblical government. That doesn't seem like a plan. What's the plan? Do you wear that "Execute Queers" shirt, or just post fake pictures of it?


New member
Hall of Fame
A link to buy a Bob Enyart book and picture of a fake "Execute the queers" shirt?

That's the plan?

Does the book have Bob Enyart's plan to execute homosexuals? From the description, it seems like it's a novel about the first 5 days of a fictional government. That doesn't seem like a plan. What's the plan? Do you wear that "Execute Queers" shirt, or just post fake pictures of it?

Enyart's hideous book is the closest thing I've seen for an actual description of this dystopia. Not really a "plan," per se. (Weirdly, he removed his ShadowGov constitution from the site even though people copied and or mirrored it before he did so.) Just some nightmarish pipedreaming.


New member
Sex Ed and birth control have had 60 years to slow the 1.2 million ANNUAL abortions without making even a dent:


Do you notice that your graph shows a 20% drop in the number of abortions since the late 1970s, even as the population has grown by 20%?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame

Are saying that women ought even be more cooperative with American men who now foster 1/3rd of pregnancies ending in Abortion, and another 1/3rd as illegitimate babies (bastards)????

The compassion you have for children and unborn babies has been so noted. Perhaps you can offer shirts to these unworthy kids with a loving logo that says "Honk if you are a worthless bastard too".
Neither one of you needs to talk that way. Please quit making the mods responsible to force you to act like adults.


The Dark Knight
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Any behavior that frightens and repels them, basically.

These are folks who have been taught from birth to fear and abhor expressions of individual thought and desire. People who are different from them, therefor, represent that individuality and are therefor quite repulsive to those who have been trained to fear it. The depth of that fear dictates the degree to which they would be willing to go, to eliminate it.
How little you know.

Ask either of my parents and they will tell you they did not raise me with these ideas, or even to fear or abhor homosexuals.

You are just a fool, spouting ignorance.

Under your law, if my daughter marries the brother of her sister's husband she'll be put to death, but if my daughter performs in a heterosexual pornographic film she'll only be flogged. :AMR:
Where do you get that idea?

Do you own one? And if you do, where do you wear it? In public? Only to bed or around the house?
Oh, look, somebody doesn't know about PhotoShop.

I think the whole topic of "killing homosexuals" is deeply flawed and a profoundly stupid approach by Christians. The simple reason is that it virtually guarantee that homosexuals will never hear the gospel. How? Simple.

Christian 1 to a homosexual - God wants you dead you filthy pervert!

Some number of months later.

Christian 2 to a homosexual: Would you like to talk about God's plan for salvation?

Homosexual: You mean the same God who wants me dead? No.

Christian 1 has completely closed the heart of a human off to ever hearing the gospel. Not a very good thing for a person to do when they should be focused on spreading the gospel.
First off, God wants them to repent. He commanded their death for committing certain acts, but He doesn't simply want them dead.

Secondly, you are aware that God hates all sinners, aren't you? That's the reason the gospel is so powerful.

A link to buy a Bob Enyart book and picture of a fake "Execute the queers" shirt?

That's the plan?

Does the book have Bob Enyart's plan to execute homosexuals? From the description, it seems like it's a novel about the first 5 days of a fictional Biblical government. That doesn't seem like a plan. What's the plan? Do you wear that "Execute Queers" shirt, or just post fake pictures of it?
The shirt was a joke, and the book, though it may be a novel, does outline the plan; it explains what would necessarily have to happen in order for a government that held to theonomy to take over.


New member
All by themselves? Oh wait, you were referring to promiscuous women and MEN as sluts who produce these welfare children.

BTW, all children have fathers ... however, some of them are not man enough to BE fathers.

Just wanted to remind of you this little tidbit that you always seem to *accidentally* gloss over.

How do you feel about the women who don't want the father around for reasons other than physical and mental abuse?


Hall of Fame
How do you feel about the women who don't want the father around for reasons other than physical and mental abuse?

Unless there is some type of abuse or behavior that puts the child at risk, they are flat out wrong. The only valid reason to keep a parent from their child is if they pose a threat.


New member
Unless there is some type of abuse or behavior that puts the child at risk, they are flat out wrong. The only valid reason to keep a parent from their child is if they pose a threat.

Im not talking about visitation rights. Im saying not allowing the father of your children to live in the same house with you.


Hall of Fame
Im not talking about visitation rights. Im saying not allowing the father of your children to live in the same house with you.

Be specific. IF the couple is not married, then isn't it against your beliefs for them to live with one another?

Outside of that, I am not sure what situation you are speaking of. If a married couple is split up and divorcing, it would be rather odd for them to go on living together.


New member
Be specific. IF the couple is not married, then isn't it against your beliefs for them to live with one another.

Outside of that, I am not sure what situation you are speaking of. If a married couple is split up and divorcing, it would be rather odd for them to go on living together.

Let me give an example. A woman dresses provocatively and goes to the bar with the express intention of having sex with a handsome, charming and rich guy. Her protection is not foolproof and she ends up pregnant. The man offers to marry her but she refuses because she is not sure he is exactly the man she is looking for. He says they will learn to fall in love with enough time. She isn't buying it. She raises the child on her own and allows him visitation.

By the way, im not against living with someone if your intention is to take care of them forever without abandonment.