Ex-KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Rallies Behind Rep. Omar's Israel Attacks
David Duke, a politician whose name was once synonymous with anti-Semitism, has weighed strongly behind Rep. Ilhan Omar, D.-Minnesota following her recent comments criticizing Jews and Israel.
“By Defiance to Z.O.G. [Zionist Occupation Government] Ilhan Omar is NOW the most important Member of the U.S. Congress!” onetime Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Duke tweeted on his Twitter account Thursday night.
Duke has made international news for nearly thirty years for his activity in the KKK, one of the nation’s oldest anti-Semitic and anti-black organizations.
He has also been a vigorous promoter of Holocaust denial, and in 2006 he attended a forum in Iran hosted by then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the death of six million Jews by Nazis in World War II was a “myth.”
A practicing Muslim and the first Somali-American to be elected to Congress, Omar has made recent headlines with her own litany of controversial comments about Israel. She stated that U.S. support for Israeli was “all about the Benjamins [money]” and that supporting Israel meant “allegiance” to a foreign power.
Lawmakers initially drew up a resolution condemning the freshman congresswoman by name. But it was eventually watered down to remove her name and condemn bigotry of all kinds
Ex-KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Rallies Behind Rep. Omar's Israel Attacks
David Duke, a politician whose name was once synonymous with anti-Semitism, has weighed strongly behind Rep. Ilhan Omar, D.-Minnesota following her recent comments criticizing Jews and Israel.
“By Defiance to Z.O.G. [Zionist Occupation Government] Ilhan Omar is NOW the most important Member of the U.S. Congress!” onetime Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Duke tweeted on his Twitter account Thursday night.
Duke has made international news for nearly thirty years for his activity in the KKK, one of the nation’s oldest anti-Semitic and anti-black organizations.
He has also been a vigorous promoter of Holocaust denial, and in 2006 he attended a forum in Iran hosted by then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the death of six million Jews by Nazis in World War II was a “myth.”
A practicing Muslim and the first Somali-American to be elected to Congress, Omar has made recent headlines with her own litany of controversial comments about Israel. She stated that U.S. support for Israeli was “all about the Benjamins [money]” and that supporting Israel meant “allegiance” to a foreign power.
Lawmakers initially drew up a resolution condemning the freshman congresswoman by name. But it was eventually watered down to remove her name and condemn bigotry of all kinds