ECT Evil Poll ... (4 of 5) ... God made the Devil do it!

Evil Poll ... (4 of 5) ... God made the Devil do it!

  • The Devil has freewill and is guilty of his choices

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • The Devil is an agent of God and does God's Will, Alone.

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters


Justification insures the converted man is judicially just in the sight of the Eternal Almighty.

But... it does not make one's FLESH "Just".

1 Peter 3:21 And this water symbolizes the baptism that now saves you--not the removal of dirt from the body, but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God. It saves you through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

And it Damn sure shouldn't lead to Self Pride and Self Exaltation... as you seem to be doing quite regularly...

Have you forgotten this? :idunno:

Philippians 2:7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.

You speak as if it isn't obvious that you retain your "reformed" understanding of "election" and you deny that you are "reformed". This is deceitful! You seem to be identical to B57 and Nanja in your doctrine with one exception... and oh boy! Howdy do da! It's a big one! You are puffed up and want to demonstrate that you alone are genuinely saved and with the HOLY SPIRIT!

You call people "Unregenerate" as if it isn't obvious that you are saying that they are without "Jesus"! You... truster.... are not at all close to the "mark". Infact... you keep "missing it". Heck... we all do... but your PRIDE... EGO and Self Profession of Spiritual Authority that "Allows you to OUST"... full blown believers makes you something that I dislike spelling out...

Revelation 12:10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God.

You're not "The Accuser"... but you are indeed "An Accuser" and for this... I formally spell it out. I've been patient... long enough.

You accuse and self exalt.. and then when you get your butt called out... you hide behind verbiage that makes it clear you believe you are Jesus Christ... Judge and Jury.

This concludes my dialogue with you for a bit. I know this won't stick... but at least it's been clearly articulated!

You are not my brother and so I hate your false doctrine and your wicked ways.

At least you added the r... and didn't drop the h bomb with the word "you"... I've got a spoiler alert though... you have plenty of "wicked false doctrine" of your own to ask God for help with. Perhaps you should start with "the man in the mirror".



[MENTION=15467]Truster[/MENTION]... you are welcome to express your opinion here and express your "dislike" of "my perspective"...

But, I'm going ahead and taking some days from responding to you... per Proverbs 26:4.

Evil.Eye's.<(I)> Sarcastic response...
I've got to wash my pearls... they have piggy hoof marks all over them!


New member
The back and forth above is but another example of using words, for example, converted, and then assuming everyone "gets it".

Read the entire thread to see what I mean:


Assuming that those that have the experience of conversion will be given the understanding of what happened to them is in line with what scriptures teach. Man is saved in his ignorance but he is delivered from ignorance. The problem you have amr is these teachings and explanations are not in your statements and creeds so you can't cut and paste them

I have relied on a promise that I read 18 years ago and I was ridiculed for it then and have been ever since, but I was passing on the knowledge to others last week.

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

I know for an absolute fact that I am not special in any sense. I expect those that have received an inheritance such as mine to have like knowledge and understanding. What I do know for an absolute certainty is those that have received the inheritance absorb the truth like a sponge and there is no resistance. Only Satan and his children oppose the truth.


New member
[MENTION=15467]Truster[/MENTION]... you are welcome to express your opinion here and express your "dislike" of "my perspective"...

But, I'm going ahead and taking some days from responding to you... per Proverbs 26:4.

Evil.Eye's.<(I)> Sarcastic response...
I've got to wash my pearls... they have piggy hoof marks all over them!

A few months ago you threaten to demolish me and then disappeared, so its no surprise you run away again.

Ask Mr. Religion

&#9758;&#9758;&#9758;&#9758;Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Also... those two quotes don't go together.... It's misleading..
I merely lifted the two items to signal the point I had made earlier: that more often than not, when simple words are used, the claim that everyone "gets it" is not going to withstand careful examination until both parties can come to some agreement about what these simple words mean to each of them. Exposing presuppositions is key in effective discussions and argumentation. From what I read above two ships are passing in the night merely winking at one another without stopping along the journey to examine one another more closely.

Yes, the topic of election will arise. After all it is discussed in Scripture. Whether one believes that election means decisions by God based upon foresight (Arminianism), a view of a nation comprised of individuals therein (dispensationalism), some broad category that all who believe are decreed to be elect without God actually knowing exactly who will believe until they do believe (open theism), or the decision by God to elect some out of a fallen lump of clay for reasons known only to Himself giving no consideration to merit of those so chosen (Reformed), the topic of election cannot be avoided. Better to have these matters out in the open and on the table for effective discussion to proceed.


Ask Mr. Religion

&#9758;&#9758;&#9758;&#9758;Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Assuming that those that have the experience of conversion will be given the understanding of what happened to them is in line with what scriptures teach. Man is saved in his ignorance but he is delivered from ignorance. The problem you have amr is these teachings and explanations are not in your statements and creeds so you can't cut and paste them .

When you can actually find an example wherein I deny your opening two sentences above, you will have a genuine complaint. That last sentence, however, is one of your own ignorance of the very confessional summaries of Scripture that you are caviling about. Spend some time actually reading them and perhaps you will rehabilitate yourself of your manifest error.

We are actually in agreement in not a few areas of which you have made known what you believe. Nevertheless, we are also far apart when it comes your refusal to submit to a local church for teaching, corporate worship. and discipline, your strident tone setting yourself to be the regula fidei of all persons, various peculiarities on non-essentials of the faith, and your unabashed arrogance claiming know the will of God on matters not revealed (Deut. 29:29), especially as relates to the final destiny of particular persons. This is not unexpected, as it has been my experience—borne well by many examples of similar sorts at this very web site—that the Lone Ranger believer suffers from many deficiencies and confusions. So you are certainly in very good company herein, despite your attempts to separate yourself as a beacon of truth.

Your regular chest-thumping attention to your personal circumstances, veiled in piety, fails to disguise your pridefulness. I have no doubt you have made wonderful strides since your conversion, but somewhere along your walk of faith you have skipped over the lessons of humility and taking every word captive. Hence we are treated daily to your arrogance and divisiveness. In effect, you have become a living caricature of that which you complain about most: persons who do not understand Scripture as you would claim to do.



New member

When you can actually find an example wherein I deny your opening two sentences above, you will have a genuine complaint. That last sentence, however, is one of your own ignorance of the very confessional summaries of Scripture that you are caviling about. Spend some time actually reading them and perhaps you will rehabilitate yourself of your manifest error.

We are actually in agreement in not a few areas of which you have made known what you believe. Nevertheless, we are also far apart when it comes your refusal to submit to a local church for teaching, corporate worship. and discipline, your strident tone setting yourself to be the regula fidei of all persons, various peculiarities on non-essentials of the faith, and your unabashed arrogance claiming know the will of God on matters not revealed (Deut. 29:29), especially as relates to the final destiny of particular persons. This is not unexpected, as it has been my experience—borne well by many examples of similar sorts at this very web site—that the Lone Ranger believer suffers from many deficiencies and confusions. So you are certainly in very good company herein, despite your attempts to separate yourself as a beacon of truth.

Your regular chest-thumping attention to your personal circumstances, veiled in piety, fails to disguise your pridefulness. I have no doubt you have made wonderful strides since your conversion, but somewhere along your walk of faith you have skipped over the lessons of humility and taking every word captive. Hence we are treated daily to your arrogance and divisiveness. In effect, you have become a living caricature of that which you complain about most: persons who do not understand Scripture as you would claim to do.


I didn't bother reading your post as everything you have is revealed to you by flesh and blood.


I merely lifted the two items to signal the point I had made earlier:

Okay. Thank you for clarifying.

that more often than not, when simple words are used, the claim that everyone "gets it" is not going to withstand careful examination until both parties can come to some agreement about what these simple words mean to each of them.

Thank you... I understand now... about the simple examples in quotes... I was more concerned in making it clear to Truster that I don't question his "fate"... "in Jesus"... and I wanted to clarify for any readers that may pass by.

I understand where "doctrinal" exposure can confuse parties and "change" what "simple" words mean to a party. However... I maintain that simplicity should be the goal... and I believe it is the key to "unity". "Presupposition" as you state later... well that can be a real "Pain in the Tookas"!

When witnessing... people that haven't been extensivly churched cling to the book of John and "get it" rather rapidly... but... in western civilization.... many are exposed to "what words mean to some" on a mass scale... and thusly... your mind is well equipped to discuss matters with these people. I said it earlier and dropped your name... you're brilliant and well suited... by your history and God to reach many minds that people of my vernacular... never could. I know that God does it ALL... and any good stuff we say... is from HIM... but... I do see your point... while retaining mine. I do recognize what you are saying and value it as a "differnt" member of THE BODY. :e4e:

Case in point... Truster is "Reformed" in many ways... and has even admitted to once being a "Calvinist"... but he is now believing that his "Reformed" roots aren't present in his doctrine. If he would shrink his head and "listen" to you and [MENTION=6696]Lon[/MENTION] ... I'm certain he would be much better off!

But the horse can only be "led"... any thing else can lead to holding it's stubborn head... "under" the water!

Exposing presuppositions is key in effective discussions and argumentation. From what I read above two ships are passing in the night merely winking at one another without stopping along the journey to examine one another more closely.

I can't disagree with this statement one bit. In the case of "presuppositions"... you are on the money.

Yes, the topic of election will arise. After all it is discussed in Scripture. Whether one believes that election means decisions by God based upon foresight (Arminianism), a view of a nation comprised of individuals therein (dispensationalism), some broad category that all who believe are decreed to be elect without God actually knowing exactly who will believe until they do believe (open theism), or the decision by God to elect some out of a fallen lump of clay for reasons known only to Himself giving no consideration to merit of those so chosen (Reformed), the topic of election cannot be avoided. Better to have these matters out in the open and on the table for effective discussion to proceed.


You know... the 3 things I shifted to red are clear, simple and concise... This is from your own mind and it is boiled down to a simple expression. I can dig that and I'm certain that many others could too. Well written AMR... Well written, indeed.

To simply state the presuppositions is a "valuable" tool in bridging gaps of contention with "unity" that Corinthians demands. As you, Lon and I have discussed before... John 5:39 is the TRUTH and all else is understanding that can lead to disagreement that will exist until the "last call".

PS... [MENTION=6696]Lon[/MENTION] ... I wasn't mentioning you while discussing with AMR to bring you onto this thread. ... I'm not trying to drag you into this... infact I'm aware that we have discussed this already! I just note that you and AMR are a higher caliber of what "Sponsor" you both wear on your "Gospel Race Car".

All of Christs best to you AMR,

- EE


I didn't bother reading your post as everything you have is revealed to you by flesh and blood.

AMR is much more than FLESH and BLOOD learning! I and he have gone in circles many a times... but we both are led by the Spirit to find peace!

Your "judgment"... flat out SUCKS!

You need the "Good Physician" to do some surgery inside your heart... Truster.

AMR and Lon are well equipped to assist you in disarming that contention bomb you have within you... but honestly... I now am certain that it has a protective "Pride" circuit that keeps it from being touched.

I am still refraining from engaging you... but I will reply to your previous words to me... in a sincere manner.
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AMR is much more than FLESH and BLOOD learning! I and he have gone in circles many a times... but we both are led by the Spirit to find peace!

Your "judgment"... flat out SUCKS!

You need the "Good Physician" to do some surgery inside your heart... Truster.

AMR and Lon are well equipped to assist you in disarming that contention bomb you have within you... but honestly... I now am certain that it has a protective "Pride" circuit that keeps it from being touched.

I am still refraining from engaging you... but I will reply to your previous words to me... in a sincere manner.

He makes merchandise of doctrine. No man who is truly inspired by the Holy Spirit would dare do so.

"You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before Elohim. Repent of this wickedness and pray to Elohim in the hope that he may forgive you for having such a thought in your heart. For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin.”

Simon Magus offered money for spiritual favour amr charges money for so called spiritual doctrine.


A few months ago you threaten to demolish me and then disappeared, so its no surprise you run away again.

You are welcome to "quote" me... as I believe that I would use the words ... "Theologically Level"... but if I did use the words "Destroy"... I apologize.

I don't want to destroy you, Truster. I want to "build you up". My counter perspective is as valuable as yours and forces us and others to search scripture. That's between them and God. Is that a "bad" thing?

You have gotten all "in your feelings" here... and it is detracting from the points that could be discussed. That's the blatant... observable occurrence.

Never forget... there is a time to rend and a time to sew. And above ALL...

I know that my next words will be a bit inflammatory... but I mean them to "build you up"... You would be "wise" to let go of your "bitterness" and "pride". Criticism without a point of possible "building up" is nothing more than a "clanging gong" or "tinkling cymbal".

After all...

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

I encourage you to continue searching... instead of assuming you "know it all". We all must retain a desire to "seek"... so we can "find" more and more... that is part of our next "journey"... in "eternity". Don't assume your "spiritual storehouse" is complete and "correct" Truster. There is only one "Spiritual Storehouse" that is complete in all of "existence". We call that ONE (Jesus Christ).

- EE


He makes merchandise of doctrine. No man who is truly inspired by the Holy Spirit would dare do so.

"You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before Elohim. Repent of this wickedness and pray to Elohim in the hope that he may forgive you for having such a thought in your heart. For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin.” Simon Magus offered money for spiritual favour amr charges money for so called spiritual doctrine.


The Ox is worthy of grain. That is about eternity, wives, husbands, money and more. You speak without thinking!

You sir are indeed an accuser of the brethren. AMR and I have come to verbal blows several times... but we retain recognition of one another's love for Jesus and we retain a mutual respect for one another and desire to build one another up.

You need to look deeper into matters before you "CAST STONES"!

You keep shattering that "Glass House" of yours!
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New member
You are welcome to "quote" me... as I believe that I would use the words ... "Theologically Level"... but if I did use the words "Destroy"... I apologize.

I don't want to destroy you, Truster. I want to "build you up". My counter perspective is as valuable as yours and forces us and others to search scripture. That's between them and God. Is that a "bad" thing?

You have gotten all "in your feelings" here... and it is detracting from the points that could be discussed. That's the blatant... observable occurrence.

Never forget... there is a time to rend and a time to sew. And above ALL...

I know that my next words will be a bit inflammatory... but I mean them to "build you up"... You would be "wise" to let go of your "bitterness" and "pride". Criticism without a point of possible "building up" is nothing more than a "clanging gong" or "tinkling cymbal".

After all...

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

I encourage you to continue searching... instead of assuming you "know it all". We all must retain a desire to "seek"... so we can "find" more and more... that is part of our next "journey"... in "eternity". Don't assume your "spiritual storehouse" is complete and "correct" Truster. There is only one "Spiritual Storehouse" that is complete in all of "existence". We call that ONE (Jesus Christ).

- EE

You do not have a sincere inclination in you. You are in no way spiritually sound no indeed alive.

There is nothing you have to say that would feed the holy and there is nothing I could say that you could understand or accept.


New member

The Ox is worthy of grain. That is about eternity, wives, husbands, money and more. You speak without thinking!

You sir are indeed an accuser of the brethren. AMR and I have come to verbal blows several times... but we retain recognition of one another's love for Jesus and we retain a mutual respect for one another and desire to build one another up.

You need to look deeper into matters before you "CAST STONES"!

You keep shattering that "Glass House" of yours!

You twist scripture to try and uphold your false doctrine. The Ox being worthy has got nothing to do with monetary payment.

I am an accuser of those that make merchandise of so called doctrine. They help students cheat in dissertations.


You do not have a sincere inclination in you. You are in no way spiritually sound no indeed alive.

There is nothing you have to say that would feed the holy and there is nothing I could say that you could understand or accept.

1 Corinthians 2:11 For who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God

Proverbs 9:8 Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you.


New member
1 Corinthians 2:11 For who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God

Proverbs 9:8 Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you.

We know by your words what your thoughts are. "Out of the mouth pour the contents of the heart"...

heart...not the blood pump.


You twist scripture to try and uphold your false doctrine. The Ox being worthy has got nothing to do with monetary payment.

I am an accuser of those that make merchandise of so called doctrine. They help students cheat in dissertations.

The bible reads "Carnally" and "Spiritually"... and both are "Valuable" to understand! Jesus had support in His ministry.

John 12:6 He said this, not because he (Judas) cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it.

What do you think that money bag was from?


And again... For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages.”

Carnal... Finance for ministry... Spiritual... Eternal life


New member
As I've pointed out your questions and options in all these threads are nonsense and incomplete. They are the questions of the ignorant with no spiritual basis or knowledge.


New member
The bible reads "Carnally" and "Spiritually"... and both are "Valuable" to understand! Jesus had support in His ministry.

John 12:6 He said this, not because he (Judas) cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it.

What do you think that money bag was from?


And again... For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages.”

Carnal... Finance for ministry... Spiritual... Eternal life

What would an ox do with money? Are you truly that stupid? Rhetorical?