Every day is a new circus.

The Barbarian

The following refers to BP activity where they routinely flout the law within the 100-mile zone :

For instance, Border Patrol claims the authority to operate immigration checkpoints. Agents, nevertheless, cannot pull anyone over without "reasonable suspicion" of an immigration violation or crime (more than just a "hunch"). Similarly, courts have determined that outside of Ports of Entry [Border Patrol cannot search vehicles in the 100-mile zone without a warrant or "probable cause" (a reasonable belief, based on the circumstances, that an immigration violation or crime has occurred).

Outside the 100-mile zone, how is the act of boarding Greyhound buses to ask for documentation anything other than unconstitutional?

It's completely unconstitutional. But as I said, courts have ruled that law enforcement agents have the right to lie to you in order to get you to waive your rights. It is, BTW, a crime for you to lie to a federal official about anything at all.

That's the country in which we live. It's up to each of us to affirm our rights. This woman did something very brave but very dangerous. The good part of this is that her loud and public assertion of the rights of everyone on that bus was negative reinforcement; those agents will be a little less likely to go through that kind of public calling-out again.

The ubiquity of video cameras out there make them a little more cautious about abusing people. Not all of them do this kind of thing. But being exposed and embarrassed is a good thing, albeit personally risky.


like marbles on glass
It's completely unconstitutional. But as I said, courts have ruled that law enforcement agents have the right to lie to you in order to get you to waive your rights. It is, BTW, a crime for you to lie to a federal official about anything at all.

That's the country in which we live. It's up to each of us to affirm our rights. This woman did something very brave but very dangerous. The good part of this is that her loud and public assertion of the rights of everyone on that bus was negative reinforcement; those agents will be a little less likely to go through that kind of public calling-out again.

The ubiquity of video cameras out there make them a little more cautious about abusing people. Not all of them do this kind of thing. But being exposed and embarrassed is a good thing, albeit personally risky.

Completely agree. I've been elsewhere and seen rabid right-wingers wave the 2nd amendment around all over the place claiming their rights - while throwing the rest of the Constitution out the window without a backwards glance (and without apology) when they want to limit the freedoms of people they don't like, whether because of their color, their religion or their politics.

The Barbarian

Completely agree. I've been elsewhere and seen rabid right-wingers wave the 2nd amendment around all over the place claiming their rights - while throwing the rest of the Constitution out the window without a backwards glance (and without apology) when they want to limit the freedoms of people they don't like, whether because of their color, their religion or their politics.

It is very hard for some people to realize that if people they don't like lose their rights, they will also lose the rights they care about.

This is true of the 2nd Amendment also. And yes, just as religious freedom doesn't include forcing one's religious beliefs on others, so does the 2nd Amendment not include putting others in danger from reckless use of weapons.


like marbles on glass
Dennis Hof, a famed pimp who owns multiple legal brothels in Nevada, won a Republican primary for the state Legislature on Tuesday, ABC News reports.

Hof, who ousted three-term lawmaker James Oscarson to win the nomination, will face Democrat Lesia Romanov in November.

According to the Associated Press, Hof, the star of the HBO adult reality series Cathouse, will be the favored candidate in the Republican-leaning district.

Hof, who bills himself as the “Trump of Pahrump” (a town in Nevada), attributes his surprising win in part to President Donald Trump.

“It’s all because Donald Trump was the Christopher Columbus for me,” Hof told the Associated Press. “He found the way, and I jumped on it.”



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The Barbarian

Dennis Hof, a famed pimp who owns multiple legal brothels in Nevada, won a Republican primary for the state Legislature on Tuesday, ABC News reports.

“It’s all because Donald Trump was the Christopher Columbus for me,” Hof told the Associated Press. “He found the way, and I jumped on it.”

So now, it's not just the workers, it's management moving in.


Dennis Hof, a famed pimp who owns multiple legal brothels in Nevada, won a Republican primary for the state Legislature on Tuesday, ABC News reports.

“It’s all because Donald Trump was the Christopher Columbus for me,” Hof told the Associated Press. “He found the way, and I jumped on it.”

So now, it's not just the workers, it's management moving in.

You went there? This is very disappointing

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You went there? This is very disappointing
Have you ever considered using that last sentence as a lead in to every post you make?

Meanwhile, it's not surprising that the guy who famously said where he'd grab a woman has paved the way for men using it as a power grab, or a purse.


New member
Dennis Hof, a famed pimp who owns multiple legal brothels in Nevada, won a Republican primary for the state Legislature on Tuesday, ABC News reports.

“It’s all because Donald Trump was the Christopher Columbus for me,” Hof told the Associated Press. “He found the way, and I jumped on it.”

So now, it's not just the workers, it's management moving in.

You're a bit late with that comment, Trump himself was "Management," remember?

By the way, here is somewhat of an astute article...

"What is Trump trying to hide by blaming Canada? The answer may be frightening."


At the same time, this comment (of the many great in comments in the article's comments section) is spot on. Couldn't have put it better myself.

Why act as if Donald Trump has a strategy? About anything? Strategic thinking requires knowledge: of your opponent, your goals, the facts, an inquisitive mind open and willing to learn. A conspiracy believer has none of those traits. And Trump is a proven conspiracy believer. Remember his advocacy of the “birther” movement? That collection of oddballs and idiots who denied President Obama was born in Hawaii? He didn’t abandon that disgusting delusion until after he was nominated for president! Other similar lunatic ideas emanate from the White House on a regular basis. The conspiracy believer is willfully ignorant, incurious, basically frightened, and likely to believe in multiple conspiracies even when the conspiracies contradict each other. They believe (or concoct) their conspiracies to try to bring order to a chaotic world. Reality frightens them. So, isn’t it past time to stop looking for logical reasons Trump may have for his erratic behavior? We all know he’s nuts. Acting as if there might be a plan or strategy behind what he does, is as foolish as praising the emperor’s new clothes.

The Barbarian

Have you ever considered using that last sentence as a lead in to every post you make?

Meanwhile, it's not surprising that the guy who famously said where he'd grab a woman has paved the way for men using it as a power grab, or a purse.

Yep. It's no longer a problem for the political right. Prostitution and sexual assault are just "boys being boys."

The Barbarian

You're a bit late with that comment, Trump himself was "Management," remember?

By the way, here is somewhat of an astute article...

"What is Trump trying to hide by blaming Canada? The answer may be frightening."

What's puzzling is why Trump wants to pick a trade war with a country like Canada, which has a large trade deficit with the United States.

It's hard to imagine a sane person even considering such a move.


like marbles on glass
Why act as if Donald Trump has a strategy? About anything? Strategic thinking requires knowledge: of your opponent, your goals, the facts...

For a long time I was amazed at, and now I'm just disgusted with those who think he has this great strategy, that he's playing '3-D chess,' that he's outfoxing the left, that the art of the deal is going to win the day... he has absolutely no idea what the hell he's doing. Not a clue. Not even a half a clue.


like marbles on glass
Paul Manafort was sent to jail Friday by a federal judge who said she couldn’t turn a blind eye to claims that he attempted to tamper with witnesses, adding pressure on President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager to cooperate with a U.S. probe of Russian election meddling.

U.S. authorities immediately took Manafort into custody and escorted him out of a packed courtroom, where his wife looked on during the hearing. The dramatic turn means that Manafort will have to prepare for two federal trials in the coming weeks -- one in Washington, and one in Virginia -- while confined to a jail cell.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson in Washington revoked Manafort’s bail, saying she had no choice but to lock him up because she couldn’t stop him from contacting people.
