Every day is a new circus.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
do you think that's a requirement for playing on the team? :think:
No, the requirement is actually being a girl (since 'girls' soccer is the only soccer with gender /sex discrimination, because if it was only merit based there wouldn't be any 'girls' playing soccer professionally), and being good enough at soccer.

That so many of these 'girls' are LGBTQI+ etc., is thought provoking though. idk why there's such a strong correlation between LGBTQI+ etc. 'girls' and playing sports competitively. It's so disproportional that it makes me wonder why I've seen nobody inquiring scientifically why this should be the case. :think:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
It's in many competitive (perhaps just 'team?') sports though, not just soccer, where the LGBTQI+ etc. 'girls' are greatly disproportional.
The real question is: What are they doing out of the kitchen?

Seriousness aside, it's probably selection bias. Homos hate children, while normal women have them and are too busy looking after them.

Gary K

New member
There certainly is a new circus every day.

Since the 8th of November 2016, all those that voted for Donald Trump or supported his candidacy have been gratuitously identified as Nazis, Fascists or white supremacists by the hierarchy of the American Left and the verdict dutifully regurgitated on a near daily basis by oblivious rank and file leftists. Further, not only are those who voted for Trump fascists and racists, but the slogan “Make America Great Again” on a red baseball cap is the new swastika and emblematic of racial supremacy per Nazi dogma. Anyone wearing this hat, as the teen-agers of Covington Catholic High School discovered, is therefore a racist Nazi sympathizer pledging their allegiance to the new Fuhrer: Donald Trump.

Having been brainwashed by segments of the education and entertainment establishment into believing the United States is an evil nation with an equally evil past, a gullible segment of society is susceptible to the demagoguery that has succeeded in creating legions of mind-numbed robotic machines repeating ad nauseum these talking points. They not only regurgitate these talking points, but too many consider it a sacred duty to volunteer and join a new crusade, known as Antifa, to defeat, by any means necessary, the hordes of fascists currently running amok throughout the nation.

With Donald Trump in the White House, the hierarchy of the American Left can easily mobilize its army of brain-dead foot soldiers as well as much of the media and Hollywood. However, these same elites are incapable of generating an original thought or concept and instead can only spew theories and utopian promises from the failed and discredited Marxist playbook while employing the same tactics used by Adolf Hitler to permanently obliterate any opposition.

I have watched the radical evolution of the Left over the past 25 years with quite a bit of trepidation. Today, I and many others are incensed and fed up with seeing 63+ million of our neighbors and fellow countrymen, whether white, black or brown, who may be small business men or women, factory workers, farmers, union members or laborers being compared to Nazis or white supremacists.

We have been infuriated that Donald Trump, who exhibits no overt totalitarian tendencies and has been determined, in the face of brutal and unethical opposition, to fulfill his campaign promises, has been constantly, and with malice aforethought, compared to Hitler or Stalin. Two of the most brutal and murderous despots in history. Thus, belittling the suffering and death of countless millions at their hands.

The rest of the article can be read at: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/07/the_american_lefts_army_of_dupes.html
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The Barbarian

As my oldest daughter went from recreational soccer to select, to state teams to Division I college, she encountered more and more females who were lesbians. No one seemed all that concerned about it. The funny thing is, almost all the players at the top were roughneck tomboys, who spent recess with the guys playing sports, but the great majority of them still turned out heterosexual.

This seems consistent with the idea that homosexuality is not a choice but something that happens very early in life.

There is considerable literature on this which is consistent with the above:

A girl’s behavioral gender deviations toward a male-typical direction are somewhat weaker (compared to boys) predictors of her sexual and romantic orientations. T

However, only about 6% of girls with an average degree of cross-sex behavior among lesbians became lesbians, whereas for boys the proportion was considerably larger, 51%. “Thus, early cross-gender behavior appears to be substantially more predictive of homosexuality in men than in women” (p. 49).
I might add that it is more the addition of masculinity rather than a deletion of femininity that distinguishes tomboy from non-tomboy girls. And, this pattern characterizes not only lesbian but also many straight, bisexual, and other nonexclusive girls.



Well-known member
So... basically the author whines about being lumped in with Nazis while busy lumping "the left" in with Marxists? :chuckle:
Or the left with baby-killers, communists, fascists, Antifa, etc...

The extremes of either party is not a pretty picture. Such fear-mongering would lead one to decide which they hesitantly want to be identified with. For me, at a young age, it was 'baby-killer' I wanted to distance from. Now with kids in detention centers (not really cages), it is either keep them miserably alive, or put them out of their misery. Where is the party that is trying to do something human (humane)? I want to be a part of that party. :think: :e4e:

patrick jane

I'm pretty darn sure that Ice and Donald Trump (You can't blame Trump for this) want the best possible care and housing for the untold tens of thousands per month that "find their way" to our borders. To infer or imply that Trump WANTS children living in deplorable conditions is just another tool used by the left to SCARE the crap out of immigrants.

Make no mistake, it is all about VOTES for the democrats, they don't care how they get the vote and they don't care about the people voting. It's a numbers game they intend to wim by any means necessary. Remove the Electoral College - Eliminate the citizenship question on the Census - register and vote even if you're an ILLEGAL immigrant - Just get the votes - the voters - the numbers - EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING is justified in the pursuit of CONTROL of the White House, the Legislature and the Supreme Court. They just never counted on Donald John Trump to keep WINNING !!!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Or the left with baby-killers, communists, fascists, Antifa, etc...

The extremes of either party is not a pretty picture. Such fear-mongering would lead one to decide which they hesitantly want to be identified with. For me, at a young age, it was 'baby-killer' I wanted to distance from. Now with kids in detention centers (not really cages), it is either keep them miserably alive, or put them out of their misery. Where is the party that is trying to do something human (humane)? I want to be a part of that party. :think: :e4e:

build a wall, stop the flood of migration through mexico, keep those children at home with their families where they belong

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Make no mistake, it is all about VOTES for the democrats, they don't care how they get the vote and they don't care about the people voting. It's a numbers game they intend to wim by any means necessary.
Everyone who runs and every party with a candidate means to win and does just about anything they can within the rules. Neither party is established altruistically. They're the machinery of ideologically driven contest. So it's about votes to both parties and every candidate, except the president. For him it's about the EC.

To say the Democrats don't care about their constituency is as pointless as to echo the hard left's charge that the abortion issue for Republicans is all about power over women and whipping the base. And as wrong.

Remove the Electoral College
Or just eliminate the "winner takes all" approach to it in all but a handful of states, which wasn't the Founders notion, was added by smart political operators in states later on, and is really the heart of the problem. I'd rather it just be one man, one vote, but that would take an amendment, where the states themselves can manage the other.

Eliminate the citizenship question on the Census
Well, the S. Ct. just ruled on that effort by the current administration and conservative Chief Justice Roberts swung the fence closed on it as it stands. The majority opinion held that the government can ask the question, but should have reason to justify the inclusion and alteration of a long standing census form on point. The opinion said the one proffered by the President was "contrived," and didn't if you read between the lines, served a political interest, not a legitimate state interest.

register and vote even if you're an ILLEGAL immigrant
Who has said illegal immigrants should vote? Where is that set out as a party plank?

- Just get the votes - the voters - the numbers - EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING is justified in the pursuit of CONTROL of the White House, the Legislature and the Supreme Court.
Didn't you vote for a party that refused to let a sitting president's nominee to the Court undergo the confirmation process, and for a president who has voiced his desire to get rid of another sitting justice to further stack the Court in favor of the minority voice that, through the EC, elected him?

That's hutzpah, PJ. Stones that Lincoln's statue would envy. :D

They just never counted on Donald John Trump to keep WINNING !!!
He's not winning popular opinion. We'll see how or if that translates now that everyone's gotten a good look at him and can't say, as I heard more than a few suggest before his victory, "Just wait, this is politics/rhetoric. Once he wins the thing he'll surprise you and act the way presidents do."


like marbles on glass
Seth Rich Smear By Sean Hannity Was First A Russian Disinfo Campaign

The Seth Rich conspiracy started as a Russian memo, grabbed by right-wing outlets, snatched by Steve Bannon, and shouted from the rooftops by Sean Hannity.

The Russian effort to exploit Rich’s tragic death didn’t stop with the fake SVR bulletin. Over the course of the next two and a half years, the Russian government-owned media organizations RT and Sputnik repeatedly played up stories that baselessly alleged that Rich, a relatively junior-level staffer, was the source of Democratic Party emails that had been leaked to WikiLeaks. It was an idea first floated by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who on Aug. 9, 2016, announced a $20,000 reward for information about Rich’s murder, saying — somewhat cryptically — that “our sources take risks.”

At the same time, online trolls working in St. Petersburg, Russia, for the Internet Research Agency (IRA) — the same shadowy outfit that conducted the Russian social media operation during the 2016 election — aggressively boosted the conspiracy theories. IRA-created fake accounts, masquerading as those of American citizens or political groups, tweeted and retweeted more than 2,000 times about Rich, helping to keep the bogus claims about his death in the social media bloodstream, according to an analysis of a database of Russia troll accounts by Yahoo News.​


Well-known member
build a wall, stop the flood of migration through mexico, keep those children at home with their families where they belong
Not sure if 'belong' is the word. I do have compassion on kids without homes and would that about 30 caring nations would recognize this as a global crisis and do something productive. We in the U.S. can afford a big chunk, but the UN needs to show they are more concerned with politics too! I think politically, you are correct.

41Then He will say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.42For I was hungry and you gave Me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me nothing to drink,43I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, I was naked and you did not clothe Me, I was sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’
44And they too will reply, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’
45Then the King will answer, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me.’
46And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

The Barbarian

Not sure if 'belong' is the word. I do have compassion on kids without homes and would that about 30 caring nations would recognize this as a global crisis and do something productive. We in the U.S. can afford a big chunk, but the UN needs to show they are more concerned with politics too!

This needs to be said more often. Some nations are doing what they can with the refugees from Syria and elsewhere. But others could indeed do more for the refugees from Central American countries that are falling apart.
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