Establishment of the Identity of Christ and The Destruction of the Temple


The Greek is even more specific than what I quoted from the ASV, so perhaps you should be more specific in your responses when you say, "No, I disagree with your post", because you essentially disagreed with my entire post in the way you worded your response. However my entire post was predicated on what the scripture says; which scripture passages I posted. When you make such "decrees" you make it look as if you imagine yourself as some Sage or Rabbi "affirming or denying with a word", (and you are no such thing though you appear to have suggested elsewhere that you fancy yourself a Rabbi in training).

I do not disagree with scripture ever. Only sometimes with how people use scripture. I am not making a decree. My Rabbi did talk with me about becoming a Rabbi and gave me an assignment. I read, study, observe, keep, and teach Torah, as a Jew of Israel being a proselyte and a convert. I do not know Greek.



Lazy afternoon

The Master confirms the covenant to the many, according to how it is written in Dan 9:27, and he does so at the "Last Supper", (with the first cup mentioned, which is the cup spoken about in Matthew and Mark). That means that according to the false doctrine of Lazy afternoon the very same covenant(s) only lasted about a day.


According to you, the shed blood of Jesus Christ inaugurated NO covenant,

and you say was completely unnecessary that any may be able to eat of His flesh and drink of His blood, as you claim to do.



Well-known member

According to you, the shed blood of Jesus Christ inaugurated NO covenant,

and you say was completely unnecessary that any may be able to eat of His flesh and drink of His blood, as you claim to do.


All the faithful are made to drink into one Spirit, and to partake of one Bread: the Bread of Life, for the Testimony of Messiah is Spirit and Life, as he says, (1Cor 10:16,17, 1Cor 12:13, John 6:48-58, John 6:63). Where is your literal physical blood for you to drink? You will never obtain it. Where is your literal physical flesh of Messiah to eat? You will never obtain it, yet you demand that as your atonement, but according to your carnal minded understanding you cannot keep the commandments of Messiah which will never pass away. In fact, if indeed he returned in glorified resurrected flesh tomorrow you would be required to eat his glorified flesh because he plainly says that the heavens and the earth will pass away but his words shall not pass away. Do you not think that perhaps you might be misunderstanding his words? Could it be that perhaps he made such bold and offensive statements so that everyone would know that he did not mean them literally and physically? You cannot serve the Master with one foot in the carnal and physical things. Your conflict will never be resolved so long as you ignore the words of Paul and continue walking according to the flesh in your understanding. Paul likewise warns you in many places of the consequences of your carnal man paradigm-mindset, (Rom 8:4-12,13, Gal 6:7,8, 2Cor 5:14,15,16,17, [and 2Cor 5:17 is quoting from Rev 21:4c-5a]).


New member
All the faithful are made to drink into one Spirit, and to partake of one Bread: the Bread of Life, for the Testimony of Messiah is Spirit and Life, as he says, (1Cor 10:16,17, 1Cor 12:13, John 6:48-58, John 6:63). Where is your literal physical blood for you to drink? You will never obtain it. Where is your literal physical flesh of Messiah to eat? You will never obtain it, yet you demand that as your atonement, but according to your carnal minded understanding you cannot keep the commandments of Messiah which will never pass away. In fact, if indeed he returned in glorified resurrected flesh tomorrow you would be required to eat his glorified flesh because he plainly says that the heavens and the earth will pass away but his words shall not pass away. Do you not think that perhaps you might be misunderstanding his words? Could it be that perhaps he made such bold and offensive statements so that everyone would know that he did not mean them literally and physically? You cannot serve the Master with one foot in the carnal and physical things. Your conflict will never be resolved so long as you ignore the words of Paul and continue walking according to the flesh in your understanding. Paul likewise warns you in many places of the consequences of your carnal man paradigm-mindset, (Rom 8:4-12,13, Gal 6:7,8, 2Cor 5:14,15,16,17, [and 2Cor 5:17 is quoting from Rev 21:4c-5a]).

The wizard mocks the shed blood of Christ because he is cutoff from it! When someone is lost and cutoff from grace they don't turn into axe murderers. They go into an endless loop of self-justification where they preach Torah over and over and over. The vast majority of people in the world are lost unbelievers and for the most part they live moral and respectable lives.

Lazy afternoon

The wizard mocks the shed blood of Christ because he is cutoff from it! When someone is lost and cutoff from grace they don't turn into axe murderers. They go into an endless loop of self-justification where they preach Torah over and over and over. The vast majority of people in the world are lost unbelievers and for the most part they live moral and respectable lives.

Daqq will say almost anything to avoid confessing the shed blood of Christ, as the only means by which men are reconciled to God by faith in.



Well-known member
The "seed" of David in Psalm 89: 4 is his spiritual seed, as is the promise of the seed from Abraham also being his spiritual seed,.

North: in these cases and Christ there is a physical descendant that is traceable to the period in which they lived. But after that, it is their faith that matters. A person who has their faith can enjoy the fact that they had that physical descendancy at one point, but it does not matter downstream. Now the connection is by faith.


Well-known member
Daniel 9 is a prophecy for the reconstruction and restoration of Jerusalem and the temple in the last days not the days of Daniel. His book was sealed up until the time of the end which simply means that all his prophecies apply to the time of the end.

I don't see the restoration anywhere, but they do apply to the end of time (Heb 9:27) and that was the generation of Christ, from the Gospel event to the destruction.

Dan 9's prayer is FOR restoration, but ends with the pulverization of the city and sanctuary. He is to accept that the accomplishments of Christ for justification from sin are the restoration.


Well-known member
The wizard mocks the shed blood of Christ because he is cutoff from it! When someone is lost and cutoff from grace they don't turn into axe murderers. They go into an endless loop of self-justification where they preach Torah over and over and over. The vast majority of people in the world are lost unbelievers and for the most part they live moral and respectable lives.

Nope, all those passages I quoted are not wizardry but simply what the scripture says. You only falsely accuse those passages of being wizardry because you yourself are a word-sorcerer who subverts the scripture toward your own means and ends. It will do you no good in the end but rather only seal your fate.


Well-known member
Daqq will say almost anything to avoid confessing the shed blood of Christ, as the only means by which men are reconciled to God by faith in.


You cannot handle being forced to confess to what the scripture actually says because you too are word-sorcerer who subverts the scripture to your own means and ends. For the same reason you closed your own call out thread about atonement when you saw that you have no answers for the scripture passages which refute you to your face. :)


Well-known member
Daqq will say almost anything to avoid confessing the shed blood of Christ, as the only means by which men are reconciled to God by faith in.


I wish they would beam Daqq back up to the mother ship. He's such a pest!

Both of you detest the truth and that is really the only thing either of you have against me; and it is because I have posted scriptures that refute both of your doctrines, and you clearly have and had no responses to those passages. You both detest the truth because it interferes with your own private word-sorcering elixirs. This is true because both of you have been shown scripture passages which you openly reject and refuse to allow into your own privately held doctrines. Therefore the both of you are thieves who are stealing from the Word so as to concoct your own potions of doctrines which exclude the portions of the Word you do not wish to accept as true. And if you do not wish to be exposed by the light of scripture then stop making false accusations about me which force me to defend what I know from the scripture.

Lazy afternoon

Both of you detest the truth and that is really the only thing either of you have against me; and it is because I have posted scriptures that refute both of your doctrines, and you clearly have and had no responses to those passages. You both detest the truth because it interferes with your own private word-sorcering elixirs. This is true because both of you have been shown scripture passages which you openly reject and refuse to allow into your own privately held doctrines. Therefore the both of you are thieves who are stealing from the Word so as to concoct your own potions of doctrines which exclude the portions of the Word you do not wish to accept as true. And if you do not wish to be exposed by the light of scripture then stop making false accusations about me which force me to defend what I know from the scripture.

You have a habit of lying, in order to try to cover up that you deny the blood of Christ which atoned for believers sin, which you still have.


Lazy afternoon

You cannot handle being forced to confess to what the scripture actually says because you too are word-sorcerer who subverts the scripture to your own means and ends. For the same reason you closed your own call out thread about atonement when you saw that you have no answers for the scripture passages which refute you to your face. :)

More lies from an unsaved man.

I closed the thread because Freelight was using it to post videos denying the blood of Christ, which supported Judaism which you agreed with.



Well-known member
You have a habit of lying, in order to try to cover up that you deny the blood of Christ which atoned for believers sin, which you still have.


More lies from an unsaved man.

I closed the thread because Freelight was using it to post videos denying the blood of Christ, which supported Judaism which you agreed with.


Then why are you not burning down my own thread on atonement? What are you afraid of? I have no doubt that if you could actually defend your position you would have already burned down my thread with all of your scripture quotes and commentary. You are the liar and that has already been shown over and over again. Last time you made that accusation I asked you to prove it and of course you could do no such thing. What I have said about you is the truth because I know by experience from the unfortunate verbal exchanges with you here in this forum board. You are not capable of defending what you believe because you exclude the passages you do not wish to accept into your doctrine. You cannot find the truth because you think you already have it while rejecting certain portions of the Word and refusing to force yourself to solve the apparent surface contradictions and discrepancies, which are not contradictions at all, but rather put there intentionally so as to make you work and seek for the kingdom of Elohim, and so as to find out if truly indeed you love Elohim, and His Word, and diligently seek His kingdom. But you apparently are not willing to do those things, so instead you violate, attack, and molest those who do, just as your pal Epoisses the molester of the children of Elohim. Do you think you and Epoisses are never going to have to answer for continually molesting the children of Elohim? :chuckle:


New member
I don't see the restoration anywhere, but they do apply to the end of time (Heb 9:27) and that was the generation of Christ, from the Gospel event to the destruction.

Dan 9's prayer is FOR restoration, but ends with the pulverization of the city and sanctuary. He is to accept that the accomplishments of Christ for justification from sin are the restoration.

When you look at Dan. 9, the Olivet discourse and 2Thess. 2 together it makes is obvious that there will be a rebuilt physical temple in the last days.


Well-known member
More lies from an unsaved man.

I closed the thread because Freelight was using it to post videos denying the blood of Christ, which supported Judaism which you agreed with.


By the way, that was your own call-out thread leveled against [MENTION=1746]freelight[/MENTION] and as far as I can tell he has a right to defend his beliefs including posting videos. Have you never posted a video? Ah, yes, you have threads with nothing more than a video in the OP to make your point for the thread. You therefore bear witness against yourself that you are both a hypocrite and a coward because you yourself post videos; and when you posted a call-out thread, naming names and accusations in the OP, you then closed the thread like a coward and would not allow the one you called out to defend himself.


New member
More lies from an unsaved man.

I closed the thread because Freelight was using it to post videos denying the blood of Christ, which supported Judaism which you agreed with.


He's cutoff from grace by his own self-deception. Now he has visions of UFOs and aliens and preaches Torah over and over and over. God allows him to post here as a warning to others.


New member
By the way, that was your own call-out thread leveled against [MENTION=1746]freelight[/MENTION] and as far as I can tell he has a right to defend his beliefs including posting videos. Have you never posted a video? Ah, yes, you have threads with nothing more than a video in the OP to make your point for the thread. You therefore bear witness against yourself that you are both a hypocrite and a coward because you yourself post videos; and when you posted a call-out thread, naming names and accusations in the OP, you then closed the thread like a coward and would not allow the one you called out to defend himself.

The jig is up for Daqq the deceiver. Your lies are old and no one believes them anymore.