:idunno: I'd have thought the opposite where all of it is unfulfilled, yet future? Charismatics believe in further prophesying specifically, I think, because most do go unfulfilled. Only the ones who set dates are now defunct so it seems like a charismatic theology death-sentence to me.
I'm halfway curious enough to research it and find their rationale, but I probably won't.
However, if I had to guess -- and I admit this is all guesswork -- they probably rationalize it on this wise:
•Christ is ruling (Kingdom Now...and I mean NOW!), and
•since they're the inheritors of the nation's New Covenant, and
•in fact have replaced the nation in the favor of God (spiritually if not practically and, for all purposes, literally..."nation of priests" and all that), and
•since they're "King's Kids" (some apply that label to themselves), and
•since they no doubt came to preterism via disappointments with pseudo-dispensational pentecostal date setters who were WRONG, or with some other disappointment BUT
•were charismatics from the get-go and so are heavily invested in continuing the warm fuzzies...
it would figure that they'd believe the signs and wonders continue even now "in the Kingdom" without a hitch.
IF that chain of speculation is accurate, try to view the world from their vantage point for just a moment.
You believe unquestionably in signs and wonders...you believe Christ is already ruling on earth as King, albeit invisibly...you believe the whole earth will only get better and better as time goes on...and you're awaiting some eventual
parousia of Christ because He won't stay invisible forever...AND YOU'RE NOTORIOUSLY UNCLEAR ON THE SAVING GOSPEL OF GRACE...
What might all of that set you up to fall victim to?
I know you're Reformed and so likely won't believe it, but I know you can guess the answer.