ECT Enlightened about MAD


Your problem is you never understood the dbr. It appears you are still lost.

I understand the d,b,r very well.

The question was what does an unbeliever need to hear in order to be saved.

Pretend your a soldier in combat, and you're with an atheist, whom you never talked to before, but know he's an atheist from others. The atheist gets shot in the chest, he only has a few seconds to live, you're kneeling over him, he asks you what must I do to be saved? You only have 10 seconds before he dies, are you going to go on and on about sin, or quote Rom 10:9?

patrick jane

I understand the d,b,r very well.

The question was what does an unbeliever need to hear in order to be saved.

Pretend your a soldier in combat, and you're with an atheist, whom you never talked to before, but know he's an atheist from others. The atheist gets shot in the chest, he only has a few seconds to live, you're kneeling over him, he asks you what must I do to be saved? You only have 10 seconds before he dies, are you going to go on and on about sin, or quote Rom 10:9?
10 seconds is enough to say that Jesus Christ died for sin and rose the 3rd day according to scripture, believe in Jesus Christ and Romans 10:9 KJV to be saved


Well-known member
Many charismatics are preterists. Anyone care to guess why?
:idunno: I'd have thought the opposite where all of it is unfulfilled, yet future? Charismatics believe in further prophesying specifically, I think, because most do go unfulfilled. Only the ones who set dates are now defunct so it seems like a charismatic theology death-sentence to me.


New member
I understand the d,b,r very well.

The question was what does an unbeliever need to hear in order to be saved.

Pretend your a soldier in combat, and you're with an atheist, whom you never talked to before, but know he's an atheist from others. The atheist gets shot in the chest, he only has a few seconds to live, you're kneeling over him, he asks you what must I do to be saved? You only have 10 seconds before he dies, are you going to go on and on about sin, or quote Rom 10:9?

Actually, I have been in that exact position.

My reply was "the Bible says that God commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Believe and you'll be saved."

Just then, his mother showed up with her priest.

"It's alright, mom" he said, "I'm in.."

And just like that he stepped into eternity.

Very moving moment to see that eternal issue in action.

The priest just stood there a sec, too late to do their circus act. He then performed it anyway.

His mom then asked me what we had talked about it, etc.

There it is Tet - hope you have believed as much.

Legalism was not the issue. Your soul was.

The simplicity of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 was.


New member
Danoh and musterion are claiming Rom 10:9 is not enough

That's how this all started.

I was asked what needs to be told to an unbeliever for the unbeliever to be saved, and I quoted Rom 10:9.

musterion and Danoh said Rom 10:9 isn't good enough because it doesn't address sin.

You cannot be saved if you don't address sin. Christ came to save sinners; not those who don't think they are sinners.


The simplicity of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 was.
(1 Cor 15:2 KJV) By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

First off, what happens to someone if they don't "keep in memory" what Paul preached?

What does that even mean?

Secondly, how can someone believe in vain?

patrick jane

(1 Cor 15:2 KJV) By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

First off, what happens to someone if they don't "keep in memory" what Paul preached?

What does that even mean?

Paul was simply explaining what he already taught to them

Secondly, how can someone believe in vain?

Paul was simply explaining what he already taught to them. To believe in vain is to stop believing, duh

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Only because you Darby followers take the simplest of phrases and twist them into a pretzel trying to defend Darby's false teachings.

The little arms/no chin weasel, devil boy asserts that you can deny the one time sacrifice, as "not good enough, " have anti-Christ beliefs, and still be saved.

Quite satanic. Craigie the satanist, on trecord


Well-known member
The little arms/no chin weasel, devil boy asserts that you can deny the one time sacrifice, as "not good enough, " have anti-Christ beliefs, and still be saved.

Because the Gospel of grace -- preached by that anti-Semite Paul -- is secondary to the NC, which somehow everyone is under here in the Kingdom, doncha know, so everyone who just "believes in Jesus" is saved, I guess. They don't NEED to hear about the DBR, just "believe in Jesus" because we're all in His Kingdom at this very moment anyway.

I guess.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the term gospel really has no practical meaning for preterists. After all, what better news could there be than we're ALL already in the Kingdom RIGHT NOW? Jesus ain't coming back, remember? Why should He? HE'S ALREADY HERE.

If that's true, who needs the Cross, or the Death, or the Burial, or the Resurrection? That's all in the past.

The Kingdom is NOW.


Well-known member
You're reading the gospel in the prototype mentality that Mads THINK is there, but is not. Our main character's name is Joshua because he will save his people from the debt of their sins. When he is first seen on-stage, his forerunner is announcing far and wide 'Look! The final sacrificial Lamb of God who takes away the debt of the world's sin!'

Having theological ADD, Mad routinely misses these points. Delete all files.


New member
(1 Cor 15:2 KJV) By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

First off, what happens to someone if they don't "keep in memory" what Paul preached?

What does that even mean?

Secondly, how can someone believe in vain?

It figures you don't know.


You're either dumb, or playing dumb.

You're the Darby follower not me.

You haven't explained anything. All you have done is desperately try to defend your false two gospel theory, and prove to everyone you are a legalist.


Well-known member
:idunno: I'd have thought the opposite where all of it is unfulfilled, yet future? Charismatics believe in further prophesying specifically, I think, because most do go unfulfilled. Only the ones who set dates are now defunct so it seems like a charismatic theology death-sentence to me.

I'm halfway curious enough to research it and find their rationale, but I probably won't.

However, if I had to guess -- and I admit this is all guesswork -- they probably rationalize it on this wise:

•Christ is ruling (Kingdom Now...and I mean NOW!), and

•since they're the inheritors of the nation's New Covenant, and

•in fact have replaced the nation in the favor of God (spiritually if not practically and, for all purposes, literally..."nation of priests" and all that), and

•since they're "King's Kids" (some apply that label to themselves), and

•since they no doubt came to preterism via disappointments with pseudo-dispensational pentecostal date setters who were WRONG, or with some other disappointment BUT

•were charismatics from the get-go and so are heavily invested in continuing the warm fuzzies...

it would figure that they'd believe the signs and wonders continue even now "in the Kingdom" without a hitch.

Now IF that chain of speculation is accurate, try to view the world from their vantage point for just a moment.

You believe unquestionably in signs and believe Christ is already ruling on earth as King, albeit believe the whole earth will only get better and better as time goes on...and you're awaiting some eventual parousia of Christ because He won't stay invisible forever...AND YOU'RE NOTORIOUSLY UNCLEAR ON THE SAVING GOSPEL OF GRACE...

What might all of that set you up to fall victim to?

I know you're Reformed and so likely won't believe it, but I know you can guess the answer.
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New member
You're the Darby follower not me.

You haven't explained anything. All you have done is desperately try to defend your false two gospel theory, and prove to everyone you are a legalist.

In contrast to Tet, the Alcazar follower :chuckle:


New member
I'm halfway curious enough to research it and find their rationale, but I probably won't.

However, if I had to guess -- and I admit this is all guesswork -- they probably rationalize it in this wise:

•Christ is ruling (Kingdom Now...and I mean NOW!), and

•since they're the inheritors of the nation's New Covenant, and

•and in fact have replaced the nation in the favor of God (spiritually if not practically and literally), and

•since they no doubt came to preterism via disappointments with pseudo-dispensational pentecostal date setters who were WRONG, or with some other disappointment,

•but were charismatics from the get-go and so are heavily invested in the warm fuzzies...

it would figure that they'd believe the signs and wonders continue even now "in the Kingdom" without a hitch.

Now IF that chain of speculation is accurate, try to view the world from their vantage point for just a moment.

You believe unquestionably in signs and believe Christ is already ruling on earth as King, albeit believe the whole earth will only get better and better as time goes on...and you're awaiting some eventual parousia of Christ because He won't stay invisible forever...

What might all of that set you up to fall victim to?

I know you're Reformed and so likely won't believe it, but I know you can guess the answer.

Nicely put. Very well thought out.
