Eating Forbidden Fruit


This is a Christian forum. If you're just here to bash it, you're in the wrong place.

Yes, indeed,I am here precisely to bash Christian nonsense. As a free citizen of America I can bash anything I wish. I told you, since you are too overflowing with hatred, to stay away from me ! Get thee behind me.


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Yes, indeed,I am here precisely to bash Christian nonsense. As a free citizen of America I can bash anything I wish. I told you, since you are too overflowing with hatred, to stay away from me ! Get thee behind me.
So, in other words, you're a troll who wants to be banned?

Can do!



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So sad. I guess actively pursuing Christian bashing causes one to lose control of one's emotions and become raving mad.
More accurately, it's a form of mental illness when one actively rejects their Creator God, and the fact that He exists, let alone the fact that He loves him and wants the best for him.

The Christian bashing is just a symptom of that.


New member
Excellent Jamie, thanks a million for that scripture "...for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be...", wow, yes; so my fundamental stance, that law is not determinative of human conduct of the carnal mind is upheld by Paul the

Translation, transliteration and understanding are vital.

"Because the thought of the flesh is enmity to Elohim:
for it neither subjugates to the torah of Elohim
nor indeed can.
8 So they who are in flesh, cannot please Elohim".

Right Divider

Body part
Translation, transliteration and understanding are vital.

"Because the thought of the flesh is enmity to Elohim:
for it neither subjugates to the torah of Elohim
nor indeed can.
8 So they who are in flesh, cannot please Elohim".
Why do you feel the need to attempt to "translate" the scripture from its original language back into a blurry mix of English and Hebrew?


Active member
In this world, there's no freedom coming without responsibility. Law is one way to define the responsibility.

This is almost common sense.