early holiday fireworks: Geraldo v Coulter (coulter is right of course)


New member

yeh, Coulter was right but she wimped out on us... all that smiling...

Heck, i wouldn't be smiling if that had been me talking to that lib...

he said Illegals commit crimes at a lower rate tahn US citizens...

Even if that were true (and why didn't someone say this?), it's irrelevant.

Guess what, Geraldo?

they have ALL ... every last one of them

committed ONE crime that we already know of...




New member
I'm convinced the Coulter is consciously pandering to the rubes. She knows what buttons to hit, and she's made a decent living out of it.


New member
I'm convinced the Coulter is consciously pandering to the rubes. She knows what buttons to hit, and she's made a decent living out of it.

I go back and forth believing that she's really a spy planted by "the left". I truly can't believe people can be that dumb, but then again I do encounter new levels if it weekly, so she could really believe what she spouts, but I doubt it.


New member
I go back and forth believing that she's really a spy planted by "the left". I truly can't believe people can be that dumb, but then again I do encounter new levels if it weekly, so she could really believe what she spouts, but I doubt it.

I don't think she's a spy, although she is apparently friends with Bill Maher. I think she's just an author and commentator who gets paid to go on TV and to write books, and what she does appeals to a certain audience, and she pumps that demographic for all she can.

Jose Fly

New member
The problem with being a political shock-jock is that in order to stay in the spotlight, you have to constantly one-up yourself. But if you go too far, you alienate and offend everyone.

Ann Coulter Wants to Know Why She Doesn’t Make You Mad Anymore

Nobody is paying attention to Ann Coulter, and she does not like it.

“They’re ignoring me now!” Coulter wails, sitting in a conference room at the National Press Club in Washington as a large crowd filters in to hear her promote her new book, ¡Adios, America!.

Don't cry for her though. Even though she keeps getting bumped from CNN, she still sells enough books to be quite wealthy.


New member
I go back and forth believing that she's really a spy planted by "the left". I truly can't believe people can be that dumb, but then again I do encounter new levels if it weekly, so she could really believe what she spouts, but I doubt it.


say what u want about coulter but she is about as far from DUMB as a person can get. I have read most of her books.



New member
actually, maybe Geraldo should not be on my list of who we are tired of seeing on Fox

Judith Miller has just taken his place, even above Juan Williams

At least Williams makes some sense some of the time...

Judith Miller showed that no one needs a GPS to find her... they need look no further than Moron City.. But then, there are many, many inhaibitants thereof... so maybe you'd need that GPS system after all...

not that anyone wants to find her...
