Originally posted by Zakath
But he claims to be a True Believer™ and also claims that people who refuse do act are sinners and disobedient to your deity.
How come, after 2000 years, you people don't have a uniform solution to a relatively simple problem?
We have the same problem as humanists: personalities (I don't think humanists or atheists, put into a room, could agree across the board on too much). I think egos and agendas have pretty much dominated the Christian church for centuries--for better (Reformation) and worse (Enlightenment).
I think one of the misconceptions some have is that Christians are expected to behave, speak, and think like some kind of Borg collective--identical rhetoric, identical solutions. Quite honestly, I'm glad there is little uniformity within the church of today; I think if capable, Christianity would probably do more harm than good with the leaders (so called) and followers in most pews.