...Town includes my name in many of his posts even when responding to others in replies that I am not participating in.
Post a few and let's look at them. See what the context is.
And it is always with a negative connotation using his skills to cast me in distasteful context.
Heck, I can do that by simply reposting some of what you've written without comment. You've compared neg rep to gang rape and abuse, made gay insinuations as insult, just off the top of my head.
3. Zoo began and carried on a campaign focused on tearing down my integrity.
No. He began to point out what you do and what you're mostly about. He isn't the only one.
4. I have made both public and private apologies only to be accused of insincerity.
If you hadn't erased the threads I'd be happy to point out the language you used and the faux nature of at least the one you aimed at me, before bringing my family into your routine. But I probably preserved some in Quixote's or Observations. I can look if you want to press the point.
5. When I raise issues of concern about inequities such as the disparate rep power of longer term members it is treated as if I am being a whiner.
You were whining and casting aspersions on the character of people who weren't in control of a number assigned to weight their ability to impact other numbers. You made that the point instead of the conduct that would illicit the response.
Where is the line between whiner and champion of the underdog?
A champion of others doesn't make the matter about herself. You did. Repeatedly. And, again, about the number and not the thing of importance. We both know why that was.
6. I was informed by a few friends late last year and early this year that pm's were circulating targeting me as some sort of persona non-grata.
News to me. I don't believe you. Given how often you play the vicitm's card...
While I have no proof that this was true you might imagine how it was not a pleasant experience for me. Then one day without any notice I was kicked out of the women's club. Whoever accomplished that must have been very pleased with themselves.
You should ask them. How many people are in it and who controls it? It's not a mystery. Why pretend otherwise.
7. I have every confidence that this response to you will be treated with utmost scorn by some people. Rather ironic isn't it that the very sincere expression I am making here will be used against me, don't you think?
That would be funny, but it's just you doing what you always do.
Here's the thing. The reason so many people have a negative response to you isn't something you ever really concentrate on. People who differ with each other on any number of things.
And that's no real surprise.
And perhaps I should close by saying that I think quite highly of many members here who seem to want to cast me in negative contexts.
No reason to believe that. You've played that card with me one day and the next written a contrary, insulting bit of venom. You say what you want when you want to. It's just noise you make to attract attention to your posture of the moment.
Clean up your act. Go beyond posture. Cut out the salacious and the turn abouts. Remember when I took the faux olive branch after you called the Golden Rule a one sided offer? And how long was it before you couldn't manage not making an offensive return to conflict? About a day.
You want the quotes?