No, it is the revelation of Christ. The subject is Christ. The recipient is John, which could have been any human.
It is about things that were to happen then, quickly, swiftly, says the 1st chapter.
It is not prophecy in the sense of Nostradamus forming a perfect list of everything to happen in the future.
The people in those 7 churches had fled Judea and John was helping them like a pastor to understand that God was in control of the awful things they saw, or that robbed them of friends, husbands, wives, children in Judea. Christ does reign even when things like this happen.
As usual for the NT, the 2nd coming was expected right after them but there are at least 3 places that allow for a delay between the DofJ and the 2nd coming and the Rev is consistent about that.
The opening line is: The revelation (uncovering) of Jesus Christ, which God gave him (Christ).
Why would he need to be uncovered? That is the question of evil all through time; we can't always see him at work, but he is.