Donald Trump will WIN BIG!


New member
THall was sooooooo right! Anne Coulter said the same on the Bill Mayer show and was laughed at wildly!

Anyone looking at the situational facts,
would have seen this coming.
Most fools only see with and through their emotional bias,
and that gives them extremely poor judgment.
There is no truth in them.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Among people with a favorable impression of Trump, according to polling conducted by Public Policy Polling:

65% believe Obama is a Muslim.
59% believe Obama was born outside of the U.S.
27% think vaccines cause autism and 29% aren't sure.
24% think Scalia was murdered and another 34% aren't sure.
7% think Ted Cruz's father was involved in the assassination of JFK. 38% are unsure.

So...that's an interesting crowd, on average. :shocked:

More ominous: when compared head to head with Nickelback, Trump lost by 5 Nickelback.

Don't buy into party disunity among the electorate though. 72% of Republicans say they are comfortable with Trump at the head of the ticket. 21% say they aren't.

Latest head to head polling:

PPP: Clinton +6
CNN: Clinton +13
Rasmussen: Trump +2
IDB/TIPP: Clinton +7
USA Today: Clinton +11
GWU: Clinton +3
FOX: Clinton +7


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Quote Originally Posted by chrysostom

will you support the republican nominee?

Quote Originally Posted by chrysostom

I will not vote for trump
-I will continue to vote for all other republicans
-I will never vote for a democrat

Quote Originally Posted by chrysostom

yes I will vote for trump
he is the republican nominee

will you vote for the republican nominee?

Chrys's hypocrisy is sooooooooo delicious....:chuckle:



like marbles on glass
Chrys's hypocrisy is sooooooooo delicious....:chuckle:


I can find some quotes of yours where you trash-talked Trump, yet you'll go ahead and vote for him anyway.

Who's worse? Someone who had to reevaluate his convictions, or one who never had any to begin with?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I can find some quotes of yours where you trash-talked Trump, yet you'll go ahead and vote for him anyway.

Who's worse? Someone who had to reevaluate his convictions, or one who never had any to begin with?

I admit Trump was not, and is not my choice for POTUS but, I have said and maintained I would vote for the man if he was nominee unlike Chrys who is a hypocrite whining crybaby who has not the courage of his convictions to stand by his own remember "Vote Republican" or "I will vote for the Republican nominee", and the like, the truth is he never believed Trump would get that far. You can continue to defend Chrys given he is too weak to even defend himself from me and others who have called him out on his own words....the man has no convictions or at best they are a total moving target.:down:


Well-known member
People are tired of lying politicians.

People are tired of lazy politicians.

People are tired of incompetent politicians.

People need jobs.

People need a leader with great business sense.

People need a leader with enough spine to actually
do security rather than just talk about it.

People need a leader with excellent negotiating skills.

Trump has the smartest people working for him.

Trump has the most direct communication style.

Trump is the best negotiator running for President.

Trump's team has given him the right message to take to the people.

Trump knows how to build things, not just steal.

This bears repeating. Excellent post!


like marbles on glass
I admit Trump was not, and is not my choice for POTUS but, I have said and maintained I would vote for the man if he was nominee unlike Chrys who is a hypocrite whining crybaby who has not the courage of his convictions to stand by his own remember "Vote Republican" or "I will vote for the Republican nominee", and the like, the truth is he never believed Trump would get that far. You can continue to defend Chrys given he is too weak to even defend himself from me and others who have called him out on his own words....the man has no convictions or at best they are a total moving target.:down:

Yes, you have said you'd vote for him, several times. That's not my point, so let's get that off the table first.

You also trashed Trump multiple times, not even considering him a viable candidate at one point - yet you'll go ahead and vote for him anyway and you think that's better than chrys not considering him a viable candidate at all, and maintaining that view throughout while you've fallen in line with all the other GOP sheeple?

I often disagree with chrys and we've clashed many times, but on this issue you're acting like a 6th. grader and you come out looking the worse for it.


like marbles on glass
Seriously though, the current political climate in this country was created by the very people that voted for progressive farce candidates (left & right) since Reagan left office in '88. They have taken us to a place where a Donald Trump would even be considered as a viable can thank the Bushes, the Clintons, and the Obama's for the state of American politics today, they created this monster.

Trump says he likes the Obamacare personal mandate...if you had any doubt that the man has liberal leanings here it is in his own words. :down:

I believe you are fooling yourself GD, Trump thinks about politics all the time, and how he can game it for a business advantage. Saying you want to "Make America Great Again" makes for a great platitude but, some of his positions as he lays them out are quite progressive liberal, for example his stance on ethanol and the subsidy of it...very liberal or just pandering, his recent comments on federal lands going back to the states and how he believes the feds need to keep the land :nono: Trump is either completely constitutionally ignorant or is a total progressive and the more he speaks the more I believe it is the latter. Trump wants to be a dealmaker with the establishment and really, that is a deal breaker, I want him to defy the establishment, destroy them & their stranglehold of big government on the about no deals at all, Trump is a wild card for sure and nobody knows where his loyalties lie at this point, which is really scary, I will vote for him if he is the nominee but, I will not be giving him a vote in the primary if Cruz is still in it.

Wow Anna, you have taken my viewpoint on why the man is soaring with support and managed to turn that into an argument that I support him? Really he is not the man I want to see as president either but, I am fascinated that you & other liberals cannot understand the attraction that Trump is enjoying. I have not set aside any red flags but, if it comes down to Trump vs Hillary yes, I will vote for a heartbeat. If it is Trump as the nominee yes, I will vote for the man because I am sick & tired of the direction you progressives have taken this once great nation. I don't think Trump will go the distance anyway, I believe that the nation will grow weary of his nonsense but, who will be able to fill that void that is electable is anyones certainly won't be a Jeb Bush.

You're getting ready to vote for this "monster," and meanwhile, you're cackling with glee about chrys?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Yes, you have said you'd vote for him, several times. That's not my point, so let's get that off the table first.

You also trashed Trump multiple times, not even considering him a viable candidate at one point - yet you'll go ahead and vote for him anyway and you think that's better than chrys not considering him a viable candidate at all, and maintaining that view throughout while you've fallen in line with all the other GOP sheeple?

I often disagree with chrys and we've clashed many times, but on this issue you're acting like a 6th. grader and you come out looking the worse for it.

In November there will be only two viable is a felon, a serial liar, a political hack, a female misogynist who claims to stand for women which could not be further from the truth or... the other a very successful businessman, fully capable of executive decision making, with a very unorthadox political approch which is refreshing and detestable at the same time. I agree he has his personal faults, some of which I take issue with but, Trump in my mind may be exactly what this country needs to reform & restore America back to her former self on the lines of liberty, prosperity, and strength. The time for political correctness, and social engineering is over it is time to wake up and get this country rolling again and I believe of the two viable candidates the only one that isn't mired in scandal & has proven record of success is Trump so, I will put my personal peaves aside and vote for the candidate which I believe can restore this nation.

I really could not care less how you or any one else sees me or how they interpret my verbal assault on Chrys, he deserves to lap up the words he has been spewing on this site for least until he issues a mea culpa for it. I suspect he never will so he can just endure the jeering from me and others. :thumb:
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