Bradley D
Well-known member
Nope. Jesus to us is what He couldn't he be with Adam, his advocator if he sinned. Jesus is the Avocater who stands before God to make intercession for us, pleading our case, with God on our behalf. We, if a disciple of Christian, are now the Temple of the Holy Spirit in which He dwells. The true Christian is given the same responsibility as Jesus, the man i.e., to hold in trust, the complete Godhead. Jesus died and resurrected to make that possible for those who love Him by the new birth from above. This is why John 17:3ff is so important to understand.
Adams sin was falling to the temptation of the serpent. "Ye, shall be as gods" (Gen. 3:5). That sin is alive and well today. Yes, Christians are the "temple of the living God." The Holy Spirit has been poured out upon those who believe and have faith. The Godhead is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Godhead is divine and of the substance of God. Christians have the Holy Spirit sent to them to guide them and convict them when wrong. I do not believe I am part of the Godhead. Just a servant.