Does the Ontological argument refute the Doctrine of the Trinity?


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Ad hominem attacks shows that someone has nothing to offer as a refutation and in desperation resort to personal attacks. Otherwise they would simply show where the other is wrong, or why.
No it does not.
Ad hominim does not prove one way or the other if the premise of the argument is true or not.

Oh so the Trinity is not based on and established by platonic philosophy?
Of course not.
That GOD is triune is established in scripture, and does not depend on any "Ontological argument" for it to be truth.

I think you have to pick up a book or two on early church fathers and how they came up with it.
The Bible will do.

If it is not, try explaining the Trinity without using terms like: "of one essence", "eternal begetting", "nature", "tri-personal", "personhood", "omniscient", "omnipotent", "essential properties", "co-eternal", "duality", "two natures"... etc.
What is the purpose of you limiting words that can be used in the argument?????

Just google it or check it out on wikipedia.
Why don't you just use google to find the arguments against it.
Start with folks like Hume and Kant.