Does the Calvinist Doctrine of Predestination Eliminate Christ and His Gospel?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
As usual, your mere quoting a verse and declaring victory is no substitute for actual hermeneutical analysis of the same.

Nothing therein in the actual theophany exhibited in Dan. 3:25, teaches that Our Lord has always existed with a human body, even prior to His incarnation. You and Jerry are wonderful bedfellows if you are going to claim this. So rather than being tentative and coy, just come out with it and state plainly that you either agree with Jerry or you do not.

Has Our Lord Jesus Christ always existed with a human body, even before His actual birth by the virgin Mary?

Yes or No is all that is required here, Robert.


God appeared many times in the Old Testament in a physical body. Just like in Daniel 3:25.

This is why your Calvinist doctrine does not make sense. Why would God declare that someone was saved before the foundation of the world and then come to this earth in a physical body and atone for their sins?

Did not Jesus say, "I and the Father are one" John 10:30.