Does Romans 7:1-3 affirm different rules for women and men regarding adultery?


New member
Or are people twisting Jesus in a way that contradicts Him? [emoji846]

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I just wonder what Jesus meant: v8 Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning."


Does Romans 7:1-3 affirm different rules for women and men regarding adultery?

I just wonder what Jesus meant: v8 Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning."

That's a really good question. I wonder what a hard heart towards a sinner looks like. If only there was a recent example somewhere. I wish I had an answer for you Sonnet. Maybe someone around here knows.

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New member
That's a really good question. I wonder what a hard heart towards a sinner looks like. If only there was a recent example somewhere. I wish I had an answer for you Sonnet. Maybe someone around here knows.

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I mean is Jesus suggesting that Deut 24:1 isn't actually God's intention - that this law is a compromise?


I mean is Jesus suggesting that Deut 24:1 isn't actually God's intention - that this law is a compromise?

If a man marries a woman, but she becomes displeasing to him because he finds something improper about her, he may write her a divorce certificate, hand it to her, and send her away from his house.

Hmmmmmm..... Maybe Paul was Joking when he wrote this.

What does entrusted to a mediator mean anyways. Who was the mediator? [emoji848]

It's not like human beings to mess things up.

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Does Romans 7:1-3 affirm different rules for women and men regarding adultery?

I mean is Jesus suggesting that Deut 24:1 isn't actually God's intention - that this law is a compromise?

Wouldn't it be odd if God gave the Law of Moses as a test to see if people understood this?

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Ben Masada

New member
And is Jesus contradicting himself here - Matthew 5:17-20?

No Sonnet, he is not. It is the Christian preconceived notions that mess up with the Truth. Jesus' understanding of the text in Mat. 5:17-20 is that as he had come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, he was making sure that we all did the same until heavens and earth passed away.


Does Romans 7:1-3 affirm different rules for women and men regarding adultery?

No Sonnet, he is not. It is the Christian preconceived notions that mess up with the Truth. Jesus' understanding of the text in Mat. 5:17-20 is that as he had come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, he was making sure that we all did the same until heavens and earth passed away.

For verily I say unto you, Till, heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

"I have not come to abolish the Law and Prophets, but to "Fulfill" them.

"It is finished"

Literally translated the word tetelestai means, “It is finished.” The word occurs in John 19:28 and 19:30 and these are the only two places in the New Testament where it occurs. In 19:28 it is translated, “After this, when Jesus knew that all things were now completed, in order that the scripture might be fulfilled, he said, ‘I thirst.’” Two verses later, he utters the word himself: “Then when he received the sour wine Jesus said, ‘It is finished,’ and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”

The word tetelestai was also written on business documents or receipts in New Testament times to show indicating that a bill had been paid in full. The Greek-English lexicon by Moulton and Milligan says this:

“Receipts are often introduced by the phrase [sic] tetelestai, usually written in an abbreviated manner...” (p. 630). The connection between receipts and what Christ accomplished would have been quite clear to John’s Greek-speaking readership; it would be unmistakable that Jesus Christ had died to pay for their sins.

Referenced from here

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New member
If a man marries a woman, but she becomes displeasing to him because he finds something improper about her, he may write her a divorce certificate, hand it to her, and send her away from his house.

Hmmmmmm..... Maybe Paul was Joking when he wrote this.

What does entrusted to a mediator mean anyways. Who was the mediator? [emoji848]

It's not like human beings to mess things up.

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I'm not following you.


New member
No Sonnet, he is not. It is the Christian preconceived notions that mess up with the Truth. Jesus' understanding of the text in Mat. 5:17-20 is that as he had come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, he was making sure that we all did the same until heavens and earth passed away.

My point was that Jesus seems to suggest that the law given in Deut 24:1 isn't a law that God saw as ideal. Your answer is speaking of something else - and we know that no human can fulfil the law.


I'm not following you.
Paul spells out that the Stone Covenant was bilateral. It involved Angels, Men and God.

The New Covenant is fully God's work alone.

Moses was the Human mediator for the Stone, then the high priests.

Jesus fully blows it out of the water by fulfilling it and becoming the direct authority.

In essence, there is no middle man.

God is now our direct High Priest and He is not turned away by our sin, because He took it all on and canceled our debt.

Our bill is paid and we have no middle man.

It's direct, loving connect with Daddy now.

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New member
It is a fact is it not that no one - no Christian - has an answer to this issue? If Jesus' statements about divorce and adultery in Matthew 19 represent the truth, then it beggars belief why there isn't any comment on the polygamy of the OT - or indeed any specific rebuke to the individuals concerned.


New member
Paul spells out that the Stone Covenant was bilateral. It involved Angels, Men and God.

The New Covenant is fully God's work alone.

Moses was the Human mediator for the Stone, then the high priests.

Jesus fully blows it out of the water by fulfilling it and becoming the direct authority.

In essence, there is no middle man.

God is now our direct High Priest and He is not turned away by our sin, because He took it all on and canceled our debt.

Our bill is paid and we have no middle man.

It's direct, loving connect with Daddy now.

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But this doesn't resolve this specific issue. Just look at all the differing views from believers that have been posted here.

Frankly, there is obvious embarrassment.


But this doesn't resolve this specific issue. Just look at all the differing views from believers that have been posted here.

Frankly, there is obvious embarrassment.
The most difficult step is recognizing that God is Love.

People fight this.

They seem to want terrible and scary over Loving and Compassionate.

I don't know why, but that seems to be the norm.

This simple idea skews people's ability to hear the click of the light switch in their mind.

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New member
The most difficult step is recognizing that God is Love.

People fight this.

They seem to want terrible and scary over Loving and Compassionate.

I don't know why, but that seems to be the norm.

This simple idea skews people's ability to hear the click of the light switch in their mind.

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You are admitting you can't explain the issue of this thread, but because God is love - loving and compassionate, then we may trust that there is an answer - that it does all make sense?


New member
The most difficult step is recognizing that God is Love.

People fight this.

They seem to want terrible and scary over Loving and Compassionate.

I don't know why, but that seems to be the norm.

This simple idea skews people's ability to hear the click of the light switch in their mind.

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Do you accept that all it would have taken was one explicit scripture to resolve all this?


Do you accept that all it would have taken was one explicit scripture to resolve all this?
I do my best to skirt the sad truth.

It is written redundantly and people don't care.

People would rather cram Elohim into their box, than trust Him completely.

Pride, fear and greed.

These cause people to look past what is jumping off of every page.

To be blunt, people like to feel like they are better than everyone else.

This blinds them to the truth found in the utter, Loving Humility of God.

Love is a continual battle against the tides of judgment and hate.

Seriously. It's that simple.

Don't give up brother. Your challenges matter.

You evoke thought.

One can only lead one to the water.

Holding their head under the water won't turn out well.

That's why your persistence is marked with the calling of Christ.

You have been cursed with patience brother and God is already tapped in. 😉

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New member
I do my best to skirt the sad truth.


It is written redundantly and people don't care.

People would rather cram Elohim into their box, than trust Him completely.

Pride, fear and greed.

These cause people to look past what is jumping off of every page.

You don't see reasons for scepticism? This isn't an issue for doubt? Really?

To be blunt, people like to feel like they are better than everyone else.

This blinds them to the truth found in the utter, Loving Humility of God.

Love is a continual battle against the tides of judgment and hate.

Seriously. It's that simple.

It appears to me that scripture contradicts itself hence all the infighting.

Don't give up brother. Your challenges matter.

You lrovoke thought.

One can only lead one to the water.

Holding their head under the water won't turn out well.

That's why your persistence is marked with the calling of Christ.

You have been cursed with patience brother and God is already tapped in. ��

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You don't see reasons for scepticism? This isn't an issue for doubt? Really?
Scripture is written to promote free will. You already know this.

Love and Hate.

The loving can glean Love,

The hateful can glean hate.

Every scripture falls towards Love or Hate.

Judgment or Grace.

It is written so the willingly blind and fearful can stay that way.

God exalts freewill. This is the literal perfection of scripture.

You even acknowledged that we read this the same. The spiritual understanding of this Roman's passage.

Sonnet, the Bible is a sacred Spiritual text that testifies of the self sacrificing Creator. It is misused by many. You k of the answers before you ask the questions. You are perplexed that so many who claim to know the Bible are so spiritually blind!

You my brother are a Spiritually sensitive man, that Loves and Hopes. God can speak to your heart, and you find Him in scripture.

If the hardened self righteous want to Lord over others and profess elite status, they have their reward.

You strike me as someone that can listen to "Imagine" and get it.

Not everyone wants all to become one. They don't want the revelation of unconditional Love.

In a universal sense, some are angry that they were born and want to tear the world apart.

You want peace! Well, so does God, but freewill allows perspective to distort truth.

This is what you are witnessing.

To be blunt to the extreme.

God walked in flesh in front of the people that were theologians of the day and they didn't even recognize Him.

Why? Because they didn't want to acknowledge that God is humble and loving. People want death and power. Control in place of free will.

It is a miracle!

When you read the Bible to learn how to be better than other people, you can, and it blinds with a force of nothing else.

However, if you read the Bible as a sinner in need for God, it becomes a wellspring of hope that spiritually quenches.

Free will Sonnet.

One more thing, it takes Spiritual courage to trust that God is love. God homers spiritual courage like no other trait.

You have spiritual courage Sonnet.

God is the author of free will and Love. Humanities selfishness and lack of compassion and Love is the stuff that tares everything apart and brings shame, sorrow and hopelessness. Jesus is in diametric opposition to hopelessness!

God really is Love. Once you accept it, the Bible doesn't just speak to you. You can't go anywhere without hearing the voice of God through all matter of humanity.

But I am severely inclined that you already know what I'm talking about.

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