You don't see reasons for scepticism? This isn't an issue for doubt? Really?
Scripture is written to promote free will. You already know this.
Love and Hate.
The loving can glean Love,
The hateful can glean hate.
Every scripture falls towards Love or Hate.
Judgment or Grace.
It is written so the willingly blind and fearful can stay that way.
God exalts freewill. This is the literal perfection of scripture.
You even acknowledged that we read this the same. The spiritual understanding of this Roman's passage.
Sonnet, the Bible is a sacred Spiritual text that testifies of the self sacrificing Creator. It is misused by many. You k of the answers before you ask the questions. You are perplexed that so many who claim to know the Bible are so spiritually blind!
You my brother are a Spiritually sensitive man, that Loves and Hopes. God can speak to your heart, and you find Him in scripture.
If the hardened self righteous want to Lord over others and profess elite status, they have their reward.
You strike me as someone that can listen to "Imagine" and get it.
Not everyone wants all to become one. They don't want the revelation of unconditional Love.
In a universal sense, some are angry that they were born and want to tear the world apart.
You want peace! Well, so does God, but freewill allows perspective to distort truth.
This is what you are witnessing.
To be blunt to the extreme.
God walked in flesh in front of the people that were theologians of the day and they didn't even recognize Him.
Why? Because they didn't want to acknowledge that God is humble and loving. People want death and power. Control in place of free will.
It is a miracle!
When you read the Bible to learn how to be better than other people, you can, and it blinds with a force of nothing else.
However, if you read the Bible as a sinner in need for God, it becomes a wellspring of hope that spiritually quenches.
Free will Sonnet.
One more thing, it takes Spiritual courage to trust that God is love. God homers spiritual courage like no other trait.
You have spiritual courage Sonnet.
God is the author of free will and Love. Humanities selfishness and lack of compassion and Love is the stuff that tares everything apart and brings shame, sorrow and hopelessness. Jesus is in diametric opposition to hopelessness!
God really is Love. Once you accept it, the Bible doesn't just speak to you. You can't go anywhere without hearing the voice of God through all matter of humanity.
But I am severely inclined that you already know what I'm talking about.
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