Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I can prove easily that there is only one message and the kingdom is not different.

How many heavenly kingdoms do you think there are?

No sense in answering your questions. You already have preconceived notions that are clouding your mindset with false doctrine, you've bought into.

Eagles Wings

New member
We have to stay firm till the end. When we are first saved, it is is a beautiful thing, it is love like no other. We are told not to let our love grow cold by the problems of this world. Jesus even warns us to remember our first love.

Our first love is Christ, and we are to stay in him by always obeying him.

There are some who never obeyed, they only had faith in their faith. Satan masquerades as a angel of light. To have that beautiful faith without is dead.
GT, in this obedience, is there resting in Christ's saving grace and faith. Does one have to grind out this obedience?

Faith and obedience being worked in the life of the believer, through the Spirit of Christ. Would you agree?

God's Truth

New member
GT, in this obedience, is there resting in Christ's saving grace and faith.

The rest is that we do not have to get circumcised, we do not have to adhere to a dietary law, we do not have to observe special days, we do not have to do various external washings and sacrifice animals just to go to a temple to be near God's Spirit, for faith that Jesus' blood makes us clean is all we have to do, and we become the temple. That does not mean we still do not have to abstain from evil and do right.

Does one have to grind out this obedience?

We are told to work out our salvation with trembling and fear. That means work. However, it does get easy, light, and not burdensome. If we resist Satan and submit to God, the devil will flee from us. God gives understanding to those who obey Him.

Faith and obedience being worked in the life of the believer, through the Spirit of Christ. Would you agree?

We have to want to be saved before we are saved. We have to want to be with the Father so bad that we get forceful about it. Jesus comes to help those who do what he says. Jesus saves us all on his own, but he chooses those who believe and obey.


Well-known member
You both are wrong.

God says believe and obey Me.

Calvinists say save me first then I will.

Faith aloners say I will believe but I will not obey until after you save me.

Those Christ lived and died for are made righteous by His obedience alone Rom 5:19!

patrick jane

We have to stay firm till the end. When we are first saved, it is is a beautiful thing, it is love like no other. We are told not to let our love grow cold by the problems of this world. Jesus even warns us to remember our first love.

Our first love is Christ, and we are to stay in him by always obeying him.

There are some who never obeyed, they only had faith in their faith. Satan masquerades as a angel of light. To have that beautiful faith without is dead.


Not all who call themselves Christian obey.
True but the bible, alone, states christains and the chosen ones are saved. You dont see that.
Not all who call themselves Christian obey.
True but the bible, alone, states Christians, the chosen ones ARE saved. You don't see meat. All you want is more milk.


God's Truth

New member
Not sure.

To be saved, one must first admit they are a sinner, and then they must repent of their sins. There are some things that Jesus says one must do or they will NEVER enter. Do you know what those things are?

Jesus says we will never enter unless we humble ourselves. We must humble ourselves by admitting we are sinners, and humble ourselves and repent.

We must forgive others or we will not be forgiven. So we see that humbling ourselves, is all a part of obeying and it is evident that we have so humbled ourselves if we can admit we are sinners, confess and repent of our sins, and forgive others who have sinned against us.

We have to prove our repentance by no longer sinning. Some sins are easy to repent of, and some are harder. Jesus saves us when we call on him to help.