Does 1 Timothy 2:11-14 justify the sceptic?


New member
And how would they open to some random page and hit that one? The person preaching the good news teaches that all are condemned because of Adam, but life is offered to all because the Lord Jesus Christ satisfied the punishment for sin.

An atheist might cite this to a mate as a reason to not take scripture seriously.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
An atheist might cite this to a mate as a reason to not take scripture seriously.

The Bible says otherwise. The Lord Jesus Christ said otherwise. He said if he was lifted up (crucified) he would draw all people to him. That includes "atheists".


New member
The only one that is to remain silent is you. Obey Paul you heathen.

Your post is reportable, I'd say.

If you go to church - do the women keep silent? If not then you wouldn't, I presume, be embarrassed to cite 1 Tim 2:11-14 and 1 Cor.14 34-35 to them?

Do you? Will you?


New member
Quote Originally Posted by Sonnet View Post
If you go to church - do the women keep silent? If not then you wouldn't, I presume, be embarrassed to cite this scripture to them?
I understand if you don't know me very well.

Quote Originally Posted by Nick M View Post
The only one that is to remain silent is you. Obey Paul you heathen.

1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

I'm not sure 'obey Paul you heathen' does that.


New member
I may be wrong, but I'd say most Christians and most Churches ignore this sanction against women. Why? After all, Paul explicitly gives his reasoning for the sanction - Eve was deceived and Adam wasn't. It seems pretty important to Paul.


Well-known member
It's not a main theme in the Bible.

There were 7 women prophets who would have reason to be less submissive. One was a judge of Israel itself.

Good point. So, despite this fact, you have no qualms about Paul?

Paul in Corinthians says it's shameful for men to have long hair.
The Biblical world view on women and slavery are not like today. So I understand it in that context.

Is there anything in the Bible you like particularly its' major themes?


New member
It does not say that Adam told Eve.
There isn't a suggestion that the snake used the addition to deceive her. The snake just tells her that she will not die if she eats it.
Both ideas were extrapolated from the verses in question as the most logical way for the change in the commandment to happen and the serpent's deceit to happen.
Whether Adam was deceived or not, he went against God just as Eve did.
Adam went against God, even though he was not deceived.
And, apparently, the sanction only falls upon her sex.
Yes, so the only real question is why you are so upset that you chose to troll a Christian forum.


New member
Both ideas were extrapolated from the verses in question as the most logical way for the change in the commandment to happen and the serpent's deceit to happen.

We may debate about how, but we agree Eve was deceived.

Adam went against God, even though he was not deceived.

Nevertheless, Adam must have decided that whatever God had said regarding the fruit, the consequences were bearable.

Yes, so the only real question is why you are so upset that you chose to troll a Christian forum.

Troll? No, I am in earnest. Why are people taking such offence?

Assuming you go to Church, do the women follow Paul's sanctions? If not, do you cite him?


New member
Paul in Corinthians says it's shameful for men to have long hair.
The Biblical world view on women and slavery are not like today. So I understand it in that context.

Are you saying Paul erred regarding his reasoning? Are you saying that it was wrong of him to point the finger at Eve and not Adam?

Is there anything in the Bible you like particularly its' major themes?

I would say that the passion of Christ is very interesting, but I don't want to derail the thread.


New member
Troll? No, I am in earnest. Why are people taking such offence?
There have been a number of non-Christian trolls that have popped up on this site that acted just like you have done on this thread.
Are you getting your material from those anti-Christian websites?

Assuming you go to Church, do the women follow Paul's sanctions? If not, do you cite him?
I do not go to any church that builds a large doctrine on a single verse in scripture that appears to be encouraging people to follow the customs of the society of their day.

1 Corinthians 11:14
14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?​

Yes, there are men with long hair, short hair, and even bald men in church.


Because when Paul wrote this, he lived in a culture dominated by the Romans, and the Romans had men cut their hair short and shave off their beards.

During the time of Moses, the men had longer hair and full beards.

In the 1960's the people with long hair and beards were in rebellion against society and religion.
Nowadays, homosexual men are more likely to be clean shaven with short hair and conservatives run around with long hair and beards.

Different times, different customs.

Just don't make it a dogma that takes you away from the truth.


New member
There have been a number of non-Christian trolls that have popped up on this site that acted just like you have done on this thread.
Are you getting your material from those anti-Christian websites?

I wasn't aware of such trolling. No, the post is without reference to any website.

I do not go to any church that builds a large doctrine on a single verse in scripture that appears to be encouraging people to follow the customs of the society of their day.

However, Paul is not drawing from custom - he cites scriptural reason for his sanction. Paul also says that "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness"

1 Corinthians 11:14
14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?​

Yes, there are men with long hair, short hair, and even bald men in church.


Because when Paul wrote this, he lived in a culture dominated by the Romans, and the Romans had men cut their hair short and shave off their beards.

During the time of Moses, the men had longer hair and full beards.

In the 1960's the people with long hair and beards were in rebellion against society and religion.
Nowadays, homosexual men are more likely to be clean shaven with short hair and conservatives run around with long hair and beards.

Different times, different customs.

Just don't make it a dogma that takes you away from the truth.

I see your point here, but my previous statement still holds does it not?


New member
There have been a number of non-Christian trolls that have popped up on this site that acted just like you have done on this thread.
Are you getting your material from those anti-Christian websites?

I do not go to any church that builds a large doctrine on a single verse in scripture that appears to be encouraging people to follow the customs of the society of their day.

1 Corinthians 11:14
14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?​

Yes, there are men with long hair, short hair, and even bald men in church.


Because when Paul wrote this, he lived in a culture dominated by the Romans, and the Romans had men cut their hair short and shave off their beards.

During the time of Moses, the men had longer hair and full beards.

In the 1960's the people with long hair and beards were in rebellion against society and religion.
Nowadays, homosexual men are more likely to be clean shaven with short hair and conservatives run around with long hair and beards.

Different times, different customs.

Just don't make it a dogma that takes you away from the truth.

The Catholic Church does not appear to agree with you since they do not ordinate women.


New member
The context regarding Paul's sanction is clear from the first chapter of his letter:

1 Timothy 1:3-7
As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer or to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. Such things promote controversial speculations rather than advancing God’s work—which is by faith. The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. Some have departed from these and have turned to meaningless talk. They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.

As this thread identifies, Paul numbers women among those whom he tells Timothy to 'command...not to teach' - because women, he thinks, are not to be trusted because they are prone to deception....that they would teach such false doctrines.

Is Paul correct in his assertion?
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