Do you want prostitution legalized?


Hall of Fame
It's still abuse, for money. And consent does not mitigate the fact that people would not do it if they REALLY had a choice.

The same could be said about every establishment that sells alcohol. It's destructive and has the potential to kill, including individuals who are just minding their own business.

Still yet, there is an age limit on it and penalties attached for endangerment (in the case of prostitution).

IMO, this is more about one gender wishing to control the other ... when in reality, all they need to do is control themselves.

Why do you think there is so much focus on the "whore" rather than the *whoremonger/john*?

One cannot exist without the other.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
I suppose that is our difference in opinion. In countries where prostitution is legal, I have not noticed any sort of social decomposition. Their lives go on as they always have.
And yet the world over, prostitution is riddled with sexual slavery, violent abuse, deliberate and forced addictions, pedophilia, and a disrespect for women (and humanity in general) that is near horrific.

But you don't see any of this, personally, so you assume it must not be real? Is this what you're saying?


Well-known member
Temp Banned
The same could be said about every establishment that sells alcohol. It's destructive and has the potential to kill, including individuals who are just minding their own business.
Yes, but it's also perceived and experienced as beneficial by the vast majority of people who engage in drinking alcohol. Which is not true of the prostitution.
IMO, this is more about one gender wishing to control the other ... when in reality, all they need to do is control themselves.
It's a lot more about one gender wanting to buy the other, to do as they please with. Though ultimately it's not about the gender, it's just about buying human beings to use sexually.
Why do you think there is so much focus on the "whore" rather than the *whoremonger/john*?
I don't believe there is, except perhaps in your own mind. Police these days tend to pursue them both more or less equally.


New member
I don't think that's relevant to the issue. Do you think it would it be acceptable to beat women as long as we paid them well for it? How about if we throw in some torture and humiliation … as long as we paid them really well, afterwards?

Now you get the point.

The reason prostitution should remain illegal is because human beings should not have the right to abuse other human beings, even if they agree to it, and even if they get paid well for it. Healthy free human beings wouldn't want to abuse others, and wouldn't allow themselves to be abused. I believe we would do serious damage to ourselves as a society by allowing our worship of money to excuse our unhealthy desire to abuse and be abused, by others.
Is sex inherently abusive? Are the prostitutes in Nevada being abused? Hell, more than a few marriages boil down to sex for resources. Many argue most marriages are that way.

Relationships have every bit as much capacity to be abusive as prostitution. Lots of single mothers stay with abusive men.

The thing the abusive relationships have in common is poverty and lopsided money/power. Want to eliminate the abuse? Cut down on the poverty. Show me a place where inequality has reached the point where 1% of the population that doesn't work has 40% of the wealth and child poverty is climbing while the wealth of a few at the top is tripling and I'll show you a place with a lot of abusive relationships and abusive prostitution.


Is sex inherently abusive? Are the prostitutes in Nevada being abused? Hell, more than a few marriages boil down to sex for resources. Many argue most marriages are that way.

Relationships have every bit as much capacity to be abusive as prostitution...

You answered your own question. :plain: Sex outside of marriage is sin (Ex 20:14). Sexual sin defiles oneself and the other person (Lev. 18:24, 1 Co 6:18).


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Is sex inherently abusive? Are the prostitutes in Nevada being abused? Hell, more than a few marriages boil down to sex for resources. Many argue most marriages are that way.
Sex is not inherently abusive. But trading sex for money, is. And yes, those marriages are abusive. They may be mutually abusive, but they are still abusive.

Buying a human being for sexual gratification is abusive of that human being. There are no exceptions to that, that I can think of.
Relationships have every bit as much capacity to be abusive as prostitution. Lots of single mothers stay with abusive men.
Yup, which is exactly why we should not be condoning and encouraging such abusive relationships by turning it into a legalized business.
The thing the abusive relationships have in common is poverty and lopsided money/power. Want to eliminate the abuse? Cut down on the poverty. Show me a place where inequality has reached the point where 1% of the population that doesn't work has 40% of the wealth and child poverty is climbing while the wealth of a few at the top is tripling and I'll show you a place with a lot of abusive relationships and abusive prostitution.
Yep, I agree. And sadly, this country has seriously back-slid in terms of economic exploitation and abuse in the last 40 years. Which is why it's all the more important that we don't validate it all the more by allowing people with money to buy the bodies of people without money for their psycho-sexual gratification. That would be another big step backwards from our national ideals and goals of equality, liberty, and well-being.


Hall of Fame
Yes, but it's also perceived and experienced as beneficial by the vast majority of people who engage in drinking alcohol. Which is not true of the prostitution.

Oh ... the majority of people are benefited by drunks and drunk drivers? How exactly does that work? :think:

That would be right up there with their family and friends benefiting from watching their loved one die from alcohol abuse.

It's a lot more about one gender wanting to buy the other, to do as they please with. Though ultimately it's not about the gender, it's just about buying human beings to use sexually.

Still yet, sexual use and abuse happens, in marriage and relationships, minus the moral outrage. It is much worse for a teenager to be exploited by an adult under the guise of marriage ... and many people do not bat an eye.

Prostitution, like so many other vices, is self destructive. Still yet, people are not required to participate.

I don't believe there is, except perhaps in your own mind. Police these days tend to pursue them both more or less equally.

Oh really. Then perhaps you need to expand "your own mind". There has always been a double standard when it comes to sex. Men are high-fived, women are called names.


New member
And yet the world over, prostitution is riddled with sexual slavery, violent abuse, deliberate and forced addictions, pedophilia, and a disrespect for women (and humanity in general) that is near horrific.

But you don't see any of this, personally, so you assume it must not be real? Is this what you're saying?
That isn't what I am saying. What I am saying is that with proper regulation and protection, as with any employment venture, it can be successful.


Well-known member

Do you want prostitution legalized?


However, sex should be freely and easily available, like food and air. This should be our human mindset. This should be our collective human conditioning.

To work against this aim should be a criminal act.

Fact is people (including many supposed religious people) are already paying for and/or selling sex within and under what they claim are their upright marriages. Theirs are generally loveless marriages.

In fact some women advertise very loudly and clearly that their sex is for sale only to one who marries them. And they use God to endorse their sales pitch. Clearly their hearts are waxed gross.


New member
You answered your own question. [emoji14]lain: Sex outside of marriage is sin (Ex 20:14). Sexual sin defiles oneself and the other person (Lev. 18:24, 1 Co 6:18).
Ah, so your god is fine with the abuse just so long as it's the married kind.

You know, the muslims feel exactly the same way. They also want a theocracy. This isn't a theocracy. There's a reason for that. Theocratic government is ALWAYS the most vile and abusive thing on the planet. Show me a theocracy that isn't 10 times worse than even the most vile and abusive pimp on earth.

In the end, dominionist christians like you are exactly like the people you hate most: al-Qaida and the Taliban.

Once again, please include in your response a nation with a theocracy that isn't vile and abusive.


New member
Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot (and others) lay waste to your claim.
Hitler was a Catholic. The Nazi belt buckle had engraved on it "god with us" (in German of course). I didn't say ONLY theocratic government can be vile and abusive. I said EVERY theocratic government is vile and abusive. Thus, the fact that non theocratic governments exist that are abusive doesn't refute my point.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
That isn't what I am saying. What I am saying is that with proper regulation and protection, as with any employment venture, it can be successful.
I don't believe it can, except in extremely rare instances. I think the abuse it intrinsic to the activity, and so cannot be separated from it, as you are suggesting.

Mocking You

New member
Hitler was a Catholic. The Nazi belt buckle had engraved on it "god with us" (in German of course). I didn't say ONLY theocratic government can be vile and abusive. I said EVERY theocratic government is vile and abusive. Thus, the fact that non theocratic governments exist that are abusive doesn't refute my point.

No, you said theocratic governments are ALWAYS the MOST abusive. It's right there a few posts upstream. Clearly Stalin's government was atheistic and he killed more citizens of the USSR than any theocratic government in history.


New member
No, you said theocratic governments are ALWAYS the MOST abusive. It's right there a few posts upstream. Clearly Stalin's government was atheistic and he killed more citizens of the USSR than any theocratic government in history.
Can you name a theocracy that isn't vile and abusive?


New member
I don't believe it can, except in extremely rare instances. I think the abuse it intrinsic to the activity, and so cannot be separated from it, as you are suggesting.
You might be right, I will surrender to the simple fact that I may not know enough about it. Perhaps there is considerable more risk than what I believe. :cheers: Thank you for the perspective.

Mocking You

New member
Can you name a theocracy that isn't vile and abusive?

Stop moving the goalposts. You said that theocracies are always the most vile and abusive. The burden of proof is on you to name a theocracy more vile and abusive than Stalin's Soviet Union.