Do You Know What Sin Is?


Sin means literally to 'miss the mark'.
A very simple, yet important detail that many miss out on, and as such have a skewed concept of what is good and what is wicked.


New member
I said
No I'm not sinless.
Yet you preach a "messianic" sinless state for yourself, making yourself equal with Jesus.
James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law,
and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.


Yet you preach a "messianic" sinless state for yourself, making yourself equal with Jesus.
James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law,
and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

I said
lol James is talking about the old testament law. I have never preached old testament law.


New member
I said
lol James is talking about the old testament law. I have never preached old testament law.
You claim a sinless-state for yourself.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass,
one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the LAW,
till all be fulfilled.
- Matthew 5:18

Ben Masada

New member
But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will apostasize from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits[/ and heresies doctrines of demons - 1 Timothy 4:1

That's the reason why, today, there are more than two hundred thousands followers of the Christian "Messianic Jewish" Movement. Most of them are apostate former Jews from the Jewish Faith.

Ben Masada

New member
Sin means literally to 'miss the mark'. A very simple, yet important detail that many miss out on, and as such have a skewed concept of what is good and what is wicked.

"To miss the mark" as for the definition of sin is concerned, it is only an euphemism to hide the severity of the transgression of the Law is concerned. BTW, "to miss the mark" gives off the connotation that sin happens by accident which is not true.


New member
That's the reason why, today, there are more than two hundred thousands followers of the Christian "Messianic Jewish" Movement. Most of them are apostate former Jews from the Jewish Faith.
Actually, they are the epitome of the very first believers in the 1st century... long before "Christianity" came into being. There were many "sects" in Judaism and the "Sect of the Nazarenes" was but one of many. Since many Jews were well prepared and expecting a Messiah, Yeshua has a trememdous number of disciples. Many synagogues were mixed in the first and second centuries, they were mixed members with the Nazarites taking a low profile in the synagogue.

Actual "Christian" (derogatory term) congregations of Gentiles came along much later as they had no buildings (ie: churches). However, by the 3rd century there was a strong push to completely disassociate from Judaism, but Messianic Synagogues extended on into the 3rd century.
What goes around eventually comes back around.... history repeats itself. That's what we're seeing in Israel.


You claim a sinless-state for yourself.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass,
one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the LAW,
till all be fulfilled.
- Matthew 5:18

I said
I have never claimed a sinless state for myself. I have a thorn, and always will have one. Because of the abundance of the revelations I have received.


New member
I said
I have never claimed a sinless state for myself. I have a thorn, and always will have one. Because of the abundance of the revelations I have received.

So now you are the Apostle Paul as well.
All those "voices" inside from that Legion of "spirits", and that "Guardian Angel"... it could be said that you have a "multitude of counsel".


So now you are the Apostle Paul as well.
All those "voices" inside from that Legion of "spirits", and that "Guardian Angel"... it could be said that you have a "multitude of counsel".

I said
Where did you come up with legion of spirits? If you need to bear false witness to feel better about yourself its ok with me.