JerryS wrote:
In that sermon there is not a word about God's "grace" and there is not a word about the purpose of the Lord Jesus' death on the Cross.
Uhhh, sorry, Jerry, but now you sound like a JW about God in Jn 1:1. where do you get this stuff? Grace is miles from forgiveness and a clean slate? The whole purpose of the Holy One's purity (righteousness) Ps 16, was that his sacrifice was an atonement for others. "It was impossible for death to keep its hold on him". That is the exact thought of Hebrews on the indestructible life of Messiah and his sacrifice.
The issue of the resurrection in Judaism was not whether it would happen (Acts 26:8) but whether anyone was acceptable enough to God to be raised, and the Christian preaching surprised everyone by saying Christ was. That was 'skandalizo' 1, because they had killed him, and 2, because the Holy One had made the visit prophesied.
Your familiarity with the NT is entirely suspect. I've just never seen it in black and white like this.
No wonder you can accept the 'plain meaning' of Acts 2:30, 31 as the enthronement by resurrection! You are off in a completely artificial world.
The resurrection is the fulfillment of all that was promised to the fathers.