Right Divider
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You made that up. Show us the scripture.Why do you go against the scriptures?
Jesus IS grace.
You made that up. Show us the scripture.Why do you go against the scriptures?
Jesus IS grace.
Right Divider;4959370]Hello! You are STILL not getting the difference between the things that God has PLAINLY put in scripture for you to understand.
Proving yet again you have NO clue what John 3:16 means !Jesus came to HIS OWN, the Bible says. But you say NO, He came to everyone.
I follow Jesus whom both Paul and Peter and all the Apostles said to follow. Why is that so hard for you to grasp ?You have a one track mind on your myth ABOUT Jesus instead of understanding the DIFFERENT ministries that the LORD has.
Sure I do but it is obvious you do not.The Bible says that the TWELVE apostles will sit on TWELVE thrones judging the TWELVE tribes of ISRAEL, but you have no clue what that means.
There are not two Jesus' as there are not two Gospels. Everyone is a fool for something Christians chose to be fools for Jesus.And you are so ignorant that you think that you can follow both, even thought they taught many things that are not compatible.
.No sir. I understand completely. It is you that has tunnel vision
BINGO!No, moron, the cross was necessary, because we cannot repent of all of our sins.
Define "died for our sins," moron.
Save it; you are so stupid, satanic, as to not "get," that if we could repent, as in "stop sinning,"(your devilish definition, not the bible's) the cross would be superfluous.
Dying "for our sins" that we have stopped doing can only be asserted by a demonic lush, such as yourself.
You made that up. Show us the scripture.
Are you ever going to care that you have been telling a lie over and over again that we must obey EVERYTHING Jesus commanded?
Does Satan have you in such a tight grip that you are unable to let go of that lie?
Then you have no eternal life, for you have already said that you still sin. Sinning is not being very obedient.Not obeying is NOT the secret to eternal life.
There are many gospels in the Bible.Nope, I get it. You have confused yourself fabricating 2 gospels when there is only ONE.
You read your preferred meaning BACK into the verse.Proving yet again you have NO clue what John 3:16 means !
You may want to look in the dictionary for the meanings of WORLD and WHOSOEVER.
I follow Jesus whom both Paul and Peter and all the Apostles said to follow. Why is that so hard for you to grasp ?
Said like a true junior high kid.Sure I do but it is obvious you do not.
I follow the RISEN and ASCENDED LORD Jesus Christ, just like Paul did.There are not two Jesus' as there are not two Gospels. Everyone is a fool for something Christians chose to be fools for Jesus.
Paul said to follow Christ as HE followed Christ, not as the 12 apostles of ISRAEL followed Christ.lol, so you consider it tunnel vision to do exactly as Paul taught when Paul said follow Jesus. Got ya.
Indeed, Jesus is full of grace and truth.John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Well it wasn't EVERYTHING Jesus ever commanded, now was it, GT?What should we obey that Jesus taught when he walked the earth?
Then you have no eternal life, for you have already said that you still sin. Sinning is not being very obedient.
Well it wasn't EVERYTHING Jesus ever commanded, now was it, GT?
Have you confessed you told that lie over and over again, have you repented that you told that lie over and over again, are you going to vow never to tell that lie again?????
Indeed, Jesus is full of grace and truth.
Why is there not one single verse in the Bible, while Jesus was on earth, that quotes Him using the word "grace"?
Does that not tell you anything?
Are you ever going to care that you have been telling a lie over and over again that we must obey EVERYTHING Jesus commanded?
Does Satan have you in such a tight grip that you are unable to let go of that lie?
Well it's not EVERYTHING that Jesus commanded, now is it GT?What should we obey that Jesus taught when he walked the earth?
You made that up. Show us the scripture.
You own words are the proof.Prove it.
You own words are the proof.
You have already said you still sin.
Or was that just some lie you told us?
Lying is a sin, GT.
Well it's not EVERYTHING that Jesus commanded, now is it GT?
But that is the lie you have repeated over and over again, and have yet to repent of that lie you tell.
Since telling a lie is a sin, and you have told that lie repeatedly, you need to repent of telling that sin; because by your own standard, you cannot have eternal life unless you repent of every single sin.
REPENT and tell that lie no more.
That's going to be one massive can of ....Yeah, "Jesus is grace" who is going to swing a mean sword someday.