ECT Do those who believe MAD believe the Apostle Paul was a liar ?


New member
The hardest part for the sinning saint is to believe in "this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased"
Yet without faith I could not please God.
Faith in what? Me?
Faith in the fact that all of my sins have been judged already and that I will not have to pay for one of them, that God will never bring them up.
That's hard to believe for the junkie that accepted Christ or the womanizer or homo

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I believe God does not quit on anyone they quit on God !


You and I can point the finger at that junkie, whoremonger and homo but eventually buddy, we have to proclaim that Christ is the answer to their problem

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Here's something I keep on me phone and paste :
The difference between our faith and every other belief system is the difference between "advice" and "news". Yeshua didn't just come to give advice. He came to bear our debt, to pay for the penalty of our sins (the wages of sin is death), so that we could be free to forgive one another as he forgave us. Its not advice that is the message of the bible, but it is news, good news. The news that God has intervened on our behalf, and has provided forgiveness for our sins.
We are beings that need unconditional all accepting love. Our problem is that none of us know how to give this kind of love because all of our love is conditional in some way and is self serving. But God who is the embodiment of love, and who does not need love, became a willing sacrifice and gave his life as a ransom for sin. Why? Because we needed love. And so that we could receive the kind of love we as human beings so desperately needed - unconditional, accepting love and so that we could become the kind of people He created us to be.

It's not what we can do for God but what He has done for us. He entered "our world," He took on
"our humanity," He bore "our sins," He died "our death, "He was resurrected for "our life," He's coming again for "our glorification."
Paul in his letter to the Romans is urging us on the basis of all that he taught on, on the basis of all that has been done, he urges us to become living sacrifices:
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God". (Romans 12:1, 2 KJV)
"therefore" meaning all Paul taught concerning grace and mercy, we have become thru Christ the objects of God's omnipotent, eternal love.

If we have not understood all that the mercies of God has done, if we have not understood doctrinally and theologically deep enough, all that Messiah has accomplished for us, then we have become useless to him. God is calling us to live our lives as living sacrifices unto him. Our problem is, we are so prideful that we are not willing to give up anything for others. When a sacrifice was laid upon the altar there was a great deal of suffering involved, the animal experienced pain and suffering. What are we willing to give up? What are we willing to place upon the altar? So that we can become a blessing to others, and become servants of the Most High God?

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New member
You and I can point the finger at that junkie, whoremonger and homo but eventually buddy, we have to proclaim that Christ is the answer to their problem

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EXACTLY, just as the prodigal came to himself and returned to the Father.

Luk 15:21
“And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.’

First the son had to admit that he had sinned and then return to the Father.


Looks like you just might have repented and stopped doing what you KNEW was wrong.

As scripture says God does not even hear our prayers when we live in rebellion against Him.

Listen pal,
I got saved in kindergarten at 5-6, lost parents at 8, after making it to the 4th grade at San Gabriel Christian School I was deported to Oregon where my last name became Polikolsky! Traumatized!
Yet by 18 I still believed in "Jesus" and was drawn to Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa circa 1985, then my brother committed suicide dying in my arms, after that a sister and another bro committed suicide. I was homeless on skid row, but never thought of myself as an unbeliever. I'm not proud of my lost years. But God has blessed my life. I'm a husband, father of 4, have a successful business in hawaii all due to the fact that my debt had been paid and appropriated towards me when I was just a little child - Glory to God in the highest.

Today, even when I am at my very best behavior I am still violating the character of God.

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New member
You and I can point the finger at that junkie, whoremonger and homo but eventually buddy, we have to proclaim that Christ is the answer to their problem

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Yo, incompetent - that is the least of "their problem."

Their problem is that "ALL...have sinned."



New member
Listen pal,
I got saved in kindergarten at 5-6, lost parents at 8, after making it to the 4th grade at San Gabriel Christian School I was deported to Oregon where my last name became Polikolsky! Traumatized!
Yet by 18 I still believed in "Jesus" and was drawn to Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa circa 1985, then my brother committed suicide dying in my arms, after that a sister and another bro committed suicide. I was homeless on skid row, but never thought of myself as an unbeliever. I'm not proud of my lost years. But God has blessed my life. I'm a husband, father of 4, have a successful business in hawaii all due to the fact that my debt had been paid and appropriated towards me when I was just a little child - Glory to God in the highest.

Today, even when I am at my very best behavior I am still violating the character of God.

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If I was a betting man,and I am not, I would bet you never once prayed and said God I am proud of my sin. I would bet it was more like God forgive me I have failed you again. Everyone sins the difference is the children of God are corrected by God to get them OUT of sin and back into right relationship with Him.

You know scripture says the devil believes in God and KNOWS he is real. Believing without repentance accomplishes NOTHING.

Glad to hear God has healed your life and you have a family. God is good.

Everyone violates God's character. He is God and Holy and there is no other equal to God.

I would believe if God had not turned your life around , even though you may have been saved, He would not have blessed you with 4 kids and a wife.

Scripture says for the Christian there is a sin unto death. When God sees one will not repent I believe out of God's love for His own He takes them out of this world.


New member
You and I can point the finger at that junkie, whoremonger and homo but eventually buddy, we have to proclaim that Christ is the answer to their problem

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For one to repent they must come to the realization and truth that they need God's forgiveness, repent and trust what Jesus provided for them.

The only cure for sin is Jesus. On that we agree.


New member

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Their problem is the same problem all have - regardless of how clean or unclean their life.

What problem is that?

That "...ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" - Romans 3:23.

Right Divider

Body part
Why do folks like you believe they have zero responsibility to God when He taught otherwise ?
Liars just keep on lying....

Salvation is a gift from God ( GRACE ), but that does not mean you can reject what God taught as in don'ts and still believe you are saved. It does NOT work that way, and that is why God gave His children repentance as . taught in 1st John.
So you think that you belong to the 12 tribes of Israel. That explains much regarding your total confusion.

Grace was free but grace is NOT a license to sin and do anything you want to do that belief is straight out of the pits of hell and no where taught in scripture.
None of us MAD folks teach that grace is a "license to sin" that is something that YOU liars just keep on lying about.

Paul was accused of the same thing, so we're in good company.

God's Truth

New member
I'm not asking for details of your sins, so no worries. You have already said elsewhere that you do still sin and confess and repent each and every time you do.
I'm just asking if you now deny you still sin (ie. changed your mind about whether you still sin or not)?????

None of your business.

God's Truth

New member
You and I can point the finger at that junkie, whoremonger and homo but eventually buddy, we have to proclaim that Christ is the answer to their problem

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Again, do you know Jesus says we have to be overcomers?

If a person says they believe in Jesus, yet they live their life in sin as usual, then they will fall into judgment.

God's Truth

New member
Here's something I keep on me phone and paste :
The difference between our faith and every other belief system is the difference between "advice" and "news". Yeshua didn't just come to give advice. He came to bear our debt, to pay for the penalty of our sins (the wages of sin is death), so that we could be free to forgive one another as he forgave us. Its not advice that is the message of the bible, but it is news, good news. The news that God has intervened on our behalf, and has provided forgiveness for our sins.
We are beings that need unconditional all accepting love. Our problem is that none of us know how to give this kind of love because all of our love is conditional in some way and is self serving. But God who is the embodiment of love, and who does not need love, became a willing sacrifice and gave his life as a ransom for sin. Why? Because we needed love. And so that we could receive the kind of love we as human beings so desperately needed - unconditional, accepting love and so that we could become the kind of people He created us to be.

It's not what we can do for God but what He has done for us. He entered "our world," He took on
"our humanity," He bore "our sins," He died "our death, "He was resurrected for "our life," He's coming again for "our glorification."
Paul in his letter to the Romans is urging us on the basis of all that he taught on, on the basis of all that has been done, he urges us to become living sacrifices:
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God". (Romans 12:1, 2 KJV)
"therefore" meaning all Paul taught concerning grace and mercy, we have become thru Christ the objects of God's omnipotent, eternal love.

If we have not understood all that the mercies of God has done, if we have not understood doctrinally and theologically deep enough, all that Messiah has accomplished for us, then we have become useless to him. God is calling us to live our lives as living sacrifices unto him. Our problem is, we are so prideful that we are not willing to give up anything for others. When a sacrifice was laid upon the altar there was a great deal of suffering involved, the animal experienced pain and suffering. What are we willing to give up? What are we willing to place upon the altar? So that we can become a blessing to others, and become servants of the Most High God?

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Jesus came and taught the way for a reason, and the reason is to save others. His Word is to be obeyed.

Sorry but if you are cheating on your wife, lying to other women, stealing from them, etc, yet you believe in Jesus, and never stop doing those sinful acts---you will be judged.

James 1:16 Don't be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters.

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

1 Corinthians 6:9
Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men

God's Truth

New member
Listen pal,
I got saved in kindergarten at 5-6, lost parents at 8, after making it to the 4th grade at San Gabriel Christian School I was deported to Oregon where my last name became Polikolsky! Traumatized!
Yet by 18 I still believed in "Jesus" and was drawn to Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa circa 1985, then my brother committed suicide dying in my arms, after that a sister and another bro committed suicide. I was homeless on skid row, but never thought of myself as an unbeliever. I'm not proud of my lost years. But God has blessed my life. I'm a husband, father of 4, have a successful business in hawaii all due to the fact that my debt had been paid and appropriated towards me when I was just a little child - Glory to God in the highest.

Today, even when I am at my very best behavior I am still violating the character of God.

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...and God loves the poor and sick and those who have had bad thing that happened to them---but it does not mean you do not have to obey.


New member
Right Divider;4959028]Liars just keep on lying....

Translated folks keep on trusting God's word over and above your dribble.

So you think that you belong to the 12 tribes of Israel. That explains much regarding your total confusion.

You use that excuse to IGNORE Jesus and His teachings. Your loss not mine.

None of us MAD folks teach that grace is a "license to sin" that is something that YOU liars just keep on lying about.

No many caught on that you folks IGNORE scripture every time you are told and shown scriptures that God has requirements for His followers. Every time Madist blow that off and say that is not for us.

Paul was accused of the same thing, so we're in good company.

As was Jesus but of course you follow your pope Paul.

God's Truth

New member
Their problem is the same problem all have - regardless of how clean or unclean their life.

What problem is that?

That "...ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" - Romans 3:23.

You seem to not grasp that we who are saved are NOT sinners in Christ.

Go think about is some more, and why you are at it, give the scripture that says we are sinners in Christ. Prove with scripture what you hit us over the head with here.

Right Divider

Body part
Translated folks keep on trusting God's word over and above your dribble.

You use that excuse to IGNORE Jesus and His teachings. Your loss not mine.

No many caught on that you folks IGNORE scripture every time you are told and shown scriptures that God has requirements for His followers. Every time Madist blow that off and say that is not for us.

As was Jesus but of course you follow your pope Paul.
You are just so full of lies. Your daddy, the devil, must be very proud of you.


New member
You are just so full of lies. Your daddy, the devil, must be very proud of you.

I was saved in 1978 by hearing and responding to the Gospel as scripture teaches. I suggest you do the same.

Looks like Satan has many blinded to God's word. You know I will accept and believe this part but this part I will ignore and say it was for the Jews not the BOC. How in the hell did Madist add Jesus to the rejected list ?

You play your daddy's part as accuser !

Rev 12:10
And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night