If any of these Scriptural Truths offend you …
you just simply have NOT been taught the Truth!
Below each Scriptural Truth is one or more proofs from the NT.
1 ● The original Trinity was God the Father, God the Word, and God the Holy Spirit
God the Son was not there! This should be obvious from John 1:1
2 ● Jesus, the Son of God, was NOT in heaven prior to the Incarnation
Jesus, the Son of God, had NOT been born yet (see point 3)
3 ● Jesus was called “the Son of God” because God “created Him”
God the Holy Spirit “created” Jesus … Matthew 1:18-21, Luke 1:35
God the Word became flesh/human/Jesus … John 1:14
4 ● Humans are UNABLE to believe in Jesus and the Gospel without God’s help
Many reasons are given for this in the NT, with the 2 major ones being:
--- man is born with an inherited sin nature … e.g. Romans 3:9-18, 5:12, 8:7
--- man is hindered by Satan and his demons … e.g. Eph. 6:12, 2 Tim. 2:26, 1 Pet. 5:8
Jesus said it is impossible … Luke 18:25-27
Jesus said man is unable … John 6:44, John 6:65
God gives people to Jesus … John 6:37, 6:39
God has to draw people to Jesus … John 6:44
God has to grant permission … John 6:65
God gives faith … Acts 3:16 (LB), Acts 16:14, 2 Peter 1:1 (NLT), Jude 3 (NLT)
5 ● The baptism with the Holy Spirit is a different experience than being born-again
When born-again -- the Holy Spirit comes INSIDE …
John 14:16-23, Romans 8:11, 1 Cor. 3:16, Gal. 4:6, 2 Tim. 1:14, 1 John 3:24, 1 John 4:12-16
This is done by the Holy Spirit … 1 Corinthians 12:13.
When baptized with the Holy Spirit -- the Holy Spirit comes UPON …
Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4-8, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 8:14-19, Acts 10:44-46, Acts 11:15-17, Acts 19:6
This is done by Jesus Himself … Matthew 3:11, Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16, John 1:33.
▪ The evidence (proof) of receiving this baptism is speaking at least a few words in tongues.
▪ In the 7 NT verses above, the following all link up with the baptism with the Holy Spirit:
the promise, the gift, upon, filled, prophecy, (spiritual) power, tongues, boldness,
laying on of hands, healing, miracles.
▪ After this baptism, people are ready to receive one or more of
the spiritual (power) gifts of the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12.
▪ Smith Wigglesworth (of Bradford, England) was probably the greatest healing evangelist
since the days of the NT apostles. He said, “If you don’t have the baptism with the Holy Spirit,
you are living in a weak and impoverished condition.”
6 ● To be “filled” with the Holy Spirit refers to the baptism with the Holy Spirit
▪ Perhaps the best proof is … John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit
while in his mother’ womb (Luke 1:15), so it has nothing to do with being born again!
▪ When John’s parents were filled with the Holy Spirit, they prophesied (Luke 1:41-45, 1:67).
▪ On the day of Pentecost …
“they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues …” (Acts 2:4).
▪ After Ananias laid his hands on Paul, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and
immediately he could see again -- after being blind for 3 days (Acts 9:17-18).
7 ● If we take the mark of the beast, we will go to hell – guaranteed!
When the Antichrist comes into power … we will experience great pressure
to receive the mark of the beast (on our right hand or on our forehead),
and we will be expected to worship the image of the beast! If we do either of
these things, we will be tormented with fire and burning sulphur forever and ever!
See Revelation 13:15-17, 14:9-11, 20:4. This mark will be necessary to live as before
(buying and selling, etc.) … so we need to be well prepared with food, water, etc.
you just simply have NOT been taught the Truth!
Below each Scriptural Truth is one or more proofs from the NT.
1 ● The original Trinity was God the Father, God the Word, and God the Holy Spirit
God the Son was not there! This should be obvious from John 1:1
2 ● Jesus, the Son of God, was NOT in heaven prior to the Incarnation
Jesus, the Son of God, had NOT been born yet (see point 3)
3 ● Jesus was called “the Son of God” because God “created Him”
God the Holy Spirit “created” Jesus … Matthew 1:18-21, Luke 1:35
God the Word became flesh/human/Jesus … John 1:14
4 ● Humans are UNABLE to believe in Jesus and the Gospel without God’s help
Many reasons are given for this in the NT, with the 2 major ones being:
--- man is born with an inherited sin nature … e.g. Romans 3:9-18, 5:12, 8:7
--- man is hindered by Satan and his demons … e.g. Eph. 6:12, 2 Tim. 2:26, 1 Pet. 5:8
Jesus said it is impossible … Luke 18:25-27
Jesus said man is unable … John 6:44, John 6:65
God gives people to Jesus … John 6:37, 6:39
God has to draw people to Jesus … John 6:44
God has to grant permission … John 6:65
God gives faith … Acts 3:16 (LB), Acts 16:14, 2 Peter 1:1 (NLT), Jude 3 (NLT)
5 ● The baptism with the Holy Spirit is a different experience than being born-again
When born-again -- the Holy Spirit comes INSIDE …
John 14:16-23, Romans 8:11, 1 Cor. 3:16, Gal. 4:6, 2 Tim. 1:14, 1 John 3:24, 1 John 4:12-16
This is done by the Holy Spirit … 1 Corinthians 12:13.
When baptized with the Holy Spirit -- the Holy Spirit comes UPON …
Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4-8, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 8:14-19, Acts 10:44-46, Acts 11:15-17, Acts 19:6
This is done by Jesus Himself … Matthew 3:11, Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16, John 1:33.
▪ The evidence (proof) of receiving this baptism is speaking at least a few words in tongues.
▪ In the 7 NT verses above, the following all link up with the baptism with the Holy Spirit:
the promise, the gift, upon, filled, prophecy, (spiritual) power, tongues, boldness,
laying on of hands, healing, miracles.
▪ After this baptism, people are ready to receive one or more of
the spiritual (power) gifts of the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12.
▪ Smith Wigglesworth (of Bradford, England) was probably the greatest healing evangelist
since the days of the NT apostles. He said, “If you don’t have the baptism with the Holy Spirit,
you are living in a weak and impoverished condition.”
6 ● To be “filled” with the Holy Spirit refers to the baptism with the Holy Spirit
▪ Perhaps the best proof is … John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit
while in his mother’ womb (Luke 1:15), so it has nothing to do with being born again!
▪ When John’s parents were filled with the Holy Spirit, they prophesied (Luke 1:41-45, 1:67).
▪ On the day of Pentecost …
“they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues …” (Acts 2:4).
▪ After Ananias laid his hands on Paul, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and
immediately he could see again -- after being blind for 3 days (Acts 9:17-18).
7 ● If we take the mark of the beast, we will go to hell – guaranteed!
When the Antichrist comes into power … we will experience great pressure
to receive the mark of the beast (on our right hand or on our forehead),
and we will be expected to worship the image of the beast! If we do either of
these things, we will be tormented with fire and burning sulphur forever and ever!
See Revelation 13:15-17, 14:9-11, 20:4. This mark will be necessary to live as before
(buying and selling, etc.) … so we need to be well prepared with food, water, etc.