ECT Do all Madist believe the Apostle Paul is God ?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Got ya, like your dates of non-service and your non-existent M.O.S. .

The truth is, in fought side by side with Duke Wayne at, "The Sands of Iwo Jima" and I'm "The Man who Shot Liberty Valance." Keep that to yourself. Like I said: It's classified information. :rotfl:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Take a minute to read Acts chapter 15 the big meeting in Jerusalem.
Paul is never referred to as an Apostle at the meeting. Only the Jerusalem apostles are referred to as apostles.
In fact, IMO, a careful reading will preclude Paul from being an apostle in the eyes of the Jerusalem apostles.
According to Scripture Paul does not qualify to be an apostle.

Acts chapter 1
21 Therefore it is necessary that of the men who have accompanied us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us— 22 beginning with the baptism of John until the day that He was taken up from us—one of these must become a witness with us of His resurrection.” 23 So they put forward two men, Joseph called Barsabbas (who was also called Justus), and Matthias. 24 And they prayed and said, “You, Lord, who know the hearts of all men, show which one of these two You have chosen 25 to occupy this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place.” 26 And they drew lots for them, and the lot fell to Matthias; and he was added to the eleven apostles.

Matthias is chosen to be an apostle to replace Judas, and he meets the qualifications. ""Therefore it is necessary that of the men who have accompanied us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us— 22 beginning with the baptism of John until the day that He was taken up from us""
Unfortunately Paul was not with Jesus and cannot be an apostle.
Paul can't be an apostle to Israel; which is fine since he never says he is, and neither does anyone else in the Bible.

There is no foundation stone in New Jerusalem for Paul.
Rev 21:14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundation stones, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
There's a reason for that.

Dan P YOU display NONE of the fruits of the Spirit so I bid you ado !


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
While you are merely being Andy to GM's fraud of a Barney.

You ought to quit coddling him.

He does not need "a friend," he needs to be told the truth about himself.

It is costing him the reward of his inheritance.

You...ought to know that...friend.

I have no interest in fighting with other members of the Body.
I would rather expose the wicked doctrines of LA and share the gospel of Christ.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The odd thing is, Danoh claims I'm a fraudulent MAD. I've asked him to list the things he uses to discredit me and all I hear is a "Cricket Choir?" He makes unfounded accusations. My basic belief is that there were two separate "Messages" being preached after Christ had left the earth to sit down at the right hand of the Father. They were: The Kingdom Message which Christ and then, His Disciples preached to the members of the House of Israel. Then, the "Grace Message" that was given to Paul by the Ascended Lord Jesus Christ, to preach to the Gentiles. Today, we're living in what Paul calls "The Dispensation of the Grace of God." The ONLY Gospel being preached should be "The Grace Gospel", as was given to Paul. It includes both Jew and Gentle alike.

Danoh refuses to tell me where I'm going wrong on this issue? Yet, he calls me a "MAD Fraud?" Would a MAD representative tell me where I'm being off the beaten path? I attended a Non-Denominational, Christ centered, Bible believing, MAD Church since 1962. That's over 50 years. I'm not asking to receive validation. I already know what and why I believe. I just want to hear some opinions from fellow MADs. Not from Danoh and his ilk, unless he wants to explain where he "thinks" I'm going wrong?

In conclusion: "The surest way to failure, is to try and please EVERYONE."


New member
How is it you use the word stupid to describe others, but take offense when it is used to describe you?

A bit duplicitous on your side.

I don't care what I am called as long as I am not called late for dinner.

Danoh, I just do not believe it is Christ like to belittle folks just to belittle them. If scriptural correction is involved and one has a redemptive motivation they are following then all is good.


New member
Obviously the mads don't believe Paul is God in theory, but they all follow what they think is him, and what they think he taught.
When people (like dan) make stupid controversial statements, they're then left to try and sort out the mess they created.

Some funny posts in this thread.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Obviously the mads don't believe Paul is God in theory, but they all follow what they think is him, and what they think he taught.
When people (like dan) make stupid controversial statements, they're then left to try and sort out the mess they created.

Some funny posts in this thread.

This thread demonstrates that we are all human and all have egocentric fallen natures.


Well-known member
This thread demonstrates that we are all human and all have egocentric fallen natures.

Hi and I can speak for myself !!

In John 8:58 , that verse in which these word , Before Abraham was I AM !!

Look at the Greek words used here in John I is EGO and AM is EIMI the same words used of PAUL in Rom 11:13 reads I AM the Apostles of the Gentiles !!

It just proves the Authority that Paul have , Like to turn any one to SATAN for the Destruction of there flesh . and the Authority to preach the message of Grace are just a few and revel that I AM a dispensationalist !!

What you folks do not see , is that we are " in Christ , so we a part of the GREAT I AM !!

dan p

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Obviously the mads don't believe Paul is God in theory, but they all follow what they think is him, and what they think he taught.
When people (like dan) make stupid controversial statements, they're then left to try and sort out the mess they created.

Some funny posts in this thread.

Andy, you wish you were as smart as you imagine yourself to be. Good for you. That shows some real initiative. Perhaps someday you'll be able to go from "Zero" (Where you are now) to twenty or even thirty on the IQ scale?


New member
Hi and I can speak for myself !!

In John 8:58 , that verse in which these word , Before Abraham was I AM !!

Look at the Greek words used here in John I is EGO and AM is EIMI the same words used of PAUL in Rom 11:13 reads I AM the Apostles of the Gentiles !!

It just proves the Authority that Paul have , Like to turn any one to SATAN for the Destruction of there flesh . and the Authority to preach the message of Grace are just a few and revel that I AM a dispensationalist !!

What you folks do not see , is that we are " in Christ , so we a part of the GREAT I AM !!

dan p

This is a classic case of someone trying to teach what they're trying to understand.

What makes John 8:58 so significant is whether or not Jesus was claiming the title expressed in Ex 3:14 as it is written in the Septuagint. Ego eimi does mean "I am", but it's use and meaning is dependent on context.

For Jesus to say "before Abraham was I am", is a claim to be self existent. In effect, Jesus was saying, "I am the same now as I was before Abraham". No beginning and no end. Paul wasn't saying anything like this LOL