ECT Disposing of a MAD list


Well-known member
Hey, Interplanner, what church or denomination are you affiliated with?

I doubt if there is one. It used to be a community church. My master's thesis started on the relation between Luke-Acts and the revolt. I don't know any church that teaches what I think as a church or demonination. I do know a few writers which do.


Well-known member
True. Interplanner lacks Spiritual discernment and common sense. His words are so much fluff. Wisdom is not present with Interplanner.

If it is Christocentric, then it is I Cor 1:30.

What's fluff about the string of passages I just mentioned. I list them frequently because I find them to be the largest passages that explain the largest themes of the Bible. In D'ism you have bits and pieces explained by the leading D'ists. The main bits and pieces are Mt 23's 'until you also say, blessed is he...' and Rom 11's 'all Israel will be saved.' and of course, Ezek 38-39. Gosh how would we really know the NT without that!

God's Truth

New member
Found in the thread on I Tim 6 and MAD:
(It has taken about 2 years to find this after asking Danoh, for one, to do so).

Basic teachings of Mid Acts Dispensational right division
– Jesus, in his earthly ministry, ministered to the circumcision. (Rom 15:8, see here)
– [bold]The mystery of Christ was first revealed to Paul[/bold] (Col 1:25-26, 1 Tim 1:16, and here)
– Prophecy and mystery are different (Acts 3:19-21 vs Rom 16:25)
– Peter and Paul taught different messages (Peter prophecy, and Paul mystery: See here)
– Prophecy has been interrupted. (See here)
– The gospel of the kingdom is not the gospel of the grace of God (See here and here)
– Israel’s Church and the Church, the body of Christ, are different. (See here)

Jesus was ministering in Israel.
He made several indications of reaching out to the nations, though. He trained 82 guys for mission work, leveraging them with his 1st rule: pray to the Lord of the Harvest for more workers. So if they each reached just 2 more guys, thats 246 by the time things were rocking on the day of Pentecost, where 'every nation under heaven were there.' Get the idea. MAD is mad. Acts is about the true purpose of that generation of Israel to be found in Christ himself, to be a light to the nations, as Christ was.

the Mystery of Christ
The only people this was a mystery to was Judaism. Because of their Replacement theology (Gal 3:17), they thought the expansion to the nations was to take place through the law. It was instead to happen through the Gospel, Eph 3:5. The mystery was not an interjection of an unknown work of God out of nowhere. The OT was full of it in the prophets. But it wasn't to be by spreading the Law's ceremonial and dietary rules.

Prophecy vs Mystery
Well, they can't be too different when it is what the prophets mentioned so much. Judaism imagined Judaism all over the planet and started on that. Christ was unimpressed, says Mt 23. It was actually a spread of the Pharisee mentality. No thanks. I detect a bit of 2P2P here, but more on that later.

Peter vs Paul
(sniffs) More 2P2P. Nonsense. They have the same message when Acts 2, 3, 13 are compared--about justification, about Abraham's promises, about what Israel is supposed to be.

Prophecy interrupted.
(Pewwwwww!!! 2P2P!!!) Right: 483 followed by 2000+ followed by 484. yeah, all the time. I simply do not understand how the Bretheren so thoroughly scrubbed the Christian world of the knowledge of the DofJ, but it was so gone by the time the Brethren went to work on Darby's system, it is unbelievable. The DofJ--the best attested ancient calamity and siege in which 1.5M perished--is like gone when the D'ists go to work. Raptured! The proper title for this paragraph should be "History Interrupted."

Two Gospels
(vomits). All based on the simplest of grammatical errors about Gal 2 WHEN THE WHOLE CHAPTER IS ABOUT AVOIDING OTHER GOSPELS ON DANGER OF PAUL'S ANATHEMAS!!! Only D'ism can make people reshuffle Biblical doctrine like this. Like Mormonism. And then, as though we didn't have the account of Acts in the Bible, Peter gets confronted 3 times for what he's doing! So out of touch that even today, I have had 'Messianic Jews' tell me they could not fellowship with me unless I agreed that Peter went to the Gentile homes there in Acts 9, but DID NOT EAT THE FOOD WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT THE VISION IS ABOUT!!! (vomits 2P2P all over)

One Body
(NDEs). It's interesting to note that in Galatians, the term 'hairesie' (heresy) is not originally a doctrinal word. It means to divide. The flesh divides. The flesh doesn't just divide into two. That's not nearly enough. Why waste a crisis? Really divide when you can. MAD is flesh. It is poorly educated, uninspired, over-cautious human thinking. (More NDEs)

This one scripture disposes of the MAD teachings:

Matthew 24:15 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

Jesus' words are for everyone.

He came first for those who already belonged to God by faith.

Then when he was crucified, all could come to him.

None of his words died with him.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I doubt if there is one. It used to be a community church. My master's thesis started on the relation between Luke-Acts and the revolt. I don't know any church that teaches what I think as a church or demonination. I do know a few writers which do.

What church or denomination do you cling to now? The other one you mentioned was past tense.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This one scripture disposes of the MAD teachings:

Matthew 24:15 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

Jesus' words are for everyone.

He came first for those who already belonged to God by faith.

Then when he was crucified, all could come to him.

None of his words died with him.

When you're wrong, you're wrong GT. And, you're wrong. That verse doesn't dispose of MAD.

God's Truth

New member
Even Paul taught what was taught when Jesus walked the earth.

They confessed their sins and proved they stopped sinning.

John the baptizer prepared the way for Jesus. He came preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins (Luke 1:76-80).

We are still to confess that we are sinners, and to repent, to prepare the way for Jesus Christ into our lives.

Acts 20:21 I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus.

Acts 26:20 First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and to the Gentiles also, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds.

Matthew 3:8
Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.

Luke 3:8
Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.

Acts 3:19
Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,


"MAD" people believe the Bible.

MADist pervert the Bible in an attempt to make the Bible fit the false teachings of Darby, Scofield, Chafer, Anderson, Bullinger Stam, O'hair, etc.

IOW, you believe the Bible says what the aforementioned men tell you it says.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
MADist pervert the Bible in an attempt to make the Bible fit the false teachings of Darby, Scofield, Chafer, Anderson, Bullinger Stam, O'hair, etc.

IOW, you believe the Bible says what the aforementioned men tell you it says.

AD 70-ists/Preterists pervert the Bible in an attempt to make the Bible fit the false teachings of Russell, Josephus, Gentry, DeMars, Dennis, Sproul, Hanegraaf, etc

IOW, you believe the Bible says what the aforementioned men tell you it says.

Why do you follow the teachings/inventions of "fallable men," sweetie boy?

See how that works, loser?


New member
I doubt if there is one. It used to be a community church. My master's thesis started on the relation between Luke-Acts and the revolt. I don't know any church that teaches what I think as a church or demonination. I do know a few writers which do.

Well, Lukan historian; now that you have me on ignore you get to skirt the issue of whether Luke was right or wrong in Acts 12 as to whether it was actually Herod and not Agrippa :chuckle:


Well-known member
Many names of figures like this are thrown too loosely to chase down for us without tools such as found in the British museum.