God's Truth
New member
If you "don't" make a SCIENCE out of it?Why so much confusion? Because D'ism introduced propositions that are confusing and imposed them on the Bible and said this is the 'true' way to read the Bible. If you mix the time frames of Mt24A and B, there is nothing but confusion. If you start from 2P2P, there is nothing but confusion. If you don't make a science out of how the NT quotes the OT, then there is nothing but confusion when you use the OT.
Don't make a science out of it and you should go against them with only a sword and not with the methods they use.
The sword of the Spirit is the word of God; see Ephesians 6:17
The earthly sword of those who have no understanding is a literal sword that can cut, and it is also man made doctrines by those who study man's ideas.
The sword of the Spirit is the word of God, it is the Holy Spirit, and understanding is given to those who obey, for they are the ones Jesus gives understanding to...the only ones he gives the sword to.
I see what you mean, but think about this, those in the truth were even more attacked...they were the poor, the under educated (according to those breaking windows).To their credit, the Brethren that started D'ism weren't just doctrinaire theologians. They had the 3-century-running problem of Protestant vs Catholic tension to deal with. I'm not going to say for them that they shouldn't have been so susceptible to what D'ism proposed. I've never had to grow up in or live in raw theological tension where windows of homes are broken by opponents, etc., on a daily basis.
We who are in the truth have an assault against our souls every day, those who speak God's Truth. We are assaulted even when they only think of us in remembrance.
Look at what you are doing, you are hanging on to those who also followed the teaching of men. You are hanging onto those who studied in colleges...Luther did not go far enough with his corrections for himself, and for the Catholic religion, because he was still hanging onto the teachings of his college time and what Augustine and Augustus taught.
If you have no background in this, check a few histories or a few movies about the Elizabethan era of England, and then realize how many millions of people grew up in this tension from the 16th to the 18th centuries.
In my early debate life, I was almost drawn to such studies, but I am glad that I did not do such a thing, for I would probably have so much false information put in my head that I would no longer be able to hear the Truth, and I would once again have to repent for following false doctrines and teachers.