Correct, but somehow you add to it by claiming the Disciples meant when He was coming to planet earth.
No they weren't.
They asked Him "what shall be the sign of thy coming". Nothing about planet earth in the question.
Let's look at a similar verse:
(Isaiah 19:1) See, the Lord rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt.....
In the above prophecy, the Lord neither literally rode a literal cloud, nor literally went into Egypt.
That's the same language found in Matt 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13
The Isaiah prophecy was fulfilled when the Assyrian army invaded Egypt.
The Matt 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 prophecies were fulfilled when the Roman army destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD.
Both prophecies speak of coming on clouds
No it doesn't Jerry.
There is nothing in the above verse that even hints of Christ Jesus coming to planet earth.
Just like the Lord did not literally come to Egypt, Christ Jesus literally didn't come to planet earth despite both prophecies saying the Lord was coming, yet both prophecies were fulfilled.
Again Jerry, there is nothing about planet earth in any of the verses. In fact, you won't find one verse in the NT that remotely says a thing about Christ Jesus coming back to planet earth, a third temple, or any of the other nonsense Darby said is going to happen in the future.
I have shown you that the language found in Isaiah 19:1 is the same language found in the NT prophecies about the Lord coming on clouds.
Instead of learning from the symbolism found in the OT, you have chosen to believe Darby instead.