Wow Red. Some of your latest comments are mind-boggling. I don't think Eggo could make ANYTHING that waffles more than you do!
You seem to take one position and then you seem to take another. You contradict yourself at practically every turn, and you have no clue you are doing it. I really do pity you in a way, except you have chosen to be this way because you reject clear teachings in the Scriptures for your own interpretations and views.
Turbo has done a brilliant job bringing all of this out, and I think should be commended for his level-headedness. It takes someone with a level head to discuss issues with Red and stay on topic.
Wow pastor, it takes so much intelligence to poke criticism without giving even a single example as to where I've supposedly contradicted myself, and as for 'waffling' you're not exactly a stranger to long winded posts yourself, you've done a fine job of it in this one too because you've rambled on and said absolutely nothing specific whatsoever....
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