So far on here, you seem to be the only person not going crazy. Thank you!
Everybody goes a little crazy now and then. I have my moments.
And, as silly as it is, how can you NOT get straight answers? It's a simple question. Do people not know it? Or are they afraid they'll offend someone?
Three main possibilities, based on my years of asking the question here.
1) They are sincere but unsaved religious people who indeed don't know it and don't want to admit they don't know...they've honestly never thought about it but are locked in to whatever their church tells them.
2) They're trolls...mobies...fakes...they don't know it but don't want to tip their hand, so they say nothing.
3) They're one of various brands of cultists who, if they admit what they believe they must do (are doing) to be saved, it will give them away and mark them for what they are, shutting them out from conversation with many. They love attention more than truth, so they resist saying anything revealing for as long as possible.
Those are the three main reasons, I think. But I will say that everyone who knows and believes the saving Gospel of grace won't fail to share it immediately when asked.
An example: God's Truth claims to be ex-Catholic and may be ex-Catholic but still has a lot of doctrine in line with Rome.
A few weeks ago she said she was already seated with Christ in heaven, something only a saved person who believes the Gospel of grace could say.
One of our elder ladies, Tambora or Glordaz, asked GT if she could ever lose that seat.
GT refused to answer.
What would you make of that?