Disagree but respect


New member
Thank you. I don't often get direct answers to that question.

On TOL, you will. It's just a matter of time.
So far on here, you seem to be the only person not going crazy. Thank you!

And, as silly as it is, how can you NOT get straight answers? It's a simple question. Do people not know it? Or are they afraid they'll offend someone?

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Well-known member
So far on here, you seem to be the only person not going crazy. Thank you!

Everybody goes a little crazy now and then. I have my moments.

And, as silly as it is, how can you NOT get straight answers? It's a simple question. Do people not know it? Or are they afraid they'll offend someone?

Three main possibilities, based on my years of asking the question here.

1) They are sincere but unsaved religious people who indeed don't know it and don't want to admit they don't know...they've honestly never thought about it but are locked in to whatever their church tells them.

2) They're trolls...mobies...fakes...they don't know it but don't want to tip their hand, so they say nothing.

3) They're one of various brands of cultists who, if they admit what they believe they must do (are doing) to be saved, it will give them away and mark them for what they are, shutting them out from conversation with many. They love attention more than truth, so they resist saying anything revealing for as long as possible.

Those are the three main reasons, I think. But I will say that everyone who knows and believes the saving Gospel of grace won't fail to share it immediately when asked.

An example: God's Truth claims to be ex-Catholic and may be ex-Catholic but still has a lot of doctrine in line with Rome.

A few weeks ago she said she was already seated with Christ in heaven, something only a saved person who believes the Gospel of grace could say.

One of our elder ladies, Tambora or Glordaz, asked GT if she could ever lose that seat.

GT refused to answer.

What would you make of that?


Ok, first of all, you are now attacking me, and this is what I meant in the first place.

You don't know me, you don't know my heart, so how can you sit there and tell me I'm not taking His teachings seriously?

Tell me then, what are Jesus' teachings? What do you believe? You tell me, how does one get to Heaven?

I know my beliefs and I know where I stand. What I don't know, really, is what you're referring to.

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I am sorry you are feeling attacked.

I am giving you my perspectives of what I see in general.

Jesus' messages are mostly inphasizing to produce fruit.

He also says we will not inheite eternal life if we are not born again.

If we are born again, we will produce godly fruit.

My claim is based to what Jesus says about condition of salvation.

and OP is showing she is on right track.

she is making point of producing fruit.

That's what I am talking about which is taken lightly in most churches.

You can see from their condition of being a Christian, if you don't agree with their doctrine which is not anything to do with producing fruit.

I am talking about the whole picture of what is going on.


So far on here, you seem to be the only person not going crazy. Thank you!

And, as silly as it is, how can you NOT get straight answers? It's a simple question. Do people not know it? Or are they afraid they'll offend someone?

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If you want to know what is going on, you can go to this thread :"another wolf is marked..."


Marhig is clearly producing godly fruit with her interaction with other Christians even with her persecutors.

But she is marked as "wolf" and many other malicious names.

And not too many Christians here have any problem about it.


New member
I could say a lot of things to not answering a very simple yes or no question.

*Like you said, looking for attention.
*Doesn't actually know if you can lose salvation or not.
*just wants to stir the pot.

My personal response, if I were to meet this person out in public, would be to no longer take anything that they say seriously because they can't answer a simple question.

I do find, however, that many people who aren't Christians know the Bible better than most Christians, they just don't believe it. I wondered if maybe that was the case, as I was informed by God's Truth that my beliefs were false teachings.

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Well-known member
I could say a lot of things to not answering a very simple yes or no question.

*Like you said, looking for attention.
*Doesn't actually know if you can lose salvation or not.
*just wants to stir the pot.

My personal response, if I were to meet this person out in public, would be to no longer take anything that they say seriously because they can't answer a simple question.

EXACTLY. Which is why I consider such people to be deceptive. They'll still try to bait you into discussion on any of a hundred other topics but on THAT ONE QUESTION, they avoid telling you anything of substance. Deceptive. No other word for it and some of us on TOL call them on it.

I do find, however, that many people who aren't Christians know the Bible better than most Christians, they just don't believe it. I wondered if maybe that was the case, as I was informed by God's Truth that my beliefs were false teachings.

What was it she took issue with? I don't follow most threads closely; not enough time.


New member
Oh, I personally, lean more toward Calvinistic views. I know most ppl don't so I don't bring it up. She flat out said it was false teachings. Um...no, it's not. And here's where I fell over....(lol, insert pic here...)

What the what???

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Well-known member
Oh, I personally, lean more toward Calvinistic views. I know most ppl don't so I don't bring it up. She flat out said it was false teachings. Um...no, it's not. And here's where I fell over....(lol, insert pic here...)

What the what???

For the record, I'm an ex-Calvinist, dead set against it now.

Not sure where GT falls...Oneness pentecostal or unitarian or something, I dunno. Don't think she's ever said, even though she's been asked. Plays her cards close to the vest. Others, old timers, say she was here before me under at least one other name but got spotted pretty quick. She's repetitive.


New member
For the record, I'm an ex-Calvinist, dead set against it now.

Not sure where GT falls...Oneness pentecostal or unitarian or something, I dunno. Don't think she's ever said, even though she's been asked. Plays her cards close to the vest. Others, old timers, say she was here before me under at least one other name but got spotted pretty quick. She's repetitive.
See, this is what I was trying to get across, but now that I know some background, I see it was pointless...and if i could figure out how to quote like you do, on this app, i would...ugh.

I lean toward Calvinism. You don't. That doesn't make us enemies, and that most def doesn't mean one of us is saved and one isnt. These are the conversations and debates between mature Christians. I'm thinking she's not...

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Well-known member
See, this is what I was trying to get across, but now that I know some background, I see it was pointless...and if i could figure out how to quote like you do, on this app, i would...ugh.

I'm usually here on laptop. When using the phone, I don't have the app, I just log in through a browser. Tried the app way back, didn't like it, never went back.

I lean toward Calvinism. You don't. That doesn't make us enemies, and that most def doesn't mean one of us is saved and one isnt.

Well...it can, depending on exactly what version of Refomed-ish gospel someone is believing. Lordship Salvation, for example. But we don't need to get into it now.

These are the conversations and debates between mature Christians. I'm thinking she's not...

She's not. The false gospel according to GT, in a nutshell: the believer is saved not in the here and now, but eventually and ONLY through the continued work of constant repentance for all sin. Don't repent enough, go to Hell.

IOW, confessional salvation. Exactly like the Catholic false gospel, except without the priest.

God's Truth

New member
He called people fools, wicked and dogs. He's going wipe out armies with His Word, judge the earth and see people cast into the Lake of Fire.

People read mercy and grace into this incident when it wasn't really about that. It was about a legal technicality. Christ didn't let her off the hook just because of mercy and kindness. That is a common lie that needs to die.

The Law - which He upheld TO THE LETTER - demanded witnesses AND that the guilty man be brought forth as well. The pharisees did not bring forth the man, only her. It was a stupid, clumsy trap -- but had He condemned her as the Pharisees wanted, He would have broken the Law Himself. That's why He didn't condemn her. But He did tell her not to do it again.

Back to my original point, which you tried to dodge. If people here are guilty for telling others to repent (which actually means "change your mind"), why was Christ not guilty for doing the same? Can you answer this honestly?

No, your verbal abuse is not like Jesus and Paul.


New member
She's not. The false gospel according to GT, in a nutshell: the believer is saved not in the here and now, but eventually through the continue work of continued repentance for all sin. Don't repent enough, go to Hell.

That sounds like a terrible way to live. If that's the case, no one would go to Heaven.

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Well-known member
That sounds like a terrible way to live. If that's the case, no one would go to Heaven.

Which is why every slave to a false gospel, no matter what label they wear, HATES the idea of unconditional eternal security in Christ like they hate nothing else. And they HATE those who stand on it with a particular passion. They hate even the idea that someone can be 100% sure and settled on something they've been told they have to work their whole life to get...and even then they won't know if they made it until after they're dead, at which point they can't fix it if they didn't measure up.