You cannot prove Neandertals were human but they may have been in spite of the fact that nobody can prove they were.Again, Neanderthals were humans. Why do you believe otherwise?
You cannot prove Neandertals were human but they may have been in spite of the fact that nobody can prove they were.Again, Neanderthals were humans. Why do you believe otherwise?
How do I get that? From your own words.How did you get that? I believe everything the Bible says but do not automatically swallow everything others interpret from the Bible that the Bible does not say.
They were human or not. I believe that there is adequate evidence that they were human.You cannot prove Neandertals were human but they may have been in spite of the fact that nobody can prove they were.
I never claimed God told me to contradict His Word. Just because I disagree with some who think God said things He did not say does not mean I have a disagreement with God.Howood. Nothing that you are pushing agrees with the Bible.
I find your claim that God is telling you to contradict His word very far fetched indeed. Jesus said, A house divided against itself it cannot stand. And your ideas in this area contradict the word of God very plainly.
How do you know that Nimrod was the leader at that time?The flood and the break up of the one world government of Nimrod at the tower of Babel...
Did you even read your articles?Of course speculators continue to claim Neandertals and humans interbred, but there is no proof they did. In fact, the evidence shows it is unlikely they did interbreed.
Yes, I have read the science reports I posted.Did you even read your articles?
So we don't have apes/monkeys in our ancestry?
I thought that you agreed with "the theory of evolution" as claimed by "the facts of modern science".
Sorry, but we do and we are apes
You might, but I certainly don't.
You might be. I'm human, not an ape.
Are you suggesting there are different kinds of Homo sapiens? How do you distinguish between them?
No. I'm insulting you to your face.
There is only one "kind" of human.
Apes are a different kind of creature altogether.
Even Neandertal is closer genetically to modern humans, than a chimpanzee is to another chimp, and those are supposed to be closely related to humans, according to evolutionary scientists. In other words, Neandertals were human, too, not some evolutionary precursor to humans.
My family is all humans. Perhaps yours is not.
My "original" parents are one man and one woman. Guess their names....
Oh cool we get to insult each other like 5th graders?
Neanderthal were same genus and apparently interbred with H sapiens.
And one would expect, since they interbred and lived with modern humans within the last 50,000 years,
there genome would be closer [to] ours than chimps whose last common ancestor with Homo was 7 million years ago.
No, we do it like adults. Much similar to the way that our Lord did it while He was on earth.
Firstly, they were all humans and not apes.
Secondly, 7 million years ago is a myth.
This has all been off topic for this thread. There are some places where we can and have discussed this topic. @JudgeRightly do you have a suggested forum?
Citation for the chimp genome reference
Read it. Okay Neanderthal and humans same species. So what? They lived together until 40-50000 years ago,Linked on the kgov article
You have done a lot of thinking about all of this, but I suspect you may be missing some key points. One, you mention an ice age. If the earth's tilt created an ice age, then why are we not still in an ice age? There was no 'snowball earth' universal ice age after the flood. Before the flood the Arctic region was temperate, but the temperature change was almost instantaneous as soon as heaven opened, and the waters fell at the outset of the flood. Tropical forests at the Arctic Circle were flatted by massive flood waters which froze solid almost entirely from then until now.How do I get that? From your own words.
1. If you believed the word of God you would know the only race of people God created is the human race. You obviously do not.
2. You would also know that there is only 1 DNA source for all humans. Adam and Eve.
3. If you believed in the flood you would know this is also a choke point for human DNA. Only 8 people survived the flood: Noah, his three sons, and their wives. There was no other human DNA on earth.
4. If you believed the Bible you would know that God disrupted the building of Babel to scatter the people all across the world.
5. You would also know that the flood was so violent an event that it broke up the earth's surface for God certainly didn't create the earth in the faulty condition it was found after the flood.
6. It was so broken up that even the environment had greatly changed.
7. The earth was tilted on it's access after the flood and that created an ice age because of the angle of the tilt changed the angles the sunlight entered the polar regions creating a major cooling at the poles. We know from other cold spells on the earth that as far south as France it was constant winter. Any of the post deluvians living there would be forced to live underground to keep from freezing. As it was most likely a small group they were forced to intermarry as they couldn't bring in any other dna from intermarrying with other groups.
8. You take the word of evolutionists over the word of God. That is not an exhibition of faith.
Do I have some speculation in this? Of course. But, it fits with the Biblical narrative of creation, the flood, the tower of Babel and the condition of the earth after the flood. Nothing that you are pushing agrees with the Bible.
I find your claim that God is telling you to contradict His word very far fetched indeed. Jesus said, A house divided against itself it cannot stand. And your ideas in this area contradict the word of God very plainly.
The problem scientists are having is finding evidence of DNA linking modern humans and Neanderthals. I don't believe the science has been irrefutably settled on this issue.Again, Neandertals were human beings.
The problem scientists are having is finding evidence of DNA linking modern humans and Neanderthals. I don't believe the science has been irrefutably settled on this issue.
Humans and Neanderthals had sex, but not very often
Tens of thousands of years ago, our ancestors spread across the world, having sex with Neanderthals, Denisovans and other groups of ancient humans as they went. Today, our genes testify to these prehistoric liaisons. Last year, when the Neanderthal genome was finally sequenced, it emerged
To an extent, these are caricatured versions of the two models, and there are subtler variants of each. Still, early evidence seemed to support the extreme Out of Africa version. When scientists sequenced the mitochondrial genome of Neanderthals (a small secondary set of genes set apart from the main pack), they found no evidence that any of these sequences had invaded the modern human genome. The conclusion: Neanderthals and humans never bred.
The full Neanderthal genome disproved that idea, but it also shifted the question from whether humans had sex with Neanderthals to just how much sex they had. As I mentioned in New Scientist earlier this year, modern humans were spreading into areas where Neanderthals existed. “It doesn’t necessarily take a lot of sex for genes from a resident population to infiltrate the genomes of colonisers. When an incoming group mates with an established one, the genes they pick up quickly rise to prominence as their population grows.”