fool said:straw men are fun
let me see if I can make one
if I put the population of people on the earth
into my calculator and devide by two
as in a world wide coin toss tournament
I come up with the winner having won 33 coin tosses in a row
and what's more amazing is that the person he won the last one against had won 32 in a row!
what are the odds?!?!?
so here's what you can do at home
you and your buddy toss coins by your selves until you have both beat the coin 32 times in a row and the play each other
see how many tries it takes you and let us know
and by the way please ignore the fact that there will be winners
please ignore the fact that the winners prove that it is possible
just cocentrate on the coins flipping
isn't anyone going to burn my strawman?