Despising the Blood of Christ !


Well-known member
Those whose sins Christ died for 1 Cor. 15:3, definitely included the sin of unbelief.
So they can't be condemned for it as those slaves of unbelief in John 3:18.

Absolutely correct. In fact those sinners Christ died for are even reconciled to God by His Death while they are enemies under the power of unbelief Rom 5:10 !


Well-known member
Absolutely correct. In fact those sinners Christ died for are even reconciled to God by His Death while they are enemies under the power of unbelief Rom 5:10 !

Amen, so in contrast, those unbelievers not reconciled to God by the Death of His Son can't be anyone Christ died for: Permanently remaining under His Wrath. That's how we know that Christ didn't die for all men without exception:

Rev. 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


Eclectic Theosophist
Only the Spirit gives life,.......material blood only gives the flesh life........

Only the Spirit gives life,.......material blood only gives the flesh life........

Many in mans religion today despise the Blood/Death of Christ by refusing to acknowdge Saving, Converting Power. Its as Paul wrote here 2 Tim 3:5

5 [FONT=&]Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

They deny the Power of the Blood of Christ,which is the Blood of the Testament/Covenant Matt 26:28

28 [FONT=&]For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

They deny the Power of the Blood #1 in that they dont acknowledge that regarding the Many it was shed for, they as a result have remission/forgiveness of sins !

And this is an vital aspect of Salvation, for John links Salvation and Remission/Forgivenss of sins together Lk 1:77

[FONT=&]To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,

Salvation comes in the remission of sins, which the Many have who Christ shed His Covenant Blood for.[/FONT]

Can you prove this is anything beyond just 'theoritical' and 'conceptual'? Does any blood, animal or human have any power to cleanse your conscience? Can any spattering of blood make you repent? Does blood have any magical power to wash your soul? These are figurative terms, symbols, emblems, tokens if you will, having deeper esoteric meaning.

See: Atonement without blood according to freelight

There are different atonement models you know, and in the gospel of John, Jesus insists you drink his blood! Again, a metaphor for the life giving spirit, spiritual food and drink. Until your life is actually transformed by the Spirit, and you are actually a new creation, via the new birth,...there is no changed reality in your life. All else is allegory :)

You can have all the bloodshed you like (I would actually question such a 'god' who demands bloodshed),....apart from genuine repentance it profits nothing. No animal or man can cleans your sins, YOU are responsble for your own sins, and your own salvation. That might hurt your precious theology, but there you have it (and I speak of that ability and power God gives every soul in his own conscience, discernment and will, to use the opportunity of repentance to make atonement for one's sins by actually repenting of them, - what a novel concept). The taking of innocent life, either an animals or a man's violates certain ethical standards from the get go! to say nothing of its inefficacy to absolve sins. The symbolic value and conceptual understanding of various atonement models are considered in this equation of course, but a re-evaluation of the context and detailed implications here might be worth re-considering ;)