Denial? Well, no, not really...

The Barbarian

‘I Do Not Know Where It Came From’

Stephanie Clifford, the former pornographic-film actress known as Stormy Daniels, is not making life easy for the Trump administration. Just minutes after President Trump’s first State of the Union address ended Tuesday night, Ms. Clifford appeared on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!,” where she did not deny — or confirm — having an affair with Mr. Trump.

On Tuesday afternoon, a statement claiming to be from Stormy Daniels emerged that forcefully refuted all allegations of an affair. But on Mr. Kimmel’s show, Ms. Clifford strongly implied that she had not written that denial letter. (A lawyer for Mr. Trump had issued a separate letter signed by Ms. Daniels on Jan. 10 denying the affair. That letter was not in question here.)

Mr. Kimmel pointed out that the signature on the more recent statement did not appear to match her autograph on other documents. She agreed, saying, “It does not look like my signature.” He then asked where she thought the letter had come from. “I do not know where it came from,” she said. “It came from the internet.”


The Horn

If Obama had had a fling with a torn star and the news had come out early in his presidency , the conservative media , GOP politicians in congress, right-wing commentators such as Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck ,
evangelical Christian leaders et al would have gone apoplectic and would have furiously demanded his immediate resignation .
But Trump keeps getting "Mulligans" from the right, no matter what he has done or is doing Hypocrisy , thy name is conservatism .
Melania Trump posed for numerous nude photos some years before she married Trump , inlacing ones with simulated lesbian sex . Again, the silence on the part of the right was deafening .
And Pat Robertson ! even said it was so nice for Melania to have done this "because she's such" a beautiful lady " and women's bodies "are the work of God", or words to that effect .
If Michelle Obama had done the same thing before marrying Barack and the word had come out when he was running for his first term, the entire right in America would have called this "disgraceful and disgusting " and would have demanded Obama's immediate withdrawal from the presidential race in 2008 in disgrace .
Pot, meet kettle .

The Barbarian

If Michelle Obama had done the same thing before marrying Barack and the word had come out when he was running for his first term, the entire right in America would have called this "disgraceful and disgusting " and would have demanded Obama's immediate withdrawal from the presidential race in 2008 in disgrace .
Pot, meet kettle .

There's a difference here. For the center and the left, such behavior is inexcusable. For the right, it's perfectly normal.

So not exactly a level playing field.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If Obama had had a fling with a torn star and the news had come out early in his presidency , the conservative media , GOP politicians in congress, right-wing commentators such as Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck ,
evangelical Christian leaders et al would have gone apoplectic and would have furiously demanded his immediate resignation .
But Trump keeps getting "Mulligans" from the right, no matter what he has done or is doing Hypocrisy , thy name is conservatism .
Melania Trump posed for numerous nude photos some years before she married Trump , inlacing ones with simulated lesbian sex . Again, the silence on the part of the right was deafening .
And Pat Robertson ! even said it was so nice for Melania to have done this "because she's such" a beautiful lady " and women's bodies "are the work of God", or words to that effect .
If Michelle Obama had done the same thing before marrying Barack and the word had come out when he was running for his first term, the entire right in America would have called this "disgraceful and disgusting " and would have demanded Obama's immediate withdrawal from the presidential race in 2008 in disgrace .
Pot, meet kettle .

It's especially amusing as you don't get much more judgmental where it comes to illicit sex than far right religious zealots. Yet here they are still fawning over the current joke in the WH. You're quite right. If there'd been any sort of the same allegations etc against Obama they'd have been all over it. Probably still sticks in the craw that there isn't.

patrick jane

It's especially amusing as you don't get much more judgmental where it comes to illicit sex than far right religious zealots. Yet here they are still fawning over the current joke in the WH. You're quite right. If there'd been any sort of the same allegations etc against Obama they'd have been all over it. Probably still sticks in the craw that there isn't.
Yeah, we're all really upset that Obama didn't have a fling with a porn star.It just sticks in my craw. This is what the Trump haters are left with. Sex.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yeah, we're all really upset that Obama didn't have a fling with a porn star.It just sticks in my craw. This is what the Trump haters are left with. Sex.

You, personally, might well not be although you're sure keen enough to level unsubstantiated stuff at Biden where there doesn't appear to be any allegations or evidence of any sexual misconduct on his part, unless you've got any besides photographs at public events? The double standards are laughable.

patrick jane

You, personally, might well not be although you're sure keen enough to level unsubstantiated stuff at Biden where there doesn't appear to be any allegations or evidence of any sexual misconduct on his part, unless you've got any besides photographs at public events? The double standards are laughable.
The pics are available if you search creepy joe biden images. Who knows what he does in private?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The pics are available if you search creepy joe biden images. Who knows what he does in private?

Well of course pics of Biden are bloody available, you posted a bunch for a start. No evidence of sexual misconduct, no allegations made or evidence of it either unless you've got something else? With Trump there's shed loads, not least from his own gob, caught on tape. If you're gonna call Biden 'creepy' then objectively you need a stronger adjective for Don 'Chump'...

patrick jane

Well of course pics of Biden are bloody available, you posted a bunch for a start. No evidence of sexual misconduct, no allegations made or evidence of it either unless you've got something else? With Trump there's shed loads, not least from his own gob, caught on tape. If you're gonna call Biden 'creepy' then objectively you need a stronger adjective for Don 'Chump'...
Trump is no worse than JFK or Bill Clinton. Even Benjamin Franklin for that matter.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Trump is no worse than JFK or Bill Clinton. Even Benjamin Franklin for that matter.

Oh, there's no denying that presidents of old have had their fair share of sexual misconduct. The telling thing is is that when it's Trump it's not that big of a deal and he still reflects "conservative values"...

patrick jane

Oh, there's no denying that presidents of old have had their fair share of sexual misconduct. The telling thing is is that when it's Trump it's not that big of a deal and he still reflects "conservative values"...
I can separate abortion, gun rights, Christianity, freedom of speech, two genders and immigration reform from sex, just like the dems with Slick Willy and JFK.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I can separate abortion, gun rights, Christianity, freedom of speech, two genders and immigration reform from sex, just like the dems with Slick Willy and JFK.

Ironic that it's far right 'Christian zealots' who have the biggest preoccupation with sex and are the most judgmental where it comes to the likes of homosexuality, pornography, adultery, sex outside marriage etc as reflected on here. Yet with Trump it's all 'hey, whatever'. That's the double standard. It's not as if opposition to Trump is solely based on the sordid things he's said and the allegations against him either, far from it.


Hall of Fame
Ironic that it's far right 'Christian zealots' who have the biggest preoccupation with sex and are the most judgmental where it comes to the likes of homosexuality, pornography, adultery, sex outside marriage etc as reflected on here. Yet with Trump it's all 'hey, whatever'. That's the double standard. It's not as if opposition to Trump is solely based on the sordid things he's said and the allegations against him either, far from it.

Unfortunately, the least important transgression Trump has committed against the United States is his sexual immorality. Of course, everyone on the planet knows that he is dishonest, sexually immoral and too inept to hold the office of the presidency. It's his betrayal of the United States via his collusion with Russia that is unforgivable.