Demoncrats trying to get another "Assault weapon" ban passed

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Um, yeah. A handgun vs an army officer doing the bidding of a rogue president. I see the fairness in that. NOT!!!!

We are orders of magnitude more likely to see rogue citizens with automatic weapons than we are to see army officers doing the bidding of a rogue president.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Rogue citizens with automatic weapons happens right now. They disobey orders. Are you retarded or something? I mean really.....


Why presume when the answer is in the text?

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed

Militia =citizen army. Not the national guard or active. Congress regulates and the President is the commander. Those are not a militia.

being necessary to the security of a free state

A citizen army and the right to bear arms are necessary for the security of a free state. The left hates freedom and liberty.
Israel, which has been the subject of terrorist "attacks" for decades, takes the opposite approach to the availability of private firearms than their American counterparts.

Are we to believe that they "... hate freedom and liberty?"

Israel - 0.94 (2009) gun-related homicides per 100 000 population

America - 3.55 (2013) gun-related homicides per 100 000 population