Democrats Support Infanticide: Change My Mind

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Credo in Unum Deum
OBGYN Lawmaker on Failed Born-Alive Bill: ‘Nightmare’ Letting Newborns Die

Pro-life members of Congress and activists held a press conference on Tuesday to respond to the Senate’s failure to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, citing shock that it went down in a 53–44 vote, with only Democrats voting against it.

Two House members at the press conference were also obstetricians, who have spent a career helping women give birth to healthy babies.

“I could have never in my wildest, worst nightmares, dreamed that I would have to come up here one day and fight harder to protect newborn babies than I did as a physician,” Rep. Roger Marshall (R-KS) said. “In my wildest dreams, I would have never dreamed of an America where we didn’t value a human life.”

“It’s beyond me to think that that’s even possible,” Marshall said. “Call it infanticide. I call it murdering little babies.”

Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX), who is also an obstetrician, said it was hard to accept that aside from three Democrats — Sens. Bob Casey (PA), Doug Jones (AL), and Joe Manchin (WV) — the Senate was unable to muster the 60 votes needed to send the bill to President Donald Trump.

“We hear from the Democrats continually as they criticize our president. They’ll say, ‘That’s not who we are.’ Well, last night they showed us who they were,” Burgess said.

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Credo in Unum Deum
Going back Obama's days in the state legislature, Illinois legislation was put forward in 2001, 2002 and 2003 that required doctors to provide immediate life-saving care to any infant that survived an intended abortion. The legislation, which included multiple bills, specified that an infant surviving a planned abortion is "born alive" and "shall be fully recognized as a human person and accorded immediate protection under the law."

Obama did not vote for it.

So this goes all the way back then.

Recently, New York politicians put on such a disgusting display that one could only call it "Evil". They lit up the New York skyline pink when they passed a law allowing full grown babies to be aborted. Read:
NEW YORK, New York, January 23, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) directed that the One World Trade Center's spire be lit pink overnight on Tuesday to celebrate his signing of a law allowing abortions until birth in some cases, and letting non-doctors commit abortions. The law, the Reproductive Health Act, also erases the state’s recognition of preborn babies older than 24 weeks as potential homicide victims.

In Virginia, democrats put forth similar legislation. The governor actually said that a baby could be killed AFTER it was born.

VA governor isn't backing down from comments defending third-trimester abortion - 2019-02-01

Backlash grows against VA governor, delegate over late-term abortion bill - 2019-01-31

Other leftwing extremists have said that babies could be born long after birth. Granted they are the fringe, but they are out there, and they are Democrats (or worse).

So, I say: Democrats Support Infanticide: Change My Mind

Nothing has changed since this was posted.